Trouble in paradise? conservatives turning on McCain/Palin

I still say the right wingers who celebrated their little post-palin bump were a bit hasty... the momentum seems a bit different this week...

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows John McCain attracting 48% of the vote while Barack Obama earns 47%. This is the third straight day Obama has been at 47% while McCain has dropped a point on each of the past two days. One week ago, the candidates were tied at 48%

Rasmussen Reports: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a presidential election.

I still say it's all about the debates... so to Ninja, I say... pfffffffffffffffffffft!!
oh yes...they began celebrating way too early..

It's kind of funny too considering McCain only took the lead after the convention and hadn't had the lead until that point.

With all the lies and fake outrage the Repubs have been showing lately I suspect Obama will be in the lead again very shortly and then we'll go back to them saying "the polls don't matter" :eusa_whistle:
oh yes...they began celebrating way too early..

It's kind of funny too considering McCain only took the lead after the convention and hadn't had the lead until that point.

With all the lies and fake outrage the Repubs have been showing lately I suspect Obama will be in the lead again very shortly and then we'll go back to them saying "the polls don't matter" :eusa_whistle:

See, that's the thing... the whole "playing the ref" concept is such a loser move, IMO.
The flip side of the coin is that there will be plenty of threads from people on the left crowing about Obama being ahead, when those same peole say that polls don't matter.

It looks like both sides do the same thing, in terms of reacting to polls.
The flip side of the coin is that there will be plenty of threads from people on the left crowing about Obama being ahead, when those same peole say that polls don't matter.

It looks like both sides do the same thing, in terms of reacting to polls.

Then they're idiots, too.... it's too close for that. And, ultimately, whomever peaks at the exact right time is the one who's going to win.

Did the financial issues help the dems? Yes. But another issue could help the repubs next week.

Stupid for anyone to be doing the happy dance.
I still say the right wingers who celebrated their little post-palin bump were a bit hasty... the momentum seems a bit different this week...

Rasmussen Reports: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a presidential election.

I still say it's all about the debates... so to Ninja, I say... pfffffffffffffffffffft!!

I guess Sarah's favorable/unfavorable rating dropped 10 points.

At the debates, McCain is going to have to answer to all the foot in mouth things he has said. He's not that good at the economy, the economy is strong and he's for deregulating. That's 3 things he is WRONG about right there.

And then there is the $1 billion he wants to send to Georgia. 1 billion we would have to borrow because we don't have it.

I'm so freakin pumped up today!!!!

But don't get too excited. :eusa_shhh:

I guess Sarah's favorable/unfavorable rating dropped 10 points.

At the debates, McCain is going to have to answer to all the foot in mouth things he has said. He's not that good at the economy, the economy is strong and he's for deregulating. That's 3 things he is WRONG about right there.

And then there is the $1 billion he wants to send to Georgia. 1 billion we would have to borrow because we don't have it.

I'm so freakin pumped up today!!!!

But don't get too excited. :eusa_shhh:


I'm not, nor have I cared at all to see the Palin bump cause it won't matter. The debates will be so one-sided and thats all that matters
I guess Sarah's favorable/unfavorable rating dropped 10 points.

At the debates, McCain is going to have to answer to all the foot in mouth things he has said. He's not that good at the economy, the economy is strong and he's for deregulating. That's 3 things he is WRONG about right there.

And then there is the $1 billion he wants to send to Georgia. 1 billion we would have to borrow because we don't have it.

I'm so freakin pumped up today!!!!

But don't get too excited. :eusa_shhh:


I think maybe you should wait til the votes are in to celebrate ... just my feeling on the subject.

But the debates are going to matter this time around. I'm actually going to place my bet that they are the highest rated debates ever and that the biden-palin debate is going to get a better rating than the obama-mccain debate (at least after the first one).
I've said before the poll I'm waiting for will be taken Nov's the ONLY one that counts.

If Obama wins that one, I'll celebrate!
I've said before the poll I'm waiting for will be taken Nov's the ONLY one that counts.

If Obama wins that one, I'll celebrate!

Make sure you tell the exit polls who you voted for. If the exit polls show Obama won but the DIEBOLD voting machines say something else, that could raise some red flags.

Just make sure you seek out the person doing the exit poll and let them know who you voted for.
Make sure you tell the exit polls who you voted for. If the exit polls show Obama won but the DIEBOLD voting machines say something else, that could raise some red flags.

Just make sure you seek out the person doing the exit poll and let them know who you voted for.

I seek them out and lie to them.
Make sure you tell the exit polls who you voted for. If the exit polls show Obama won but the DIEBOLD voting machines say something else, that could raise some red flags.

Just make sure you seek out the person doing the exit poll and let them know who you voted for.

I've never done an exit poll but I'll take that under advisement.

I seek them out and lie to them.

:whip: that's not nice dillo
a lot of people are gonna not really declare till nov 4th...your swing vote is still pretty much undecided. independants are just in the middle...wonder how they got there....
and I encourage others to do the same, btw !:lol:

See, Republicans don't care that their votes don't matter. They like that the GOP stole the last two elections. This idiot is even willing to help them.

No wonder they stopped working for upper middle class Republicans. Now they only work for the rich. Why cater to your dumb ass? You'll vote for them anyways, and even if you don't, they just steal your vote anyways.
Im telling you.. by early to mid October Palin will be the next Harriet Myers.

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