Treatment of Christians by Muslims


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
I find it very amusing that those who complain about Israel's so called treatment of Palestinians never ever bring these kinds of incidents up, that happen on a regular basis. Now why is that?

Thousands of Muslims Attack Christians in Egypt, 2 Killed, Homes and Stores Torched

(AINA) — Thousands of Muslims attacked and besieged Copts in elGhorayzat village, population 80,000, killing two Copts and severely wounding others, as well as looting and torching homes and businesses. A quarrel between a Copt, John Hosni, and Mahmoud Abdel-Nazeer, who later died in hospital, turned into collective punishment of all Copts in the majority Christian village of elGhorayzat, in the Maragha district of Sohag province.

Three other Christians, Maher Samir Gota, his wife, and his brother Osama Samir Gota, were severely injured and are in intensive care. They were in their homes when their shop was broken into and looted by Muslims. Maher and his wife were stabbed and Osama received a blow on the head. The ambulance could not go to them to transport them to hospital. He was privately transported by his friends. There were reports of Muslims preventing the fire brigades from reaching the burning homes.

After killing the Copts, Muslims went on a rampage, looting and burning Christian owned homes and businesses.
Quran 5:51 :nono:
O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as friends. They are but friends to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as friends, then surely he is one of them.
[ame=]Raw: Egypt Church Bombing Leaves 21 dead, Scores Injured - YouTube[/ame]

Egypt bomb kills 21 at Alexandria Coptic church

At least 21 people were killed and 70 hurt in the suspected suicide attack, which happened during a New Year's Eve service at the al-Qiddissin Church. About 1,000 worshippers were attending the Mass at the al-Qiddissin (Saints) Church in the Sidi Bechr district of the Mediterranean port city.

"The last thing I heard was a powerful explosion and then my ears went deaf," 17-year-old Marco Boutros told the Associated Press from his hospital bed. "All I could see were body parts scattered all over." Another witness told the private On-TV channel that he had seen two men park a car outside the church and get out just before the blast.

Officials initially thought the cause was a car bomb, but the interior ministry later ruled it out, saying the attack was instead "carried out by a suicide bomber who died among the crowd".
Quran 60:4 :bye1:
We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone"
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If this is what Muslims mean by being peaceful and tolerant towards others, I hate to see what violent and intolerant is.
I find it very amusing that those who complain about Israel's so called treatment of Palestinians never ever bring these kinds of incidents up, that happen on a regular basis. Now why is that?

Thousands of Muslims Attack Christians in Egypt, 2 Killed, Homes and Stores Torched

(AINA) — Thousands of Muslims attacked and besieged Copts in elGhorayzat village, population 80,000, killing two Copts and severely wounding others, as well as looting and torching homes and businesses. A quarrel between a Copt, John Hosni, and Mahmoud Abdel-Nazeer, who later died in hospital, turned into collective punishment of all Copts in the majority Christian village of elGhorayzat, in the Maragha district of Sohag province.

Three other Christians, Maher Samir Gota, his wife, and his brother Osama Samir Gota, were severely injured and are in intensive care. They were in their homes when their shop was broken into and looted by Muslims. Maher and his wife were stabbed and Osama received a blow on the head. The ambulance could not go to them to transport them to hospital. He was privately transported by his friends. There were reports of Muslims preventing the fire brigades from reaching the burning homes.

After killing the Copts, Muslims went on a rampage, looting and burning Christian owned homes and businesses.

I think that the most effective way to completely end religious intolerance & religious violence is to just - collectively - quit believing in religions all together. I know it's kind of a radical thing to propose, & a hopelessly difficult thing to execute, but it would work without a doubt.

Just that easy..

The world would instantly be a more happier place, in my opinion.

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I find it very amusing that those who complain about Israel's so called treatment of Palestinians never ever bring these kinds of incidents up, that happen on a regular basis. Now why is that?

Thousands of Muslims Attack Christians in Egypt, 2 Killed, Homes and Stores Torched

(AINA) — Thousands of Muslims attacked and besieged Copts in elGhorayzat village, population 80,000, killing two Copts and severely wounding others, as well as looting and torching homes and businesses. A quarrel between a Copt, John Hosni, and Mahmoud Abdel-Nazeer, who later died in hospital, turned into collective punishment of all Copts in the majority Christian village of elGhorayzat, in the Maragha district of Sohag province.

Three other Christians, Maher Samir Gota, his wife, and his brother Osama Samir Gota, were severely injured and are in intensive care. They were in their homes when their shop was broken into and looted by Muslims. Maher and his wife were stabbed and Osama received a blow on the head. The ambulance could not go to them to transport them to hospital. He was privately transported by his friends. There were reports of Muslims preventing the fire brigades from reaching the burning homes.

