Training for Twoofers-FREE!!!!


Self deported
Sep 27, 2008
15th congressional district of Arizona
Training for twoofers, a training course for the serious twoofer
S.L.Ackjawed, P.E.(ret)


The following training course is offered as a public service to wanna-be twoofers in the attempt to make the debate between normal people and twoofers more challenging. The fact that our public schools have failed us, is clearly implied herein, and is the basic reason that S.L. Ackjawed, P.E.(ret) has generously offered his training services. Mr. Ackjawed has extensive training experience in the civil engineering field, as well as assisting students of our failed public high schools to obtain an education.
The situation of the debate between twoofers and normal people has become untenable at best. The reason appears to be a result of the failed state of our public school system. Public Schools in the USA have been granting a high school diploma to any that maintain a satisfactory attendance record. Therefore, those with no discernable ability to comprehend what they have read have been granted high school diplomas. Those with no discernable skills to determine which evidence may or may not be credible have been granted high school diplomas. Those who have no debate skills, other than resorting to insults, name-calling and race baiting have been granted high school diplomas.
Shockingly, in some cases these individuals have been granted diplomas with honors!
This training course is a laudable attempt by Mr. S.L.Ackjawed to correct these failings of public policies.

Part One:

In order to successfully engage in debates surrounding the events of 911, one must have access to youtube. (YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.). Youtube is THE source of all information regarding every conspiracy theory known to mankind. There is simply no substitute for youtube and the wealth of information that can be found in the videos that exist therein. One thing to remember about youtube is that in the rare case that one can’t find just the right video to prove one’s point, one can easily upload the required video. This allows the user to then post the video on one of many message boards, while claiming credibility because it came from youtube!
Note the search box near the top of the page on the youtube homepage. This search box is the twoofer’s best friend. Searches can be performed by;
a) subject matter of the video,
b) b)the username of the user who uploaded the video (try Terral) and finally,
c) c) general topic
The serious twoofer must remember to post as many youtube videos as possible in one post. This confuses the defenders of the official 911-commission report to no end. It also serves to tie up their time, allowing the twoofer to post more before the opposing side has time to watch the first ones. This is an excellent tactic in the quest for the real truth. The more the opposition is tied up, the less chance they will have to actually respond to the propaganda that the twoofer has posted. In the war between the twoofers and the defenders of the official story, propaganda MUST be used. Facts alone are not enough. In fact, right here at the beginning it would be best to acknowledge, at least to oneself, that actual facts are not the friend of twoofers. Youtube, because it contains very few videos that convey actual facts, is the twoofers best friend.

Part Two:

In addition to recognizing that youtube is the treasure trove of twoofer ammunition in the on-going war with the defenders of the official story, the serious twoofer must also follow a few basic rules of conduct.
a) Once a youtube video is posted by the twoofer, one must never respond to any challenges to the video, it’s age; it’s source, or whether it actually contains relevant facts or is simply bullshit. This tactic will serve the twoofer well in the quest to squelch any objections to the videos posted. Simply sit back and let those that object to the content of the video posted argue without a response. This will wear them out and at some point, after not responding, simply post the statement that your video contains “indisputable evidence” and has withstood every challenge it was subjected to.
b) The right of free speech is a very important and useful tool to be used skillfully by the twoofer. There is simply no better way to silence or discredit an adversary in a debate than by labeling the adversary an “official government disinformation agent” or perhaps a “Bush dupe”. Do this early and often, it will serve the serious twoofer well. In addition, when the adversary responds with calling the twoofer a name, respond immediately by claiming foul. After all, name calling isn’t debate, and those reasonable people will take this accusation seriously, while the twoofer can reasonably be expected to ignore the same charges leveled against them as they are not attempting to debate, but to spread an important message. The serious twoofer must believe absolutely that the end justifies the means. Any action, no matter how treasonous or despicable, can be justified by the importance of getting this important message to the public.
c) The serious twoofer, at all costs, must maintain an air of superior intelligence. There is absolutely nothing wrong with informing your adversary how much more intelligent you are than them. The only justification the twoofer needs for this statement is the fact that they believe the “official story, the twoofer is intelligent enough to see the truth. Always, always accuse your adversaries of ignorance and stupidity in your first response to them. I cannot stress this tactic enough, it is simply that important.
d) The serious twoofer MUST make free use of the following terms; ‘indisputable truth’, ‘expert’, ‘structurally impossible’, ‘defying the laws of physics’, ‘undeniable truth’, ‘irrational denial’. All of these terms can be used successfully with any youtube video that the twoofer has posted. They are like the trump cards in a card game. They should be played as such early and often.
e) Deny any information from the following sources as disinformation: Official government documents of any kind, all articles and quotes from US media sources (except of course Prison Planet, Alex Jones is a GOD!!!), Popular Mechanics magazine (must always be denounced as a tool of the Rothschild dynasty), national geographic (just a cover for the bush controlled us government), All Israeli sources (do I really need to explain this one?)

