Trump-Cop and Mr. Hammer: Christian Diary


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Is U.S. President Donald Trump, only the second celebrity-president after Ronald Reagan (also a Republican!), a diplomat of media-imagination or media-calamity?

This modern traffic-parody yarn was inspired by White Man's Burden.

Signing off,




An 'Internet-vigilante' named Ajay was blogging about a new modern American serial-killer who killed NYPD policemen with sledgehammers. This serial-killer named Leo was a Satan-worshipper and believed he was a prophet of the Apocalypse. Ajay would post photos of himself holding various kinds of crusader-tools such as water-guns, Bibles, and telescopes to make blogs about everyday pedestrian vigilance against new age crime...and terrorism. Leo read Ajay's posts and realized that the idealistic Internet-blogger was trying to hype TrumpUSA, and Leo decided to stalk Ajay.


As Leo and Ajay played a cat-and-mouse game, with Leo chasing Ajay around in parking lots, shopping-malls, parks, and city streets, Ajay decided to become a TrumpUSA 'cop' or crusader named Dragon-Dude, and Leo became a costumed 'super-villain' named Mr. Hammer. Dragon-Dude and Mr. Hammer soon became labelled in the press as the modern-day Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. Dragon-Dude was determined to trap/catch Mr. Hammer in an unlikely matrix so the NYPD could deal with this modern psycho and Ajay (Dragon-Dude) could continue blogging about democracy-vigilance.


Dragon-Dude (Ajay) managed to lure Mr. Hammer (Leo) into an abandoned warehouse on a Saturday afternoon where NYPD officers were waiting. Mr. Hammer was tranquilized by the NYPD cops and hauled off to jail, even though he was wielding a terrifying sledgehammer. The NY Post declared, "Dragon-Dude is like the Hindu god of meditation, Shiva, and Mr. Hammer was the proverbial 'modern manslayer' and urban hellraiser not unlike the fictional American horror-film avatar 'Leatherface' (the fictional weapon-wielding cannibal from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror-film franchise)." Ajay and Leo became overnight 'gods.'


A New Yorker writer wrote an elegiac poem and submitted a complementary artwork depicting this 'socioculturally symbolic struggle' between Dragon-Dude (Ajay) and Mr. Hammer (Leo) as angelic apocalyptic wrestlers from the Bible. Was Ajay an archangel? Was Leo a Biblical manslayer? The New Yorker writer suggested that this sort of 'urban vigilance' would highlight the real traffic-passion required to make 'TrumpUSA' a thing of wonder and intrigue rather than scandal, protest, and absolute cynicism. Mr. Hammer (Leo) was hauled off to Arkham Asylum, New York's top center for the incarceration/treatment of the criminally-insane. Dragon-Dude (Ajay) was given a medal by the New York mayor. This was 'high art.'


Ajay was in a Catholic church he regularly visited, praying to a stained-glass panel of the Christian cross and hoping that his 'ordeal' with Mr. Hammer (Leo) would inspire modern-day Americans to think more spiritually and passionately about democracy-vigilance. Ajay thought he heard the voice of God tell him, "You did your duty, but now it's time to return to your humble Internet-blogging and retire from engaging anti-social nemeses such as the eerie Mr. Hammer." Ajay heeded this 'religious advice' and decided he'd devote the rest of his life to religious prayers on the Internet.


Justice is blind in matters of religion and faith and ethnicity. No one cared what the ethnic backgrounds or religious-denominations of Dragon-Dude and Mr. Hammer really were; Americans were more interested in how this very iconic and unusual engagement between a 'crusader' and a 'manslayer' revealed a societal fascination with civics and sanity (and spiritual meditation). President Trump tweeted, "I think I'll keep a Christian diary about everyday heroes like Dragon-Dude (Ajay) trying to use modern avenues (Internet, street-smarts, etc.) to inspire Americans to think more 'creatively' about the potential for self-esteem in civilization!"


GOD: Ajay saved the day...
SATAN: Trump was relieved and jovial!
GOD: Leo is in Arkham Asylum finally...
SATAN: Pedestrians feel safe about American traffic!
GOD: Anyone can purchase a sledgehammer/chainsaw from Home Depot.
SATAN: The accessibility of tools/hardware in shops makes crime 'tempting.'
GOD: Consumerism is about both civility and conveniences.
SATAN: Convenience-consciousness can create a sort of 'mischief madness.'
GOD: Remember the Los Angeles Race Riots, when people looted shops?
SATAN: Yes, and it was 'justified' for the sake of race-politics by journalists.
GOD: Responsible journalism marks the 'quality' of modern media.
SATAN: Will Donald Trump continue to be embroiled in media-scandals?
GOD: Perhaps Dragon-Dude (Ajay) has motivated Trump to be more...divine.
SATAN: To err is forgive, divine.
GOD: Let's go watch the crime-culture film Cobra on Netflix!
SATAN: I'm a huge fan of 'heroism-folklore.'
GOD: Don't tempt mankind to entreat 'intrigue' regarding censorship-philosophy.
SATAN: Maybe the Los Angeles Race Riots made people evaluate 'media-monstrosity.'



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