Treatment Of Sharrod An Admission Of Massive Black Racism

Titanic Sailor

Senior Member
Aug 31, 2009
How else do you explain the over reaction? Finally, black racism is at the forefront, and unfortunately a good woman by the name of Sharrod got hung for it.
Personally i believe Sharrod is a bit of a bigot. I know i'm swimming upstream on this one though because the MSM has now declared her some kind of victimized "Hero." I've read a lot of her other comments and she does seem like your average bigot in my opinion. She immediately thought race when she began her decision-making process in this particular case. In my opinion that does make her a bit of a bigot. Race shouldn't have anything to with doing your job. I would say the same thing if she were white or a Republican. Race just shouldn't come into play. Oh well,the MSM propaganda spin is set i guess. She's just a poor victimized "Hero." And right on cue,the sheep are eating that chit up. This Administration did handle this very poorly but i still believe she is a bigot.
Personally i believe Sharrod is a bit of a bigot. I know i'm swimming upstream on this one though because the MSM has now declared her some kind of victimized "Hero." I've read a lot of her other comments and she does seem like your average bigot in my opinion. She immediately thought race when she began her decision-making process in this particular case. In my opinion that does make her a bit of a bigot. Race shouldn't have anything to with doing your job. I would say the same thing if she were white or a Republican. Race just shouldn't come into play. Oh well,the MSM propaganda spin is set i guess. She's just a poor victimized "Hero." And right on cue,the sheep are eating that chit up. This Administration did handle this very poorly but i still believe she is a bigot.

What comments are you referring too?
Personally i believe Sharrod is a bit of a bigot. I know i'm swimming upstream on this one though because the MSM has now declared her some kind of victimized "Hero." I've read a lot of her other comments and she does seem like your average bigot in my opinion. She immediately thought race when she began her decision-making process in this particular case. In my opinion that does make her a bit of a bigot. Race shouldn't have anything to with doing your job. I would say the same thing if she were white or a Republican. Race just shouldn't come into play. Oh well,the MSM propaganda spin is set i guess. She's just a poor victimized "Hero." And right on cue,the sheep are eating that chit up. This Administration did handle this very poorly but i still believe she is a bigot.

What comments are you referring too?

Go back and read many of her past comments. They are widely available on the Net. She does seem to be preoccupied with the Race-Baiting thing. She shouldn't have been given this job in the first place. She did seem to bring race into her decision-making process and this should never be allowed to happen. She may have even violated the law. She was not fit for this job. This Administration did handle this very badly but i still think she is a bigot and shouldn't be working in our Government. These jobs are too important to have people making decisions based on race. I know the MSM propaganda spin is to present her as a victimized "Hero" but that spin is not completely accurate. I don't agree with this Administration on much but i do think they were justified with this firing. Hey just my opinion though.
How else do you explain the over reaction? Finally, black racism is at the forefront, and unfortunately a good woman by the name of Sharrod got hung for it.

Are you saying that The President, the NAACP and Breitbart are racists against blacks?
The Democrats' Race-Baiting chickens came home to roost on this one. Now they look like fools grovelling & apologizing to this woman. The Democrats really have divided our nation with this stuff. Shame on them.
I'm saying the Democrats acknowledged extreme black racism, and were not even interested in her explanation. Fired, because they basically acknowledged it (black racism) was true, and the cat was out of the bag. They interpreted it as common knowledge, and for the sake of the WH, gone.

I would have to agree with LAN, heard a different commentary on CNN last night, and yes, the entire family has a bitter racist past, both victim, and agitator. Her life is very separate from our own experiences, and think for the sake of our people (all races), she needs a different job. In the real world, everyone can be an asshole, but that asshole is YOUR customer. In a government job, no one gives a rats ass about the customer, and especially one they have a problem with. The government folks make them even more miserable, and the last thing we need. This is what happens when a pig government outgrows it's bounds like ours today. Social services were the first cuts by Democrats, and you watch all the little people who get cut when this stimulus rots away. Everyone hang in there and God Bless.
omg, let's all cry a figgen river over THIS one woman. a EMPLOYEE of the Guberment sucking off the taxpayers TIT was omg, released from her cushy job.

how concerned are they when they put down, Michael Steel, Clarence Thomas, etc, etc, BLACK conservatives.

what a friggen joke this whole SHARROD thing has turned into.

but of course this Sharrod has to be RACISM RACISM RACISM

then I guess the Naacp and the Obama administration are the RACIST.

how friggen funny is that.
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