After killing the Copts, Muslims went on a rampage, looting and burning Christian owned homes and businesses.

I think that the most effective way to completely end religious intolerance & religious violence is to just - collectively - quit believing in religions all together. I know it's kind of a radical thing to propose, & a hopelessly difficult thing to execute, but it would work without a doubt.

Just that easy..

The world would instantly be a more happier place, in my opinion.


The idea is not all that radical. Calvin and Luther gave Europeons Biblical justification to reject the Church almost 500 years ago paving the way for liberal democracy and the freedom we now enjoy. Protestants did not reject God, just the Church. Europe's Jews tagged along for the ride. The jury is out as to whether Islamiists can find Koranic justification to free Muslims from the yoke of religious bondage.
I find it very amusing that those who complain about Israel's so called treatment of Palestinians never ever bring these kinds of incidents up, that happen on a regular basis. Now why is that?

Thousands of Muslims Attack Christians in Egypt, 2 Killed, Homes and Stores Torched

(AINA) — Thousands of Muslims attacked and besieged Copts in elGhorayzat village, population 80,000, killing two Copts and severely wounding others, as well as looting and torching homes and businesses. A quarrel between a Copt, John Hosni, and Mahmoud Abdel-Nazeer, who later died in hospital, turned into collective punishment of all Copts in the majority Christian village of elGhorayzat, in the Maragha district of Sohag province.

Three other Christians, Maher Samir Gota, his wife, and his brother Osama Samir Gota, were severely injured and are in intensive care. They were in their homes when their shop was broken into and looted by Muslims. Maher and his wife were stabbed and Osama received a blow on the head. The ambulance could not go to them to transport them to hospital. He was privately transported by his friends. There were reports of Muslims preventing the fire brigades from reaching the burning homes.

After killing the Copts, Muslims went on a rampage, looting and burning Christian owned homes and businesses.

I think that the most effective way to completely end religious intolerance & religious violence is to just - collectively - quit believing in religions all together. I know it's kind of a radical thing to propose, & a hopelessly difficult thing to execute, but it would work without a doubt.

Just that easy..

The world would instantly be a more happier place, in my opinion.


Except, Western civilization is based on Jewish laws and ethics. Ever hear of the 10 Commandments?

When can you move out of Western civilization? I'll gladly pay your moving costs.
I find it very amusing that those who complain about Israel's so called treatment of Palestinians never ever bring these kinds of incidents up, that happen on a regular basis. Now why is that?

Thousands of Muslims Attack Christians in Egypt, 2 Killed, Homes and Stores Torched

(AINA) — Thousands of Muslims attacked and besieged Copts in elGhorayzat village, population 80,000, killing two Copts and severely wounding others, as well as looting and torching homes and businesses. A quarrel between a Copt, John Hosni, and Mahmoud Abdel-Nazeer, who later died in hospital, turned into collective punishment of all Copts in the majority Christian village of elGhorayzat, in the Maragha district of Sohag province.

Three other Christians, Maher Samir Gota, his wife, and his brother Osama Samir Gota, were severely injured and are in intensive care. They were in their homes when their shop was broken into and looted by Muslims. Maher and his wife were stabbed and Osama received a blow on the head. The ambulance could not go to them to transport them to hospital. He was privately transported by his friends. There were reports of Muslims preventing the fire brigades from reaching the burning homes.

After killing the Copts, Muslims went on a rampage, looting and burning Christian owned homes and businesses.

I think that the most effective way to completely end religious intolerance & religious violence is to just - collectively - quit believing in religions all together. I know it's kind of a radical thing to propose, & a hopelessly difficult thing to execute, but it would work without a doubt.

Just that easy..

The world would instantly be a more happier place, in my opinion.


Except, Western civilization is based on Jewish laws and ethics. Ever hear of the 10 Commandments?

When can you move out of Western civilization? I'll gladly pay your moving costs.
since when has the country,s laws been based on the ten commandments never
only 2 i can think of mudrer and stealing those are illlegal in most civilizations
none of the other 8 apply
if they did most of your leaders would be in jail
all of out laws are SECULAR
I think that the most effective way to completely end religious intolerance & religious violence is to just - collectively - quit believing in religions all together. I know it's kind of a radical thing to propose, & a hopelessly difficult thing to execute, but it would work without a doubt.

Just that easy..

The world would instantly be a more happier place, in my opinion.


Except, Western civilization is based on Jewish laws and ethics. Ever hear of the 10 Commandments?

When can you move out of Western civilization? I'll gladly pay your moving costs.
since when has the country,s laws been based on the ten commandments never
only 2 i can think of mudrer and stealing those are illlegal in most civilizations
none of the other 8 apply
if they did most of your leaders would be in jail
all of out laws are SECULAR

Read, learn...