Part Three:
In conclusion, the following points are important to remember.
a) No matter the outcome of any argument the twoofer engages in, once it is over the twoofer must claim victory. This is usually done by claiming to “have taken the denier to school”, or “PWNED him”. Never admit to being wrong or losing an argument. This only serves to hurt the movement as a whole, as well as to diminish the credibility of the twoofer.
b) Always, always discredit the sources or the points made by any adversary. This is actually best done by never addressing the point the adversary was attempting to make. One of the best ways to do this is to pronounce the source as a tool of the government disinformation campaign, and to question the intelligence of the adversary as well. (An example would be “Oh, you expect me to put any stock into what the police on the ground at the time reported? Well, you’re simply too stupid to see they are just a tool of this corrupt government, and part of the cover-up! What an imbecile you are!”)
c) Refrain from any attempts to discuss anything reasonably and rationally. Reason is the enemy of the twoofer. The end justifies the means.
d) Once in awhile, a twoofer has his/her right of free speech violated by being thrown off one of these important message boards. If that happens to a twoofer, the choices are one of two.
1) One can create a ‘sock-puppet account’, and attempt to continue posting under a new ID, hoping the administrators don’t notice.
2) One can simply wait and plead to the administrators to be reinstated. Any promises to follow the rules in the future, or apologies for one’s actions are acceptable to make, and ignore. The end justifies the means, the message is simply too important to bother with any pesky rules.
e) Always whine. Whining always appeals to the basic instinct in others to provide sympathy. Whining always increases one’s standing in the message board community, and any other community as well.
f) Never defend any statement made. While it sounds counter-productive, attempting to defend one’s previous statements is simply going backwards. The movement is way to important to go backwards. Always ignore any attempts to get you to address any previous statement you may have made. It is counter-productive to the movement. The end justifies the means.
g) Always attack any statement made by an opponent, on any grounds possible. Some examples of reasons to attack an adversary’s statements are; grammar, spelling, typos, username of the attacker, never, ever, address the point of the statement the adversary made. That is simply counter-productive, and the movement is too important for that. Simply attacking the one that posted it is enough to claim victory in the argument. It makes a good opportunity to claim that the attacker has been “schooled” or “PWNed”. Never let this opportunity pass, never. I simply cannot repeat this enough. NEVER, EVER, ADDRESS ANY POINT THE ADVERSARY IS MAKING! Always attack the person making such a post against the movement. The end justifies the means.
h) Personal feelings must be left at the door when engaging in arguments with those on the other side. Twoofers will be called ‘morons’, ‘idiots’, ‘retarded’, even ‘treasonous’. In spite of the fact that all these things are true, the serious twoofer must ignore these insults for the good of the movement.

Part Four: Conclusion:

In closing, Mr. S.L.Ackjawed must take this time to commend the serious twoofer on his/her tenacity. Despite the overwhelming opposition to the message, despite being on the wrong side of facts, logic and reason, the twoofer has bravely chosen to forge ahead for the good of his/her fellow man. Despite the ridicule, the overwhelming public disapproval and especially in spite of the fact they are free to spout such nonsense and remain free from prosecution, the twoofer continues to claim the government is behind 911, and will imprison or enslave any that dissent from the official story. For this tenacity in the face of logic and reason, the message board community holds the twoofer in high regard.

