Trayvon/Zimmerman's black neighbor: "Black boys were breaking into homes"


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting | Reuters

WOW!!! More info continues to flow. From this investigative journalism piece:

- Zimmerman is part white, part hispanic, and PART BLACK. His grandmother had a black dad!!!

- Zimmerman was told by the sheriff's department to BUY A GUN due to rampant loose and dangerous dogs in the area. He was asked by the HOA to start a neighborhood watch for loose dogs, and the county sheriff's dept told him pepper spray wouldn't work quick enough on a dog, "buy a gun"!!!

- So he carried a gun....not for people...but for loose dogs which he was asked to patrol for.

- A BLACK female neighbor said we must consider "the elephant in the room" in that the community was being victimized by black males who were breaking into homes, and that MUST be considered in why Zimmerman noticed Trayvon.

Scan the article yourself. This case makes the lefty loons look stupider, and more racist themselves, by the day.
Zimmerman is not just a white racist criminal? Trayvon was not just a law abiding and quite young citizen? Just when the left wing thought they had found a perfect story!!! But reality is too much complex isn't it
Zimmerman is not just a white racist criminal? Trayvon was not just a law abiding and quite young citizen? Just when the left wing thought they had found a perfect story!!! But reality is too much complex isn't it

Wish the media would come out an apologize and admit they made a mistake and that Zimmerman is part black. I like to see someone put a stop to the "that's for Trayvon" crimes, which, oddly enough are only perpetrated by blacks against whites, not on hispanics.
George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting | Reuters

WOW!!! More info continues to flow. From this investigative journalism piece:

- Zimmerman is part white, part hispanic, and PART BLACK. His grandmother had a black dad!!!

- Zimmerman was told by the sheriff's department to BUY A GUN due to rampant loose and dangerous dogs in the area. He was asked by the HOA to start a neighborhood watch for loose dogs, and the county sheriff's dept told him pepper spray wouldn't work quick enough on a dog, "buy a gun"!!!

- So he carried a gun....not for people...but for loose dogs which he was asked to patrol for.

- A BLACK female neighbor said we must consider "the elephant in the room" in that the community was being victimized by black males who were breaking into homes, and that MUST be considered in why Zimmerman noticed Trayvon.

Scan the article yourself. This case makes the lefty loons look stupider, and more racist themselves, by the day.

Cool! Is she going to get on the witness stand and testify that Zimmerman was profiling "black boys?"
George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting | Reuters

WOW!!! More info continues to flow. From this investigative journalism piece:

- Zimmerman is part white, part hispanic, and PART BLACK. His grandmother had a black dad!!!

- Zimmerman was told by the sheriff's department to BUY A GUN due to rampant loose and dangerous dogs in the area. He was asked by the HOA to start a neighborhood watch for loose dogs, and the county sheriff's dept told him pepper spray wouldn't work quick enough on a dog, "buy a gun"!!!

- So he carried a gun....not for people...but for loose dogs which he was asked to patrol for.

- A BLACK female neighbor said we must consider "the elephant in the room" in that the community was being victimized by black males who were breaking into homes, and that MUST be considered in why Zimmerman noticed Trayvon.

Scan the article yourself. This case makes the lefty loons look stupider, and more racist themselves, by the day.

Cool! Is she going to get on the witness stand and testify that Zimmerman was profiling "black boys?"

Zimmerman's business partner is black. Zimmerman himself is part black. But go ahead and cheer on the blacks that are attacking whites in Trayvon's name. I'm sure all us whites deserve it.
George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting | Reuters

WOW!!! More info continues to flow. From this investigative journalism piece:

- Zimmerman is part white, part hispanic, and PART BLACK. His grandmother had a black dad!!!

- Zimmerman was told by the sheriff's department to BUY A GUN due to rampant loose and dangerous dogs in the area. He was asked by the HOA to start a neighborhood watch for loose dogs, and the county sheriff's dept told him pepper spray wouldn't work quick enough on a dog, "buy a gun"!!!

- So he carried a gun....not for people...but for loose dogs which he was asked to patrol for.

- A BLACK female neighbor said we must consider "the elephant in the room" in that the community was being victimized by black males who were breaking into homes, and that MUST be considered in why Zimmerman noticed Trayvon.

Scan the article yourself. This case makes the lefty loons look stupider, and more racist themselves, by the day.