Constitutional Rights Foundation: The Hebrews and the Foundation of Western Law
The Ten Commandments and many other elements of Hebrew law provided a major source for the development of western legal systems and democracy.

Three thousand years ago, the ancient Hebrew people lived in the Near East in an area called Canaan. This ancient people developed the idea of monotheism, the belief in one god. They believed that their god gave them laws to regulate their society, their religious practices, and their relationships with other people.

Conquered by the neo-Babylonians and later by the Romans, the Hebrews eventually became a scattered people, living in many countries under different legal systems. But they continued to develop their own law and tried to follow it even in foreign lands. Their law was based on the Ten Commandments and other sacred writings, which today we find in the Hebrew Bible. In developing their law, they sometimes borrowed legal concepts from other civilizations as well as passing on their own ideas. The Jewish law that developed influenced Roman law, English law, and our own Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

The Torah teaches that God created Adam, the first human, as the father of all peoples. Thus, all humans are born equal and should be treated equally by the law. This is today recognized as a major principle of law.

The Rule of Law
The Torah does not recognize the idea of kings ruling by divine right. According to tradition, the Hebrew people made Saul their first king in 1030 B.C., when enemy nations threatened their survival. But Saul and the other Hebrew kings that followed him were never considered to be gods or high priests with the power to interpret God’s will.

Hebrew kings, like everyone else, had to obey the Ten Commandments and the other laws of the Torah. The written Torah, not the whims of kings, was considered the law of the land.

Majority Rule and Democracy
The Hebrew concept of majority rule comes from the Torah’s command to “follow the multitude.” The majority decided disputes among scholars on the meaning of God’s laws, the court decisions of judges, and the local acts of Jewish communities.

Since Jews lived under the rule of foreign nations after A.D. 70, they practiced only limited forms of self-government. By the 12th century, however, many countries permitted Jewish communities to elect local town councils, the “Seven Good Men of the City.” These councils, chosen by the majority of adult males, supervised religious, economic, educational, and charity activities. The entire community often decided important questions at a town meeting.

Freedom of Religion and Speech
Being born a Jew makes one obligated to follow the Torah. But Jews must do this freely. Non-Jews have the freedom to practice their own religions. Moreover, unlike most other religions, Judaism does not actively seek converts.

A tradition of free speech existed among the Hebrews. Hebrew prophets openly spoke out against their kings and the people for failing to follow the Torah. During the long history of disputes over the meaning of the Torah, no one was tried for heresy (going against religious doctrine). Also, while the majority decided matters of law, the minority had a chance to be heard and their opinions were often recorded.

Fair Trial

In Judea, the court system had three levels. The highest court was the Great Sandedrin, which had 71 judges. Lesser courts with 23 judges dealt with death penalty cases. Lower courts with three judges handled most civil and criminal matters. Most of these courts stopped functioning after the Romans destroyed the temple in Jerusalem. In countries where they were permitted to operate, however, three-judge courts continued to hand out justice in Jewish communities.

Many parts of the Torah, Talmud, and the codes of law that followed described due process procedures to ensure fair trials. Anyone accused of a crime had the right of bail except in death-penalty cases. Traditional Jewish courts had no trained lawyers arguing cases. The prosecutor was either the victim himself or, if he had been killed, a relative (“blood-avenger”) or someone appointed by the court. The accused could defend himself or ask another to plead for him. Evidence included documents and the testimony of witnesses. The consistent testimony of two male witnesses to the crime was necessary to convict the accused. The judges closely cross-examined witnesses in the presence of the accused. Circumstantial evidence alone was never enough to find someone guilty. Witnesses who broke the commandment forbidding one to “bear false witness” faced the same penalty that the accused would have suffered. The accused had an absolute right against self-incrimination and was not permitted to make statements harmful to himself. Likewise, confessions were not admissible evidence in court. There was no jury. The judges deliberated with the accused looking on. The youngest judge spoke his opinion first in order to avoid being influenced by the senior judges. The judges then decided the verdict by majority vote
BRIA 16 4 a The Hebrews and the Foundation of Western Law - Constitutional Rights Foundation
I find it very amusing that those who complain about Israel's so called treatment of Palestinians never ever bring these kinds of incidents up, that happen on a regular basis. Now why is that?

Thousands of Muslims Attack Christians in Egypt, 2 Killed, Homes and Stores Torched

(AINA) — Thousands of Muslims attacked and besieged Copts in elGhorayzat village, population 80,000, killing two Copts and severely wounding others, as well as looting and torching homes and businesses. A quarrel between a Copt, John Hosni, and Mahmoud Abdel-Nazeer, who later died in hospital, turned into collective punishment of all Copts in the majority Christian village of elGhorayzat, in the Maragha district of Sohag province.