Mr. S.L.Ackjawed is the sole author of this work and as such retains the copyright to all material contain herein. Mr. S.L.Ackjawed hereby officially grants the rights to reprint this article in its entirety, or parts thereof. The only condition is proper credit must be given Mr. S.L. Ackjawed for any portion of this material used, and any changes made to the original text contained herein must be clearly labeled as such. Mr. S.L.Ackjawed, as the sole author of this training course, is wholly responsible for it’s content. Mr. S.L. Ackjawed claims responsibility for the content of this article, and all feedback for said content shall be addressed in the form of rep points or pm’s at US Message Board under the username “slackjawed”.

Mr. S.L.Ackjawed would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people:

US Message Board, for being the absolute best message board on the Internet and for allowing Mr. S.L.Ackjawed to have a platform to provide this valuable training course.
Former President G.W.Bush, for attending to the matter of the attacks on 911 in a forthright and timely manner.
Current President B.H.Obama, for providing the continuing opportunity for the twoofers to express themselves, without the threat of prosecution.
The victims of the 911 attacks and their families, who have suffered through this ridiculous debate long enough, in my opinion.
Many, many users at US message Board who have provided the information to Mr. S.L.Ackjawed that helped him change his position from one who advocated the need for further investigation, to one who now sees that the twoofer movement has absolutely nothing to do with truth, therefore another investigation would be futile. The debate would simply continue.
Some of those users who helped Mr. S.L.Ackjawed see the light are; Fizz, Rightwinger, Divecon, Liability, Toro, Del, Retgnysgt, Sfcollie, bigfitz, xotoxi, elvis, and candycorn as well as too many others to mention.
Mr. S.L.Ackjawed extends his thanks to many US Message Board Posters who have provided hours of entertainment in their futile attempt to argue in favor of absurdity; Terral(!), 911insidejob, curvelight, creativedreams, EOTS, ronscott, and many many insignificant others who provided me with both a real good laugh and the insight to see that twoofers are not about truth.
Mr. S.L.Ackjawed also thanks his patient and beautiful wife for putting up with him spending long hours on the Internet.

If you found this article useful, send your feedback and positive rep points to:
User ‘slackjawed’ at
can i use you as a source?

i have a question... how much of flt93 flew into the ground? and where did they find most the bodies?

than you
can i use you as a source?

i have a question... how much of flt93 flew into the ground? and where did they find most the bodies?

than you

the entire plane flew into the ground
Only body parts were found.

The 'conspiracy' comes from the fact that the first reports from the coronoer stated he "ceased to be a coroner because there were no bodies".
The part of his statement where he explained that body parts were everywhere is ignored by the twoofers.

United Airlines Flight 93 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

from the wiki article

"Flight 93 fragmented violently upon impact. Most of the aircraft wreckage was found near the impact crater.[73] Investigators found some very light debris including paper and nylon scattered up to eight miles (13 km) from the impact point in New Baltimore, Pennsylvania.[74] Other tiny aircraft fragments were found 1.5 miles (2.4 km) away at Indian Lake, Pennsylvania.[75] All human remains were found within a 70 acre (28 ha) area surrounding the impact point.[75] Somerset County Coroner Wally Miller was involved in the investigation and identification of the remains. As he walked through the wreckage, the only recognizable body part he saw was a piece of spinal cord with five vertebrae attached.[76] Miller later found and identified 1,500 pieces of human remains totaling about 600 pounds (272 kg), or eight percent of the total.[77] The rest of the remains were consumed by the impact.[78] Investigators identified four victims by September 22 and eleven by September 24.[79][80] They identified another by September 29.[81] Thirty-four passengers were identified by October 27.[82] All the people on board the flight were identified by December 21. Human remains were so fragmented investigators could not determine if any victims were dead before the plane crashed. Death certificates for the 40 victims listed the cause of death as homicides and listed the cause of death for the four hijackers as suicides.[83] The remains and personal effects of the victims were returned to the families.[84] The remains of the hijackers, identified by the process of elimination, were turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as evidence.[85]"

my article states you may use it freely, with two conditions.
cite your source, and note any changes you make in the portion you use.
can i use you as a source?

i have a question... how much of flt93 flew into the ground? and where did they find most the bodies?

than you

the entire plane flew into the ground
Only body parts were found.