Cool! Is she going to get on the witness stand and testify that Zimmerman was profiling "black boys?"

Zimmerman's business partner is black. Zimmerman himself is part black. But go ahead and cheer on the blacks that are attacking whites in Trayvon's name. I'm sure all us whites deserve it.

Those criminals would be on the streets, doing the same things, had Zimmerman not shot Martin.
Still there's no place in the world where blacks have higher standards of living than in the US, what do these racist blacks want?, a country where there's no racism and no white people? There are lots of them. In Zimbabwe whites were chased by dictator Mugabe and most of them fled or were killed. They have now an unemployment rate of about 95% of the population and a inflation of about 100000% a year.
George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting | Reuters

WOW!!! More info continues to flow. From this investigative journalism piece:

- Zimmerman is part white, part hispanic, and PART BLACK. His grandmother had a black dad!!!

- Zimmerman was told by the sheriff's department to BUY A GUN due to rampant loose and dangerous dogs in the area. He was asked by the HOA to start a neighborhood watch for loose dogs, and the county sheriff's dept told him pepper spray wouldn't work quick enough on a dog, "buy a gun"!!!

- So he carried a gun....not for people...but for loose dogs which he was asked to patrol for.

- A BLACK female neighbor said we must consider "the elephant in the room" in that the community was being victimized by black males who were breaking into homes, and that MUST be considered in why Zimmerman noticed Trayvon.

Scan the article yourself. This case makes the lefty loons look stupider, and more racist themselves, by the day.

Cool! Is she going to get on the witness stand and testify that Zimmerman was profiling "black boys?"

Zimmerman's business partner is black. Zimmerman himself is part black. But go ahead and cheer on the blacks that are attacking whites in Trayvon's name. I'm sure all us whites deserve it.
Allegedly, his GREAT grandfather was African American? Where does THAT come from?
Cool! Is she going to get on the witness stand and testify that Zimmerman was profiling "black boys?"

Zimmerman's business partner is black. Zimmerman himself is part black. But go ahead and cheer on the blacks that are attacking whites in Trayvon's name. I'm sure all us whites deserve it.
Allegedly, his GREAT grandfather was African American? Where does THAT come from?

His Peruvian mother, apparently.
George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting | Reuters

WOW!!! More info continues to flow. From this investigative journalism piece:

- Zimmerman is part white, part hispanic, and PART BLACK. His grandmother had a black dad!!!

- Zimmerman was told by the sheriff's department to BUY A GUN due to rampant loose and dangerous dogs in the area. He was asked by the HOA to start a neighborhood watch for loose dogs, and the county sheriff's dept told him pepper spray wouldn't work quick enough on a dog, "buy a gun"!!!

- So he carried a gun....not for people...but for loose dogs which he was asked to patrol for.

- A BLACK female neighbor said we must consider "the elephant in the room" in that the community was being victimized by black males who were breaking into homes, and that MUST be considered in why Zimmerman noticed Trayvon.

Scan the article yourself. This case makes the lefty loons look stupider, and more racist themselves, by the day.

Cool! Is she going to get on the witness stand and testify that Zimmerman was profiling "black boys?"

Zimmerman's business partner is black. Zimmerman himself is part black. But go ahead and cheer on the blacks that are attacking whites in Trayvon's name. I'm sure all us whites deserve it.


If anyone is attacking people in the name of Trayvon they should be in jail. FTR, I have seen a handful of claims, maybe three, and one of them turned out to be false. I have my doubts about the others.

But what happens now is meaningless to the question of whether or not Zimmerman is guilty or innocent.

So I ask again, will the black woman mentioned in the OP go on the witness stand and claim that Zimmerman profiled Martin?
We can all agree that it was a bad profiling job though, right?

If the case is such that a person interrupts a crime from happening, that's one thing, but you can't bait or bully or follow somebody and then start something and escalate the tension to the point where you think you need your gun to save your ass because you put yourself in the retarded situation.

If you pronounce somebody guilty of something before there's any just cause to stop them, that's a bad profiling job in my book, no matter what your background may be.

I think the hope that any parent has is that your teenager can walk to and from the store to buy candy without being followed home by a stranger. An armed dude with too much paranoia on the brain adds up to a whole lot of trouble.