Three other Christians, Maher Samir Gota, his wife, and his brother Osama Samir Gota, were severely injured and are in intensive care. They were in their homes when their shop was broken into and looted by Muslims. Maher and his wife were stabbed and Osama received a blow on the head. The ambulance could not go to them to transport them to hospital. He was privately transported by his friends. There were reports of Muslims preventing the fire brigades from reaching the burning homes.

After killing the Copts, Muslims went on a rampage, looting and burning Christian owned homes and businesses.

I think that the most effective way to completely end religious intolerance & religious violence is to just - collectively - quit believing in religions all together. I know it's kind of a radical thing to propose, & a hopelessly difficult thing to execute, but it would work without a doubt.

Just that easy..

The world would instantly be a more happier place, in my opinion.

Of course it would religion causes most wars and thousands of humans are slaughtered every year somewhere on the planet in gods name
I find it very amusing that those who complain about Israel's so called treatment of Palestinians never ever bring these kinds of incidents up, that happen on a regular basis. Now why is that?

Thousands of Muslims Attack Christians in Egypt, 2 Killed, Homes and Stores Torched

(AINA) — Thousands of Muslims attacked and besieged Copts in elGhorayzat village, population 80,000, killing two Copts and severely wounding others, as well as looting and torching homes and businesses. A quarrel between a Copt, John Hosni, and Mahmoud Abdel-Nazeer, who later died in hospital, turned into collective punishment of all Copts in the majority Christian village of elGhorayzat, in the Maragha district of Sohag province.

Three other Christians, Maher Samir Gota, his wife, and his brother Osama Samir Gota, were severely injured and are in intensive care. They were in their homes when their shop was broken into and looted by Muslims. Maher and his wife were stabbed and Osama received a blow on the head. The ambulance could not go to them to transport them to hospital. He was privately transported by his friends. There were reports of Muslims preventing the fire brigades from reaching the burning homes.

After killing the Copts, Muslims went on a rampage, looting and burning Christian owned homes and businesses.

I think that the most effective way to completely end religious intolerance & religious violence is to just - collectively - quit believing in religions all together. I know it's kind of a radical thing to propose, & a hopelessly difficult thing to execute, but it would work without a doubt.

Just that easy..

The world would instantly be a more happier place, in my opinion.

Of course it would religion causes most wars and thousands of humans are slaughtered every year somewhere on the planet in gods name

Only islime advocates perpetual war against those who do not believe in the religion
Except, Western civilization is based on Jewish laws and ethics. Ever hear of the 10 Commandments?

When can you move out of Western civilization? I'll gladly pay your moving costs.
since when has the country,s laws been based on the ten commandments never
only 2 i can think of mudrer and stealing those are illlegal in most civilizations
none of the other 8 apply
if they did most of your leaders would be in jail
all of out laws are SECULAR

Read, learn...

Constitutional Rights Foundation: The Hebrews and the Foundation of Western Law
The Ten Commandments and many other elements of Hebrew law provided a major source for the development of western legal systems and democracy.

Three thousand years ago, the ancient Hebrew people lived in the Near East in an area called Canaan. This ancient people developed the idea of monotheism, the belief in one god. They believed that their god gave them laws to regulate their society, their religious practices, and their relationships with other people.

Conquered by the neo-Babylonians and later by the Romans, the Hebrews eventually became a scattered people, living in many countries under different legal systems. But they continued to develop their own law and tried to follow it even in foreign lands. Their law was based on the Ten Commandments and other sacred writings, which today we find in the Hebrew Bible. In developing their law, they sometimes borrowed legal concepts from other civilizations as well as passing on their own ideas. The Jewish law that developed influenced Roman law, English law, and our own Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

The Torah teaches that God created Adam, the first human, as the father of all peoples. Thus, all humans are born equal and should be treated equally by the law. This is today recognized as a major principle of law.

The Rule of Law
The Torah does not recognize the idea of kings ruling by divine right. According to tradition, the Hebrew people made Saul their first king in 1030 B.C., when enemy nations threatened their survival. But Saul and the other Hebrew kings that followed him were never considered to be gods or high priests with the power to interpret God’s will.

Hebrew kings, like everyone else, had to obey the Ten Commandments and the other laws of the Torah. The written Torah, not the whims of kings, was considered the law of the land.

Majority Rule and Democracy
The Hebrew concept of majority rule comes from the Torah’s command to “follow the multitude.” The majority decided disputes among scholars on the meaning of God’s laws, the court decisions of judges, and the local acts of Jewish communities.

