Trump could’ve ruined Bush’s funeral. Bush didn’t let him.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Perspective | Trump could’ve ruined Bush’s funeral. Bush didn’t let him.

By including the current president, the late president preempted his successor’s proclivity for draining the dignity out of solemn occasions.

By insisting on his successor’s inclusion in the proceedings, Bush forced the current White House occupant to briefly abandon his unfrozen cave-man act, denying him the chance to further debase the office of president by siphoning the dignity out of 41’s final hours in D.C. — something 45 likely would have relished, given the opportunity.

Even his scowling abstention from the Apostles' Creed — which all the other presidents recited — couldn’t detract from a solemn ceremony.

Bush, the last president to serve in combat, a former congressman, ambassador, CIA director and vice president, could be laid to rest with decorum, and Trump — Cadet Bone Spurs, decorated veteran of Studio 54 — was mostly spared another unflattering comparison to an American hero.

Trump, a man who exists in a purely transactional bubble, had to sit and listen to stories of friendships that spanned decades, a loving marriage that began before Trump was born, Bush’s commitment to family and his total comfort with the person he was. As to this contrast, the record doesn’t whisper; it screams.


Scathing observations on Trump.

Oooh a WAPO hit piece by a "republican" anti Trumper?

Instead ... he let Hillary do it.

Oh for crying out loud! How many "Trump has poopy pants" threads can you assholes start?

The only ones that wanted to inject politics into the death and funeral of Bush are some radical leftwingers and liberal political commentators consumed with hatred of Trump.

Jeb Bush said it all....regarding the phone call he received from Trump upon his hearing of the death of Jeb's father....Jeb Bush....."President Trump could not have been nicer" is to the credit of the Bush Family that despite their political differences with President Trump....they did not attempt to inject politics at this sad occasion in their lives....everyone should have taken a clue from that.
What bugs me about the Bush is that he adores Barry the Magnificent.
Obama told a lot of lies about Bush.
Instead ... he let Hillary do it.

Wow, look at how classy Michelle Obama was. She even shook the hand of a racist. As he reached over her husband who Trump said wasn’t American and was born in Kenya. Course he also had to reach over his immigrant wife who we know wasn’t born in America.
Instead of just honoring Bush 41, the assholes in the media made it all about Trump. And Trump bashing. Unfreaking real.
Oh they honored bush all right. That was the point of this article.
What bugs me about the Bush is that he adores Barry the Magnificent.
Obama told a lot of lies about Bush.

The Bush's are part of the elitist establishment aka pc republicans who demonstrated many times they would have been happier if hillary had won. (as in the never Trumpers as in anyone but trump...even the devil herself) Bush embraced the idea of a black president...and this has been interpeted as some sort of personal approval of obama.
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Instead of just honoring Bush 41, the assholes in the media made it all about Trump. And Trump bashing. Unfreaking real.

Well, of course that was to be expected. This sort of thing with the media will continue until they are reigned in for all their seditious behavior.

Congressional hearings on the biased media and how they disseminate fake news are probably no longer possible now that the democrats gained control of the house.

But more and more Americans are waking up to how the major media discriminates, lies and covers up the truth in order to promote their political agenda.
Perspective | Trump could’ve ruined Bush’s funeral. Bush didn’t let him.

By including the current president, the late president preempted his successor’s proclivity for draining the dignity out of solemn occasions.

By insisting on his successor’s inclusion in the proceedings, Bush forced the current White House occupant to briefly abandon his unfrozen cave-man act, denying him the chance to further debase the office of president by siphoning the dignity out of 41’s final hours in D.C. — something 45 likely would have relished, given the opportunity.

Even his scowling abstention from the Apostles' Creed — which all the other presidents recited — couldn’t detract from a solemn ceremony.

Bush, the last president to serve in combat, a former congressman, ambassador, CIA director and vice president, could be laid to rest with decorum, and Trump — Cadet Bone Spurs, decorated veteran of Studio 54 — was mostly spared another unflattering comparison to an American hero.

Trump, a man who exists in a purely transactional bubble, had to sit and listen to stories of friendships that spanned decades, a loving marriage that began before Trump was born, Bush’s commitment to family and his total comfort with the person he was. As to this contrast, the record doesn’t whisper; it screams.


Scathing observations on Trump.

Obama was very hostile to W initially and made fun of him.....but when he learned of the W's animosity towards Trump he softened his views and W then initiated a weird sort of friendship with Michelle further softening Obama's stance towards the bush family.
Perspective | Trump could’ve ruined Bush’s funeral. Bush didn’t let him.

By including the current president, the late president preempted his successor’s proclivity for draining the dignity out of solemn occasions.

By insisting on his successor’s inclusion in the proceedings, Bush forced the current White House occupant to briefly abandon his unfrozen cave-man act, denying him the chance to further debase the office of president by siphoning the dignity out of 41’s final hours in D.C. — something 45 likely would have relished, given the opportunity.

Even his scowling abstention from the Apostles' Creed — which all the other presidents recited — couldn’t detract from a solemn ceremony.

Bush, the last president to serve in combat, a former congressman, ambassador, CIA director and vice president, could be laid to rest with decorum, and Trump — Cadet Bone Spurs, decorated veteran of Studio 54 — was mostly spared another unflattering comparison to an American hero.

Trump, a man who exists in a purely transactional bubble, had to sit and listen to stories of friendships that spanned decades, a loving marriage that began before Trump was born, Bush’s commitment to family and his total comfort with the person he was. As to this contrast, the record doesn’t whisper; it screams.


Scathing observations on Trump.


Exactly.....the leftwingers are the ones who did their best to destroy the dignity and decorum of a very sad occasion for the Bush family.

The Bush family flatly rejected all the attempts as were being made by the left-wingers and incompetent liberal so called newsmen and political commentators to turn this very sad and solemn time into a political not think The American people failed to recognize this.
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