To be fair to the media, they first reported that the guy was white because that's what the boobs at the Sanford Popo Dep't recorded him as. They swiftly course-corrected once his mugshot was released, unless someone can prove me wrong on that point.
We can all agree that it was a bad profiling job though, right?

If the case is such that a person interrupts a crime from happening, that's one thing, but you can't bait or bully or follow somebody and then start something and escalate the tension to the point where you think you need your gun to save your ass because you put yourself in the retarded situation.

If you pronounce somebody guilty of something before there's any just cause to stop them, that's a bad profiling job in my book, no matter what your background may be.

I think the hope that any parent has is that your teenager can walk to and from the store to buy candy without being followed home by a stranger. An armed dude with too much paranoia on the brain adds up to a whole lot of trouble.

To be fair to the media, they first reported that the guy was white because that's what the boobs at the Sanford Popo Dep't recorded him as. They swiftly course-corrected once his mugshot was released, unless someone can prove me wrong on that point.

If my child were suspended from school, he wouldn't be going ANYWHERE in the dark. And if my kid were 17, he wouldn't be going out alone at night for ANY reason with the exception of driving to and from work. It's not safe. Heck, when I was a kid and went somewhere in the dark alone, I couldn't go anywhere outside our neighborhood, my mom had to know where I was going, I had to call her when I got there and before I left to go home. And going to the 7/11 for ice tea and skittles would not have been allowed, not by myself and certainly not if I was suspended from school.

This is a high crime neighborhood, what they heck were Trayvon's parents thinking?
Yeah..that's the ticket..

Wild dogs.

Zimmerman has more defenders than any other killer since?

Bernie Goetz.

When a not-obviously-black figure shoots and kills a feral black teen, a billion white hearts swell with satisfaction.

That's the fucking truth.

What if those whites apply that to the political arena, instead of just keeping the rage to themselves?

Shit could break loose, yo.

Wanna see a few hundred thousand black people all collectively crap their sweatpants? Pro-white congressman elected to Congress.

No justice, no peace, cuz.
We can all agree that it was a bad profiling job though, right?

I wouldn't say that. There had been a number of break ins during the preceding months. The were attributed to black, teenage youths.

Martin fit the profile.

I don't believe Zimmerman profiled Martin based on the fact that he was black, I think Zimmerman profiled him based on the fact he conformed with the description of those that had conducted burglaries in the recent past.

A subtle distinction, but (IMHO) an important one.

I would agree, if you said Zimmerman's mistake was going against Neighborhood Watch guidelines, Sanford PD training, and the advice of the dispatcher. That is was the link in the chain of events that would have prevented the killing. What really happened from the time that Zimmerman started following Martin to the discharge of the firearm, we do not yet know.

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Cool! Is she going to get on the witness stand and testify that Zimmerman was profiling "black boys?"

Zimmerman's business partner is black. Zimmerman himself is part black. But go ahead and cheer on the blacks that are attacking whites in Trayvon's name. I'm sure all us whites deserve it.
Allegedly, his GREAT grandfather was African American? Where does THAT come from?

Didn't you read the story? Apparently, Reuters decided that perhaps they should actually investigate the guy, instead of just making assumptions. It's almost like they're journalists, or something.
We can all agree that it was a bad profiling job though, right?

If the case is such that a person interrupts a crime from happening, that's one thing, but you can't bait or bully or follow somebody and then start something and escalate the tension to the point where you think you need your gun to save your ass because you put yourself in the retarded situation.

If you pronounce somebody guilty of something before there's any just cause to stop them, that's a bad profiling job in my book, no matter what your background may be.

I think the hope that any parent has is that your teenager can walk to and from the store to buy candy without being followed home by a stranger. An armed dude with too much paranoia on the brain adds up to a whole lot of trouble.

To be fair to the media, they first reported that the guy was white because that's what the boobs at the Sanford Popo Dep't recorded him as. They swiftly course-corrected once his mugshot was released, unless someone can prove me wrong on that point.

In order for us to "all agree it was a bad profiling job", that would require that we "all agree" that everything happened exactly the way you've personally decided, in your no doubt infinite and mildly psychic wisdom, that it happened. I don't know if it's escaped your notice - probably you were too busy gazing into your crystal ball to look around - but it's kinda the whole point of the story that everyone doesn't agree with you on what happened.

Frigging mouthbreather.

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