Since Jews lived under the rule of foreign nations after A.D. 70, they practiced only limited forms of self-government. By the 12th century, however, many countries permitted Jewish communities to elect local town councils, the “Seven Good Men of the City.” These councils, chosen by the majority of adult males, supervised religious, economic, educational, and charity activities. The entire community often decided important questions at a town meeting.

Freedom of Religion and Speech
Being born a Jew makes one obligated to follow the Torah. But Jews must do this freely. Non-Jews have the freedom to practice their own religions. Moreover, unlike most other religions, Judaism does not actively seek converts.

A tradition of free speech existed among the Hebrews. Hebrew prophets openly spoke out against their kings and the people for failing to follow the Torah. During the long history of disputes over the meaning of the Torah, no one was tried for heresy (going against religious doctrine). Also, while the majority decided matters of law, the minority had a chance to be heard and their opinions were often recorded.

Fair Trial

In Judea, the court system had three levels. The highest court was the Great Sandedrin, which had 71 judges. Lesser courts with 23 judges dealt with death penalty cases. Lower courts with three judges handled most civil and criminal matters. Most of these courts stopped functioning after the Romans destroyed the temple in Jerusalem. In countries where they were permitted to operate, however, three-judge courts continued to hand out justice in Jewish communities.

Many parts of the Torah, Talmud, and the codes of law that followed described due process procedures to ensure fair trials. Anyone accused of a crime had the right of bail except in death-penalty cases. Traditional Jewish courts had no trained lawyers arguing cases. The prosecutor was either the victim himself or, if he had been killed, a relative (“blood-avenger”) or someone appointed by the court. The accused could defend himself or ask another to plead for him. Evidence included documents and the testimony of witnesses. The consistent testimony of two male witnesses to the crime was necessary to convict the accused. The judges closely cross-examined witnesses in the presence of the accused. Circumstantial evidence alone was never enough to find someone guilty. Witnesses who broke the commandment forbidding one to “bear false witness” faced the same penalty that the accused would have suffered. The accused had an absolute right against self-incrimination and was not permitted to make statements harmful to himself. Likewise, confessions were not admissible evidence in court. There was no jury. The judges deliberated with the accused looking on. The youngest judge spoke his opinion first in order to avoid being influenced by the senior judges. The judges then decided the verdict by majority vote
BRIA 16 4 a The Hebrews and the Foundation of Western Law - Constitutional Rights Foundation
you learn asshole
only 2 * may apply *
tell me where the other 8 commandments are law ?
and again read what i said none of our laws are based on what g-d said or was supposed to have said they are purely secular
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since when has the country,s laws been based on the ten commandments never
only 2 i can think of mudrer and stealing those are illlegal in most civilizations
none of the other 8 apply
if they did most of your leaders would be in jail
all of out laws are SECULAR

Read, learn...

Constitutional Rights Foundation: The Hebrews and the Foundation of Western Law
The Ten Commandments and many other elements of Hebrew law provided a major source for the development of western legal systems and democracy.

Three thousand years ago, the ancient Hebrew people lived in the Near East in an area called Canaan. This ancient people developed the idea of monotheism, the belief in one god. They believed that their god gave them laws to regulate their society, their religious practices, and their relationships with other people.

Conquered by the neo-Babylonians and later by the Romans, the Hebrews eventually became a scattered people, living in many countries under different legal systems. But they continued to develop their own law and tried to follow it even in foreign lands. Their law was based on the Ten Commandments and other sacred writings, which today we find in the Hebrew Bible. In developing their law, they sometimes borrowed legal concepts from other civilizations as well as passing on their own ideas. The Jewish law that developed influenced Roman law, English law, and our own Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

The Torah teaches that God created Adam, the first human, as the father of all peoples. Thus, all humans are born equal and should be treated equally by the law. This is today recognized as a major principle of law.

The Rule of Law
The Torah does not recognize the idea of kings ruling by divine right. According to tradition, the Hebrew people made Saul their first king in 1030 B.C., when enemy nations threatened their survival. But Saul and the other Hebrew kings that followed him were never considered to be gods or high priests with the power to interpret God’s will.

Hebrew kings, like everyone else, had to obey the Ten Commandments and the other laws of the Torah. The written Torah, not the whims of kings, was considered the law of the land.

Majority Rule and Democracy
The Hebrew concept of majority rule comes from the Torah’s command to “follow the multitude.” The majority decided disputes among scholars on the meaning of God’s laws, the court decisions of judges, and the local acts of Jewish communities.

Since Jews lived under the rule of foreign nations after A.D. 70, they practiced only limited forms of self-government. By the 12th century, however, many countries permitted Jewish communities to elect local town councils, the “Seven Good Men of the City.” These councils, chosen by the majority of adult males, supervised religious, economic, educational, and charity activities. The entire community often decided important questions at a town meeting.

