Trump demands to know who put "Entering Crazytown USA" sign on Oval Office door


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump demanded on Friday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions investigate who put a sign reading “Entering Crazytown, U.S.A.” on the door to the Oval Office.

Trump reportedly noticed the sign for the first time Friday morning, and became enraged after asking Kellyanne Conway, the counsellor to the President, to read what it said to him.

According to White House insiders, determining the creator of the sign could prove difficult, because between seventy and a hundred White House staffers have been known to use the word “Crazytown” to describe their work environment.

“Whoever put that sign on my door has committed treason against the United States,” Trump told reporters, before turning away and revealing that someone had put a Post-it reading “President Stupidpants” on his back.​

Trump Demands to Know Who Put “Entering Crazytown” Sign on Oval Office Door
Stop huffing paint bed wetter. Once you feel Trump take that giant shit for free inside that skull of yours get to a hospital. Once they disagnose you with severe brain damage you'll get a SS check for free and then you can finish the last few brain cells with PB Blaster.



WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump demanded on Friday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions investigate who put a sign reading “Entering Crazytown, U.S.A.” on the door to the Oval Office.

Trump reportedly noticed the sign for the first time Friday morning, and became enraged after asking Kellyanne Conway, the counsellor to the President, to read what it said to him.

According to White House insiders, determining the creator of the sign could prove difficult, because between seventy and a hundred White House staffers have been known to use the word “Crazytown” to describe their work environment.

“Whoever put that sign on my door has committed treason against the United States,” Trump told reporters, before turning away and revealing that someone had put a Post-it reading “President Stupidpants” on his back.​

Trump Demands to Know Who Put “Entering Crazytown” Sign on Oval Office Door

Picture of the sign? No, just another fake news Dr. Glove story.
:abgg2q.jpg: You think we give a shit....

Trump and his economy~2020
That’s the problem – the reprehensible right doesn’t care that a reckless, irresponsible, incompetent, and unfit Trump occupies the Oval Office.

And like all good satire, it expresses a fundamental truth: the Trump misadministration is crazy town.

Let's face facts. Dr. Glove probably stuck the sign there if there even WAS one, on the door as he went by on a WH tour, then phoned it in. Where is a picture of this sign?

Trump reckless? How?
Trump irresponsible? How?
Trump incompetent? Where?
Trump unfit? Why?

It takes a lot more than empty claims and words, all of the scandal comes from the Left like a bunch of children that mess up your house then complain that you are a poor housekeeper.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump demanded on Friday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions investigate who put a sign reading “Entering Crazytown, U.S.A.” on the door to the Oval Office.

Trump reportedly noticed the sign for the first time Friday morning, and became enraged after asking Kellyanne Conway, the counsellor to the President, to read what it said to him.

According to White House insiders, determining the creator of the sign could prove difficult, because between seventy and a hundred White House staffers have been known to use the word “Crazytown” to describe their work environment.

“Whoever put that sign on my door has committed treason against the United States,” Trump told reporters, before turning away and revealing that someone had put a Post-it reading “President Stupidpants” on his back.​

Trump Demands to Know Who Put “Entering Crazytown” Sign on Oval Office Door

Someone doesn't understand what the word "Satire" means! Someone is a bit of an idiot!
Someone doesn't understand what the word "Satire" means! Someone is a bit of an idiot!

Perhaps that is why I put it in SATIRE Trumptard?
Ya prolly

A better question? Why did you bother putting it anywhere?

You know what you've become, Doc? You're that person that continually says bad things about something or somebody and does it so often that after awhile...the majority of people stop listening to anything they say because it's so damn annoying!
Someone doesn't understand what the word "Satire" means! Someone is a bit of an idiot!

Perhaps that is why I put it in SATIRE Trumptard?
Ya prolly

A better question? Why did you bother putting it anywhere?

You know what you've become, Doc? You're that person that continually says bad things about something or somebody and does it so often that after awhile...the majority of people stop listening to anything they say because it's so damn annoying!

Hmmm - Two "Winners" and Three "Funny/Agrees"..
Clearly the OP was not intended for the humorless likes of you :wink:
Someone doesn't understand what the word "Satire" means! Someone is a bit of an idiot!

Perhaps that is why I put it in SATIRE Trumptard?
Ya prolly

A better question? Why did you bother putting it anywhere?

You know what you've become, Doc? You're that person that continually says bad things about something or somebody and does it so often that after awhile...the majority of people stop listening to anything they say because it's so damn annoying!

Hmmm - Two "Winners" and Three "Funny/Agrees"..
Clearly the OP was not intended for the humorless likes of you :wink:

So "mining" rep is what this nonsense is all about? Gotcha! The sad truth, that you could post the most inane drivel in the history of this board and as long as it's anti Trump the progressive "chorus" (you know who you are! :)) is going to give you your reward.
Stage 4 TDS.
Nothing funny about it.

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