The 'conspiracy' comes from the fact that the first reports from the coronoer stated he "ceased to be a coroner because there were no bodies".
The part of his statement where he explained that body parts were everywhere is ignored by the twoofers.

United Airlines Flight 93 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

from the wiki article

"Flight 93 fragmented violently upon impact. Most of the aircraft wreckage was found near the impact crater.[73] Investigators found some very light debris including paper and nylon scattered up to eight miles (13 km) from the impact point in New Baltimore, Pennsylvania.[74] Other tiny aircraft fragments were found 1.5 miles (2.4 km) away at Indian Lake, Pennsylvania.[75] All human remains were found within a 70 acre (28 ha) area surrounding the impact point.[75] Somerset County Coroner Wally Miller was involved in the investigation and identification of the remains. As he walked through the wreckage, the only recognizable body part he saw was a piece of spinal cord with five vertebrae attached.[76] Miller later found and identified 1,500 pieces of human remains totaling about 600 pounds (272 kg), or eight percent of the total.[77] The rest of the remains were consumed by the impact.[78] Investigators identified four victims by September 22 and eleven by September 24.[79][80] They identified another by September 29.[81] Thirty-four passengers were identified by October 27.[82] All the people on board the flight were identified by December 21. Human remains were so fragmented investigators could not determine if any victims were dead before the plane crashed. Death certificates for the 40 victims listed the cause of death as homicides and listed the cause of death for the four hijackers as suicides.[83] The remains and personal effects of the victims were returned to the families.[84] The remains of the hijackers, identified by the process of elimination, were turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as evidence.[85]"

my article states you may use it freely, with two conditions.
cite your source, and note any changes you make in the portion you use.

so wiki is your source?:clap2:
can i use you as a source?

i have a question... how much of flt93 flew into the ground? and where did they find most the bodies?

than you

the entire plane flew into the ground
Only body parts were found.

The 'conspiracy' comes from the fact that the first reports from the coronoer stated he "ceased to be a coroner because there were no bodies".
The part of his statement where he explained that body parts were everywhere is ignored by the twoofers.

United Airlines Flight 93 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

from the wiki article

"Flight 93 fragmented violently upon impact. Most of the aircraft wreckage was found near the impact crater.[73] Investigators found some very light debris including paper and nylon scattered up to eight miles (13 km) from the impact point in New Baltimore, Pennsylvania.[74] Other tiny aircraft fragments were found 1.5 miles (2.4 km) away at Indian Lake, Pennsylvania.[75] All human remains were found within a 70 acre (28 ha) area surrounding the impact point.[75] Somerset County Coroner Wally Miller was involved in the investigation and identification of the remains. As he walked through the wreckage, the only recognizable body part he saw was a piece of spinal cord with five vertebrae attached.[76] Miller later found and identified 1,500 pieces of human remains totaling about 600 pounds (272 kg), or eight percent of the total.[77] The rest of the remains were consumed by the impact.[78] Investigators identified four victims by September 22 and eleven by September 24.[79][80] They identified another by September 29.[81] Thirty-four passengers were identified by October 27.[82] All the people on board the flight were identified by December 21. Human remains were so fragmented investigators could not determine if any victims were dead before the plane crashed. Death certificates for the 40 victims listed the cause of death as homicides and listed the cause of death for the four hijackers as suicides.[83] The remains and personal effects of the victims were returned to the families.[84] The remains of the hijackers, identified by the process of elimination, were turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as evidence.[85]"

my article states you may use it freely, with two conditions.
cite your source, and note any changes you make in the portion you use.

so wiki is your source?:clap2:

easiest to get to , if it isn't what you want-find one yourself.

Oh, hi eots!
the entire plane flew into the ground
Only body parts were found.

The 'conspiracy' comes from the fact that the first reports from the coronoer stated he "ceased to be a coroner because there were no bodies".
The part of his statement where he explained that body parts were everywhere is ignored by the twoofers.