Freedom of Religion and Speech
Being born a Jew makes one obligated to follow the Torah. But Jews must do this freely. Non-Jews have the freedom to practice their own religions. Moreover, unlike most other religions, Judaism does not actively seek converts.

A tradition of free speech existed among the Hebrews. Hebrew prophets openly spoke out against their kings and the people for failing to follow the Torah. During the long history of disputes over the meaning of the Torah, no one was tried for heresy (going against religious doctrine). Also, while the majority decided matters of law, the minority had a chance to be heard and their opinions were often recorded.

Fair Trial

In Judea, the court system had three levels. The highest court was the Great Sandedrin, which had 71 judges. Lesser courts with 23 judges dealt with death penalty cases. Lower courts with three judges handled most civil and criminal matters. Most of these courts stopped functioning after the Romans destroyed the temple in Jerusalem. In countries where they were permitted to operate, however, three-judge courts continued to hand out justice in Jewish communities.

Many parts of the Torah, Talmud, and the codes of law that followed described due process procedures to ensure fair trials. Anyone accused of a crime had the right of bail except in death-penalty cases. Traditional Jewish courts had no trained lawyers arguing cases. The prosecutor was either the victim himself or, if he had been killed, a relative (“blood-avenger”) or someone appointed by the court. The accused could defend himself or ask another to plead for him. Evidence included documents and the testimony of witnesses. The consistent testimony of two male witnesses to the crime was necessary to convict the accused. The judges closely cross-examined witnesses in the presence of the accused. Circumstantial evidence alone was never enough to find someone guilty. Witnesses who broke the commandment forbidding one to “bear false witness” faced the same penalty that the accused would have suffered. The accused had an absolute right against self-incrimination and was not permitted to make statements harmful to himself. Likewise, confessions were not admissible evidence in court. There was no jury. The judges deliberated with the accused looking on. The youngest judge spoke his opinion first in order to avoid being influenced by the senior judges. The judges then decided the verdict by majority vote
BRIA 16 4 a The Hebrews and the Foundation of Western Law - Constitutional Rights Foundation
you learn asshole
only 2 * may apply *
tell me where the other 8 are laws ?

You lost the debate. Now, walk away
I find it very amusing that those who complain about Israel's so called treatment of Palestinians never ever bring these kinds of incidents up, that happen on a regular basis. Now why is that?

Thousands of Muslims Attack Christians in Egypt, 2 Killed, Homes and Stores Torched

(AINA) — Thousands of Muslims attacked and besieged Copts in elGhorayzat village, population 80,000, killing two Copts and severely wounding others, as well as looting and torching homes and businesses. A quarrel between a Copt, John Hosni, and Mahmoud Abdel-Nazeer, who later died in hospital, turned into collective punishment of all Copts in the majority Christian village of elGhorayzat, in the Maragha district of Sohag province.

Three other Christians, Maher Samir Gota, his wife, and his brother Osama Samir Gota, were severely injured and are in intensive care. They were in their homes when their shop was broken into and looted by Muslims. Maher and his wife were stabbed and Osama received a blow on the head. The ambulance could not go to them to transport them to hospital. He was privately transported by his friends. There were reports of Muslims preventing the fire brigades from reaching the burning homes.

After killing the Copts, Muslims went on a rampage, looting and burning Christian owned homes and businesses.

I think that the most effective way to completely end religious intolerance & religious violence is to just - collectively - quit believing in religions all together. I know it's kind of a radical thing to propose, & a hopelessly difficult thing to execute, but it would work without a doubt.

Just that easy..

The world would instantly be a more happier place, in my opinion.


Except, Western civilization is based on Jewish laws and ethics. Ever hear of the 10 Commandments?

When can you move out of Western civilization?

Over time, civilizations evolve and develop and leave the "bad" behind and move forward with the "good".

I think it would be wholly possible for Western civilization to keep with us some of the broad teachings and lessons of the Bible (love thy neighbor, thou shall not kill), while at the same time dropping some of the more controversial and war causing supernatural aspects of the Bible.

I think it would be within these broad HUMAN lessons (that are shared between the Koran and Bible - for example) where different cultures would be able to find some common ground, and perhaps end some of these unnecessary and tragic wars.

For instance do you think an Islamic Terrorist would blow himself up if the concept of an all powerful and knowing Allah or Christian God were done away with all together, and all we had left were just a collective set of rules? I don't think so. Or at least, he'd be less inclined to do it.

