Trump blasts mayor of San Juan on Twitter...


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
Puerto Rico: Mayor pleads for better response; Trump hits back - CNN

"People are drinking out of creeks here in San Juan," she told CNN's Anderson Cooper on Friday night. "You have people in buildings and they're becoming caged in their own buildings -- old people, retired people that don't have any electricity."

"We're dying here. We truly are dying here. I keep saying it: SOS. If anyone can hear us; if Mr. Trump an hear us, let's just get it over with and get the ball rolling," she said.

Cruz's pleas and complaints about parts of the federal response to the hurricane has put her at odds with President Donald Trump, who criticized her in a series of tweets Saturday morning.

Trump took aim at the "leadership ability" of some in Puerto Rico who "want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort."

"The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump," the President tweeted.

He has a way with words. :rolleyes:
Shouldn't she be proud her country is saving the planet with their current zero emission economy
Puerto Rico: Mayor pleads for better response; Trump hits back - CNN

"People are drinking out of creeks here in San Juan," she told CNN's Anderson Cooper on Friday night. "You have people in buildings and they're becoming caged in their own buildings -- old people, retired people that don't have any electricity."

"We're dying here. We truly are dying here. I keep saying it: SOS. If anyone can hear us; if Mr. Trump an hear us, let's just get it over with and get the ball rolling," she said.

Cruz's pleas and complaints about parts of the federal response to the hurricane has put her at odds with President Donald Trump, who criticized her in a series of tweets Saturday morning.

Trump took aim at the "leadership ability" of some in Puerto Rico who "want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort."

"The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump," the President tweeted.

He has a way with words. :rolleyes:
The city of San Juan has supplies......they are at the front line of the supply lines........

It is the interior and remote areas that are having the problems........with many only reachable by air.

Lieutenant General Jeff Buchanan: Army Corps taking lead on power grid repairs

watch the video
Puerto Rico: Mayor pleads for better response; Trump hits back - CNN

"People are drinking out of creeks here in San Juan," she told CNN's Anderson Cooper on Friday night. "You have people in buildings and they're becoming caged in their own buildings -- old people, retired people that don't have any electricity."

"We're dying here. We truly are dying here. I keep saying it: SOS. If anyone can hear us; if Mr. Trump an hear us, let's just get it over with and get the ball rolling," she said.

Cruz's pleas and complaints about parts of the federal response to the hurricane has put her at odds with President Donald Trump, who criticized her in a series of tweets Saturday morning.

Trump took aim at the "leadership ability" of some in Puerto Rico who "want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort."

"The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump," the President tweeted.

He has a way with words. :rolleyes:
But, there is a reason for his animosity towards Puerto Rico. In the 2016 Republican primary, Little Marco Rubio received 70% of the vote, while the con man only received 13.8%. And those are facts folks, not fake news. Bigly.
trump attacks mayor of Puerto Rico for begging for help with their humanitarian crisis.

YOUR president

You should be ashamed
Puerto Rican citizens do not pay federal income tax.

Yet they expect the U.S. federal government to spend billions to rebuild their 3rd world island. .... :cool:

Federal taxes[edit]
Though the Commonwealth government has its own tax laws, Puerto Ricans are also required to pay most US federal taxes,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] with the major exception being that most residents do not have to pay the federal personal income tax.[9] In 2009, Puerto Rico paid $3.742 billion into the US Treasury.[10] Residents of Puerto Rico pay into Social Security, and are thus eligible for Social Security benefits upon retirement. However, they are excluded from the Supplemental Security Income.

The federal taxes paid by Puerto Rico residents include import/export taxes,[11] Federal commodity taxes,[12] social security taxes,[13] among others. Residents also pay federal payroll taxes, such as Social Security[14] and Medicare taxes.[15]

Only certain residents of Puerto Rico are required to file federal income tax forms. According to the Internal Revenue Service:

Taxation in Puerto Rico - Wikipedia
trump attacks mayor of Puerto Rico for begging for help with their humanitarian crisis.

YOUR president

You should be ashamed
Our Navy can reach any spot in 24 hours, but you said helping PR was so tricky bcuz it's "surrounded by water. Big water." That's real news.
You wouldn't send the USS Comfort until Hillary Clinton slammed you for neglecting people dying for over a week. That's real news.
Took you a week to suspend the Jones Act for ten days so PR could get aid cheaper...

Trump Puerto Rico Face plant
White House refuses to say whether Trump spoke with Puerto Rico while he was at his golf club last weekend
Trump Blames San Juan Mayor
September 30, 2017 at 8:00 am EDTBy Taegan Goddard173 Comments

President Trump accused the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, of demonstrating “poor leadership” amid the deepening crisis on the island that was devastated by Hurricane Maria, the Washington Post reports.

Trump launched his personal attack on Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz on Twitter from his golf resort in New Jersey, where he is spending the weekend:

The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump. Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help. They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. 10,000 Federal workers now on Island doing a fantastic job.

Cruz had criticized the Trump administration’s response to the hurricane, saying: “I am begging, begging anyone who can hear us to save us from dying.”

Aaron Blake: “Anybody who is surprised at this from a president who attacked a former prisoner of war for being a prisoner war, criticized a Gold Star family and made fun of a reporter’s physical disability has a short memory. This is who Trump is. He doesn’t accept criticism and move on; he brings a bazooka to a knife fight — even when those wielding the knife are trying to save lives.”
Trump calls it like he sees it. There are 10,000 cargo containers at the port they have the trucks what they don' t have are the drivers. That is the fault of the leadership on the ground If they cannot rally their people that is not Trumps fault As far as drinking water why can't they drink rain water?
Only certain residents of Puerto Rico are required to file federal income tax forms. According to the Internal Revenue Service:

Taxation in Puerto Rico - Wikipedia
They are following the Trump lead and using the Racist stereotype meme of the "unworthy lazy immoral minorities demanding to be carried by long suffering whites ...White Man's burden"...its disgraceful that Donald Trump has facilitated Racial Dog whistles morphed into Public spectacle Tiki tape torch parades in our Universities
Tea Pain @TeaPainUSA
Trump says Puerto Ricans "want everything to be done for them." This is how every racist you ever met describes minorities. #TrumpMustGo

10:10 AM - Sep 30, 2017

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