Trump doing one of the many things he promised to do, and did...cutting back on fed land grabs


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Thank goodness.

"Liberals" don't care what the antiquities act of 1906 actually said or intended, which of course they wouldn't, since they aren't liberals, but communists...and they have devoted themselves to using it to unconstitutionally attach and restrict the use of public and private lands.

"....the entire process needs to be handed back to the control of Congress because too many presidents have abused the powers granted by the 1906 Antiquities Act, ignoring its instructions to keep such land grabs to the smallest footprint required to preserve specific things. I was relieved to see that the new Secretary of the Interior reflected many of the same concerns when he later addressed the matter.

None of those pesky facts about the law seem to have sunk in at the editorial board of the Washington Post. This week they decided to come out with another broadside against the President and in defense of the massive land grabs carried out by previous presidents of both parties under the auspices of that legislation. Showing a complete lack of self-awareness, they first cite the specific language of the act which states that the President should designate the smallest area compatible with proper care and management of the objects to be protected. They then follow that up by offering this as a defense of Obama’s most recent land seizures:

In fact, recent presidents have used the Antiquities Act ambitiously , but, for the most part, not in unprecedented ways. From the start, presidents used the act to preserve huge tracts of land. Teddy Roosevelt designated the Grand Canyon, at more than 800,000 acres, as a national monument. Franklin D. Roosevelt vastly expanded protected zones in the Grand Tetons . Jimmy Carter created the largest land-based national monument, 10.95 million acres in Alaska’s Wrangell-St. Elias National Monument…

Mr. Obama created more large monuments than any of his predecessors. He and President George W. Bush each set aside hundreds of millions acres, but their largest by far preserved big portions of Pacific Ocean habitat, which do not seem to be the object of Trump administration scrutiny.

This is tone deaf to an extraordinary degree. Showing how several previous presidents did something which is directly contrary to the stated purpose of the Antiquities Act does not mean that the practice should continue or that the previous acquisitions shouldn’t be under review. Just because Carter, Bush 43 and Obama did something incorrectly, that precedent doesn’t make it any better. As far as the debate about Teddy Roosevelt goes, one can at least argue that the Grand Canyon is “a thing.” Granted, it’s a gargantuan thing and it should probably be a national park rather than a monument also, but it’s still a thing.

Because of the hazy, vague nature of natural formations (as opposed to buildings or other structures created by man) in terms of their size, there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to rewrite the Antiquities Act to check the President’s power. With that in mind, I remain of the opinion that all of the current large tracts of land encompassing multiple types of terrain should be reevaluated by Congress, with appropriate “things” receiving the designation of monuments and the legislature voting on how much of the rest of the land should be turned over to the National Park Service, with the remainder being returned to the states. Each of them can best decide how much of that land should be protected, developed or opened up to private use.

Liberals don’t care what the 1906 Antiquities Act actually says - Hot Air
Well, trump did say he planned to take public land away from Americans and give it to big business. He said the same about private property and I have no doubt he will try to do that as well.

Damn fool RWNJs.
Yup, he wants to end the Antiquities Act and give public lands to private corporations and wealthy people.

That is the whole point of the republican party!!! Their mission is to give everything to the top 1% and turn us into a central American country that the rich have 90% of the wealth and 95% of the country is poorer then shit....Only then will they scream how America is great again!
Well, trump did say he planned to take public land away from Americans and give it to big business. He said the same about private property and I have no doubt he will try to do that as well.

Damn fool RWNJs.

Our congressmen ARE big business, and they are the ones who are benefiting from our public lands, and they are the ones who benefit from the restrictions on private lands. They use the government to roll over the little guys and they scoop all the resources and land for themselves and their good buddies.
Well, trump did say he planned to take public land away from Americans and give it to big business. He said the same about private property and I have no doubt he will try to do that as well.

Damn fool RWNJs.

Our congressmen ARE big business, and they are the ones who are benefiting from our public lands, and they are the ones who benefit from the restrictions on private lands. They use the government to roll over the little guys and they scoop all the resources and land for themselves and their good buddies.
Yeah, I want the Mohave desert reserve for a drug laced nudist colony..
He's only been in office a few months, give him time.

Wait until he gets going on the Wall…I’m sure Kosherdispshit will come up with all sorts of justifications for it.

Oh I love the wall. It's already been justified. That and this is why we elected him.

City dwellers need to wall themselves in, then blow themselves up.
Well, trump did say he planned to take public land away from Americans and give it to big business. He said the same about private property and I have no doubt he will try to do that as well.

Damn fool RWNJs.

Our congressmen ARE big business, and they are the ones who are benefiting from our public lands, and they are the ones who benefit from the restrictions on private lands. They use the government to roll over the little guys and they scoop all the resources and land for themselves and their good buddies.
Yeah, I want the Mohave desert reserve for a drug laced nudist colony..

All you have to do is convince the rest of your state. Good luck!
Well, trump did say he planned to take public land away from Americans and give it to big business. He said the same about private property and I have no doubt he will try to do that as well.

Damn fool RWNJs.

Our congressmen ARE big business, and they are the ones who are benefiting from our public lands, and they are the ones who benefit from the restrictions on private lands. They use the government to roll over the little guys and they scoop all the resources and land for themselves and their good buddies.
Yeah, I want the Mohave desert reserve for a drug laced nudist colony..

All you have to do is convince the rest of your state. Good luck!
It's my dream, so I'll start petitioning President Don and requesting the change of ownership..
Well, trump did say he planned to take public land away from Americans and give it to big business. He said the same about private property and I have no doubt he will try to do that as well.

Damn fool RWNJs.

Our congressmen ARE big business, and they are the ones who are benefiting from our public lands, and they are the ones who benefit from the restrictions on private lands. They use the government to roll over the little guys and they scoop all the resources and land for themselves and their good buddies.
Yeah, I want the Mohave desert reserve for a drug laced nudist colony..

All you have to do is convince the rest of your state. Good luck!
It's my dream, so I'll start petitioning President Don and requesting the change of ownership..

I think that's a fabulous idea!

I don't care who owns it really, as long as it isn't the federal government. I might even sign your petition.
Well, trump did say he planned to take public land away from Americans and give it to big business. He said the same about private property and I have no doubt he will try to do that as well.

Damn fool RWNJs.

Our congressmen ARE big business, and they are the ones who are benefiting from our public lands, and they are the ones who benefit from the restrictions on private lands. They use the government to roll over the little guys and they scoop all the resources and land for themselves and their good buddies.
What a fucked up liar you are. You have been campaigning to give the BLM and Forest Service lands to big business and foreigners ever since you started posting. They auction off the BLM land, it will not the ranchers that buy that land, it will be big business, the Chinese and the Saudi's. And then the ranchers will have to pay $20 per unit a month, instead of less than $1.50. And most will go broke, and sell out for pennies on the dollar to those same businesses and foreign investors. And we Citizens will no longer have access to those lands.

Now maybe your only ambition in the way of exploring your environment is to find bars you have not frequented before, but most of us in Oregon love the access to the BLM land in the high deserts, and the Forest Service land in the mountains.

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