It's these irrational absolutes that drive us to do bad things - such as "I know that my god does this and that and if you oppose him you are evil, ect". It's those types of beliefs that human culture should move away from. Dropping our primitive supernatural beliefs in the age of powerful technologies, nuclear weaponry, and the internet is IN OUR BEST INTEREST, because it will work to stabilize our world.

I'll gladly pay your moving costs.

And by the way, if I were to say "yes", would you actually pay my moving costs? If I sent you my name and address, would you just send me a check with no strings attached?

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I find it very amusing that those who complain about Israel's so called treatment of Palestinians never ever bring these kinds of incidents up, that happen on a regular basis. Now why is that?

Thousands of Muslims Attack Christians in Egypt, 2 Killed, Homes and Stores Torched

(AINA) — Thousands of Muslims attacked and besieged Copts in elGhorayzat village, population 80,000, killing two Copts and severely wounding others, as well as looting and torching homes and businesses. A quarrel between a Copt, John Hosni, and Mahmoud Abdel-Nazeer, who later died in hospital, turned into collective punishment of all Copts in the majority Christian village of elGhorayzat, in the Maragha district of Sohag province.

Three other Christians, Maher Samir Gota, his wife, and his brother Osama Samir Gota, were severely injured and are in intensive care. They were in their homes when their shop was broken into and looted by Muslims. Maher and his wife were stabbed and Osama received a blow on the head. The ambulance could not go to them to transport them to hospital. He was privately transported by his friends. There were reports of Muslims preventing the fire brigades from reaching the burning homes.

After killing the Copts, Muslims went on a rampage, looting and burning Christian owned homes and businesses.

I think that the most effective way to completely end religious intolerance & religious violence is to just - collectively - quit believing in religions all together. I know it's kind of a radical thing to propose, & a hopelessly difficult thing to execute, but it would work without a doubt.

Just that easy..

The world would instantly be a more happier place, in my opinion.


Yes and no.

Humans generally have shown a propensity to come up with reasons to fear and kill each other. As the OP so aptly demonstrates. The new "hate du jour" for some conservatives in this muslims. And that's after a long list of people that they hated.
Torah: Love thy neighbor as thyself.

Quran: Verily, Allâh has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allâh's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed. Then rejoice in the bargain which you have concluded. That is the supreme success.

United States President John Quincy Adams
The precept of the koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet, may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force (Blunt, 29:274). Memoir of the life of John Quincy Adams. (9781240038398): Josiah Quincy: Books
I think that the most effective way to completely end religious intolerance & religious violence is to just - collectively - quit believing in religions all together. I know it's kind of a radical thing to propose, & a hopelessly difficult thing to execute, but it would work without a doubt.

Just that easy..

The world would instantly be a more happier place, in my opinion.


Except, Western civilization is based on Jewish laws and ethics. Ever hear of the 10 Commandments?

When can you move out of Western civilization? I'll gladly pay your moving costs.
since when has the country,s laws been based on the ten commandments never
only 2 i can think of mudrer and stealing those are illlegal in most civilizations
none of the other 8 apply
if they did most of your leaders would be in jail
all of out laws are SECULAR
Are you forgetting or ignorant that the Gold Medal in genocide and mass murder in the 20th century goes to Atheism? And this just the communists and maxists alone. We're not even bringing in the Nazis, who considered themselves atheists.

Mass killings under Communist regimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The highest death tolls that have been documented in communist states occurred in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, in the People's Republic of China under Mao Zedong, and in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. The estimates of the number of non-combatants killed by these three regimes alone range from a low of 21 million to a high of 70 million.[dubious – discuss][2] There have also been killings on a smaller scale in North Korea, Vietnam, and some Eastern European and African countries.

"Of all religions, secular and otherwise," Rummel positions Marxism as "by far the bloodiest – bloodier than the Catholic Inquisition, the various Catholic crusades, and the Thirty Years War between Catholics and Protestants. In practice, Marxism has meant bloody terrorism, deadly purges, lethal prison camps and murderous forced labor, fatal deportations, man-made famines, extrajudicial executions and fraudulent show trials, outright mass murder and genocide."[26] He writes that in practice the Marxists saw the construction of their utopia as "a war on poverty, exploitation, imperialism and inequality – and, as in a real war, noncombatants would unfortunately get caught in the battle. There would be necessary enemy casualties: the clergy, bourgeoisie, capitalists, 'wreckers', intellectuals, counterrevolutionaries, rightists, tyrants, the rich and landlords. As in a war, millions might die, but these deaths would be justified by the end, as in the defeat of Hitler in World War II. To the ruling Marxists, the goal of a communist utopia was enough to justify all the deaths."[26]

In his book Red Holocaust, Steven Rosefielde argues that communism's internal contradictions "caused to be killed" approximately 60 million people and perhaps tens of millions more, and that this "Red Holocaust" – the peacetime mass killings and other related crimes against humanity perpetrated by Communist leaders such as Joseph Stalin, Kim Il Sung, Mao Tse-tung, Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot—should be the centerpiece of any net assessment of communism. He states that the aforementioned leaders are "collectively guilty of holocaust-scale felonious homicides."[27]
Except, Western civilization is based on Jewish laws and ethics. Ever hear of the 10 Commandments?

