Trump and racism

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Do you think it comes from the heart ?
Or is there somebody nudging him ,whispering in his ear and telling him this is the route he must take?

I actually think he is breaking up and the question is how much damage he can do before he is turfed out.

I know that this thread will invite the usual deflectors but does anyone really see his spew as acceptable.
Do you think it comes from the heart ?
Or is there somebody nudging him ,whispering in his ear and telling him this is the route he must take?

I actually think he is breaking up and the question is how much damage he can do before he is turfed out.

I know that this thread will invite the usual deflectors but does anyone really see his spew as acceptable.

Are you posting from an oil tanker somewhere warm?
London (CNN Business)The CEO of German industrial giant Siemens says that President Donald Trump is becoming a symbol of intolerance following his attacks on four female members of Congress.

"I find it depressing that the most important political office in the world is turning into the face of racism and exclusion," Joe Kaeser said Saturday on Twitter.
Kaeser's remarks are the most prominent criticism from the business world in reaction to Trump's rally last week in North Carolina. The US president attacked Somali-born Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar and the crowd chanted "Send her back! Send her back!"
The rally followed a series of racist tweets in which Trump suggested that four minority congresswomen "go back" to their home countries. Three were born in America and all four are US citizens.

Kaeser suggested that Trump's attacks do not reflect the America he knows. He worked as chief financial officer of Siemens Microelectronics in San Jose, California, during the 1990s.
"I lived in the USA for many years and experienced freedom, tolerance and openness as never before," he said in his Twitter (TWTR) post.
„Send her back, send her back“ - wenn das Schule macht, müssen wir auf einmal noch Trump zurücknehmen. … …

Rede in Greenville: Trump attackiert Demokratin Omar

Many corporate leaders expressed optimism in the early days of the Trump administration that they could find common ground with a president who had run a business of his own and who wanted to cut corporate taxes and slash regulations. But the administration's focus on immigration and other divisive social issues, combined with its aggressive prosecution of a trade war with China, has soured the White House's relationship with many big global companies.

Kaeser, 62, who started work at Siemens in 1980 and become CEO in 2013, has demonstrated a willingness to speak frankly on controversial political issues.
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Do you think it comes from the heart ?
Or is there somebody nudging him ,whispering in his ear and telling him this is the route he must take?

I actually think he is breaking up and the question is how much damage he can do before he is turfed out.

I know that this thread will invite the usual deflectors but does anyone really see his spew as acceptable.
Fake news is fake, Hijab Girl
Racism, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Today, there are so many people who think everything is racist that it's hard to tell the BS from the cow shit. This Trump racist stuff may be BS or cow shit but it definitely isn't real.
Wahhh, the Iranians stole our tankers! We need mean, racist Trump!! Our British vaginas can't get our ships back from the Iranians.

Do you think it comes from the heart ?
Or is there somebody nudging him ,whispering in his ear and telling him this is the route he must take?

I actually think he is breaking up and the question is how much damage he can do before he is turfed out.

I know that this thread will invite the usual deflectors but does anyone really see his spew as acceptable.
Why are you accusing President Trump of being a racist?
Do you think it comes from the heart ?
Or is there somebody nudging him ,whispering in his ear and telling him this is the route he must take?

I actually think he is breaking up and the question is how much damage he can do before he is turfed out.

I know that this thread will invite the usual deflectors but does anyone really see his spew as acceptable.

I've been hearing this bullshit since he had the rally and still haven't heard what he has said that was racist, not that it matters a whit. Those 4 sluts should go back to where they came from and get a real job. Here in America, Tommy T, we have the first Amendment of the Constitution and Trump didn't violate it.
Do you think it comes from the heart ?
Or is there somebody nudging him ,whispering in his ear and telling him this is the route he must take?

I actually think he is breaking up and the question is how much damage he can do before he is turfed out.

I know that this thread will invite the usual deflectors but does anyone really see his spew as acceptable.

I saw those comments as idiotic but not racist. I am fairly well used to idiotic statements from him by now.

Racism should be addressed. You have to however wonder why everyone isn't scrutinized.

Racism, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Today, there are so many people who think everything is racist that it's hard to tell the BS from the cow shit. This Trump racist stuff may be BS or cow shit but it definitely isn't real.

Call it bigotry then.
Do you think it comes from the heart ?
Or is there somebody nudging him ,whispering in his ear and telling him this is the route he must take?

I actually think he is breaking up and the question is how much damage he can do before he is turfed out.

I know that this thread will invite the usual deflectors but does anyone really see his spew as acceptable.

I saw those comments as idiotic but not racist. I am fairly well used to idiotic statements from him by now.

A wise man said what comes out of the mouth defiles a man.
he & his father were sued for housing discrimination by the gov'ment back in the 70s, so that shows that he's been a racist for a very long time. however, i think that stephen miller is whispering in his ear to keep the hatred strong & flowing thru his veins.
unless you can prove they were directly involved, it proves nothing
..I'm waiting for your proof
= NOT racist--sorry ..not even close
......that's like saying the CEO of Royal Caribbean hates babies because a baby fell from their ship
Do you think it comes from the heart ?
Or is there somebody nudging him ,whispering in his ear and telling him this is the route he must take?

I actually think he is breaking up and the question is how much damage he can do before he is turfed out.

I know that this thread will invite the usual deflectors but does anyone really see his spew as acceptable.

I saw those comments as idiotic but not racist. I am fairly well used to idiotic statements from him by now.

A wise man said what comes out of the mouth defiles a man.

that same man didn't care that the Pharisees were offended by his words.
Do you think it comes from the heart ?
Or is there somebody nudging him ,whispering in his ear and telling him this is the route he must take?

I actually think he is breaking up and the question is how much damage he can do before he is turfed out.

I know that this thread will invite the usual deflectors but does anyone really see his spew as acceptable.
Why are you accusing President Trump of being a racist?
Think about it for a moment.
Do you think it comes from the heart ?
Or is there somebody nudging him ,whispering in his ear and telling him this is the route he must take?

I actually think he is breaking up and the question is how much damage he can do before he is turfed out.

I know that this thread will invite the usual deflectors but does anyone really see his spew as acceptable.
Why are you accusing President Trump of being a racist?
Think about it for a moment.
What did Trump say? Nobody has an answer

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