Trump and Warren Agree? Maybe, on Plan to Shrink Big Banks [WITH FAKE NEWS]


Gold Member
Apr 12, 2011


President Trump has vowed to roll back financial regulation, saying that it is preventing banks from lending and businesses from growing.

Wall Street, it would seem, has found its dream president.

There is just one possible complication: His top advisers continue to float an idea that would not only hurt the nation’s largest banks, it would upend them.

In a meeting on Wednesday with senators from both parties, Gary D. Cohn, Mr. Trump’s chief economic adviser, said the administration was considering a proposal that would require separating retail banking from investment banking and trading. Mr. Cohn mentioned the idea to members of the Senate Banking Committee as one of several financial regulations on the table.

He offered few specifics on how the proposal would work or when it could be carried out, according to people briefed on the matter. It was part of a wide-ranging discussion, reported earlier by Bloomberg, that also touched on the president’s tax policy....

...invoking Glass-Steagall, which was repealed in 1999, seems tailored to appeal directly to the angry voters who elected Mr. Trump.

Many Americans are still smarting from the 2008 recession, which was caused by the financial crisis, and still believe that the Obama administration did not go far enough in reining in Wall Street.

Still, it is unclear whether a return to Glass-Steagall is politically feasible.

Banking lobbyists dismissed Mr. Cohn’s comments as empty politics and ineffective policy.

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So that's what the NY Times says that Trump, Warren, and Cohn say. Those three may have acctually said what was in the NYT quotes, but they're all living in a pseudo-reality when they say "Glass-Steagall... ...repealed in 1999" and "2008 recession... ...caused by the financial crisis", and then suggest deregulation caused the recession.

The reality is that the original 'Glass-Steagal' (full text at ) had 34 sections and it banned stuff like banks using deposits to buy stocks. None of that was changed w/ the '1999 repeal' (full text at ); what did happen was only these two sections of the 1933 law were cut:


buy this provision in 1999:


To be generous, maybe we can say that Trump, Warren, Cohn, and the NYTimes aren't exactly intentionally making false statements so as to decieve. More probably they could not care less if their statements are true or not, as long as they can push their agenda. Reality never even enters their minds.
Separating commercial and investment banking (a la glass stegall) is the single most important financial step against economic collapses.
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A fool that^

But. . . continue to hang with me, and you will continue to show some dim awareness of matters that before you did not understand.

Good on you.
A fool that^

But. . . continue to hang with me, and you will continue to show some dim awareness of matters that before you did not understand.

Good on you.

Why would I want to emulate your dim awareness?
You have the idiot end of the spectrum all sewed up.
see, you slink back into the swamp of ignorance

Sorry, but I'm avoiding your swamp.
Tell me how repealing parts of Glass-Steagall caused the housing crisis. LOL!
You don't understand the difference of banking when it comes to investment and commercial, and how that related to what the fund managers were doing chasing easy profit.

Do some reading, Chuckles.
see, you slink back into the swamp of ignorance

Sorry, but I'm avoiding your swamp.
Tell me how repealing parts of Glass-Steagall caused the housing crisis. LOL!
You don't understand the difference of banking when it comes to investment and commercial, and how that related to what the fund managers were doing chasing easy profit.

Do some reading, Chuckles.

I do understand the difference.
Still waiting for any proof the real estate crisis had anything to do with Glass-Steagall.
Maybe you should explain how the "easy profit chasing" would have been prevented pre-1999?
Your questions are answered easily by you doing research. If I answer them you will merely quarrel because I normally make you look very silly and that bugs you. Tough to be you, I guess.

Your question is immaterial to the crash of the Great Recession as you well know.
Your questions are answered easily by you doing research. If I answer them you will merely quarrel because I normally make you look very silly and that bugs you. Tough to be you, I guess.

Your question is immaterial to the crash of the Great Recession as you well know.

Your questions are answered easily by you doing research.

So you say.

If I answer them you will merely quarrel

Pointing out your errors is quarrelling?

Your question is immaterial to the crash of the Great Recession

Of course my question is immaterial to the crash.
It is material to the cause of the crash.

It's okay that you won't answer.
I figured you would run away.
Do your own research, because what you write is facile, almost sophomoric, toddster.

That's fine. I can toy with your silliness forevah.
Nah, you are turnspeaking.

I made you look silly, like normal, and you just nit away. Go ahead, I have all day.
You are such a hissy little princess, todd. It was proved, and no you don't get "just once more." :)

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