When can you move out of Western civilization? I'll gladly pay your moving costs.
since when has the country,s laws been based on the ten commandments never
only 2 i can think of mudrer and stealing those are illlegal in most civilizations
none of the other 8 apply
if they did most of your leaders would be in jail
all of out laws are SECULAR
Are you forgetting or ignorant that the Gold Medal in genocide and mass murder in the 20th century goes to Atheism? And this just the communists and maxists alone. We're not even bringing in the Nazis, who considered themselves atheists.

Mass killings under Communist regimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The highest death tolls that have been documented in communist states occurred in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, in the People's Republic of China under Mao Zedong, and in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. The estimates of the number of non-combatants killed by these three regimes alone range from a low of 21 million to a high of 70 million.[dubious – discuss][2] There have also been killings on a smaller scale in North Korea, Vietnam, and some Eastern European and African countries.

"Of all religions, secular and otherwise," Rummel positions Marxism as "by far the bloodiest – bloodier than the Catholic Inquisition, the various Catholic crusades, and the Thirty Years War between Catholics and Protestants. In practice, Marxism has meant bloody terrorism, deadly purges, lethal prison camps and murderous forced labor, fatal deportations, man-made famines, extrajudicial executions and fraudulent show trials, outright mass murder and genocide."[26] He writes that in practice the Marxists saw the construction of their utopia as "a war on poverty, exploitation, imperialism and inequality – and, as in a real war, noncombatants would unfortunately get caught in the battle. There would be necessary enemy casualties: the clergy, bourgeoisie, capitalists, 'wreckers', intellectuals, counterrevolutionaries, rightists, tyrants, the rich and landlords. As in a war, millions might die, but these deaths would be justified by the end, as in the defeat of Hitler in World War II. To the ruling Marxists, the goal of a communist utopia was enough to justify all the deaths."[26]

In his book Red Holocaust, Steven Rosefielde argues that communism's internal contradictions "caused to be killed" approximately 60 million people and perhaps tens of millions more, and that this "Red Holocaust" – the peacetime mass killings and other related crimes against humanity perpetrated by Communist leaders such as Joseph Stalin, Kim Il Sung, Mao Tse-tung, Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot—should be the centerpiece of any net assessment of communism. He states that the aforementioned leaders are "collectively guilty of holocaust-scale felonious homicides."[27]

Death and mass murder thanks to harmful, radical, and militant ultra-nationalist/communist ideology, not mass murder thanks to atheism.

You don't need to believe in a specific god in order to realize that murder and killing is wrong.

And the phrase "specific" is important because I think it's the claim that we know specifics about the gods we worship is what leads to our problems. If we could all just acknowledge that there may be a god, yet no one really knows any details for sure (which is the truth), there would be a lot less religious violence.
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I find it very amusing that those who complain about Israel's so called treatment of Palestinians never ever bring these kinds of incidents up, that happen on a regular basis. Now why is that?

Thousands of Muslims Attack Christians in Egypt, 2 Killed, Homes and Stores Torched

(AINA) — Thousands of Muslims attacked and besieged Copts in elGhorayzat village, population 80,000, killing two Copts and severely wounding others, as well as looting and torching homes and businesses. A quarrel between a Copt, John Hosni, and Mahmoud Abdel-Nazeer, who later died in hospital, turned into collective punishment of all Copts in the majority Christian village of elGhorayzat, in the Maragha district of Sohag province.

Three other Christians, Maher Samir Gota, his wife, and his brother Osama Samir Gota, were severely injured and are in intensive care. They were in their homes when their shop was broken into and looted by Muslims. Maher and his wife were stabbed and Osama received a blow on the head. The ambulance could not go to them to transport them to hospital. He was privately transported by his friends. There were reports of Muslims preventing the fire brigades from reaching the burning homes.

After killing the Copts, Muslims went on a rampage, looting and burning Christian owned homes and businesses.

I think that the most effective way to completely end religious intolerance & religious violence is to just - collectively - quit believing in religions all together. I know it's kind of a radical thing to propose, & a hopelessly difficult thing to execute, but it would work without a doubt.

Just that easy..

The world would instantly be a more happier place, in my opinion.


So in order to make you happy we need to give up believing in God. :muahaha:

Think Muslims will go for it?????:slap:

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