United Airlines Flight 93 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

from the wiki article

"Flight 93 fragmented violently upon impact. Most of the aircraft wreckage was found near the impact crater.[73] Investigators found some very light debris including paper and nylon scattered up to eight miles (13 km) from the impact point in New Baltimore, Pennsylvania.[74] Other tiny aircraft fragments were found 1.5 miles (2.4 km) away at Indian Lake, Pennsylvania.[75] All human remains were found within a 70 acre (28 ha) area surrounding the impact point.[75] Somerset County Coroner Wally Miller was involved in the investigation and identification of the remains. As he walked through the wreckage, the only recognizable body part he saw was a piece of spinal cord with five vertebrae attached.[76] Miller later found and identified 1,500 pieces of human remains totaling about 600 pounds (272 kg), or eight percent of the total.[77] The rest of the remains were consumed by the impact.[78] Investigators identified four victims by September 22 and eleven by September 24.[79][80] They identified another by September 29.[81] Thirty-four passengers were identified by October 27.[82] All the people on board the flight were identified by December 21. Human remains were so fragmented investigators could not determine if any victims were dead before the plane crashed. Death certificates for the 40 victims listed the cause of death as homicides and listed the cause of death for the four hijackers as suicides.[83] The remains and personal effects of the victims were returned to the families.[84] The remains of the hijackers, identified by the process of elimination, were turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as evidence.[85]"

my article states you may use it freely, with two conditions.
cite your source, and note any changes you make in the portion you use.

so wiki is your source?:clap2:

easiest to get to , if it isn't what you want-find one yourself.

Oh, hi eots!

lol...somebody is butt
can i use you as a source?

i have a question... how much of flt93 flew into the ground? and where did they find most the bodies?

than you

the entire plane flew into the ground
Only body parts were found.

The 'conspiracy' comes from the fact that the first reports from the coronoer stated he "ceased to be a coroner because there were no bodies".
The part of his statement where he explained that body parts were everywhere is ignored by the twoofers.

United Airlines Flight 93 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

from the wiki article

"Flight 93 fragmented violently upon impact. Most of the aircraft wreckage was found near the impact crater.[73] Investigators found some very light debris including paper and nylon scattered up to eight miles (13 km) from the impact point in New Baltimore, Pennsylvania.[74] Other tiny aircraft fragments were found 1.5 miles (2.4 km) away at Indian Lake, Pennsylvania.[75] All human remains were found within a 70 acre (28 ha) area surrounding the impact point.[75] Somerset County Coroner Wally Miller was involved in the investigation and identification of the remains. As he walked through the wreckage, the only recognizable body part he saw was a piece of spinal cord with five vertebrae attached.[76] Miller later found and identified 1,500 pieces of human remains totaling about 600 pounds (272 kg), or eight percent of the total.[77] The rest of the remains were consumed by the impact.[78] Investigators identified four victims by September 22 and eleven by September 24.[79][80] They identified another by September 29.[81] Thirty-four passengers were identified by October 27.[82] All the people on board the flight were identified by December 21. Human remains were so fragmented investigators could not determine if any victims were dead before the plane crashed. Death certificates for the 40 victims listed the cause of death as homicides and listed the cause of death for the four hijackers as suicides.[83] The remains and personal effects of the victims were returned to the families.[84] The remains of the hijackers, identified by the process of elimination, were turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as evidence.[85]"

my article states you may use it freely, with two conditions.
cite your source, and note any changes you make in the portion you use.

so wiki is your source?:clap2:

How's this?
Another 14 victims of Flight 93 identified
This thread does not contain the words

mass, weight or gravity

A skyscraper must support its own weight against gravity and the designers know this before the hole for the foundation is even dug. So why aren't all of the people claiming to know physics demanding to know the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE that were on every level?

The building must also withstand the wind. The wind is a sheer force like the airliner. The WTC was designed to withstand 150 mph winds and only sway 3 ft at the top. The south tower only deflected 12 inches at the 70th floor when the plane hit. The GREAT PHYSICISTS have never extrapolated how much the building deflected where the plane hit. It was only 15 inches.

Almost 200 tons of airliner impacts at 550 mph and it moves 15 inches.

Real weak building. :cool:

This thread does not contain the words

mass, weight or gravity

A skyscraper must support its own weight against gravity and the designers know this before the hole for the foundation is even dug. So why aren't all of the people claiming to know physics demanding to know the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE that were on every level?

The building must also withstand the wind. The wind is a sheer force like the airliner. The WTC was designed to withstand 150 mph winds and only sway 3 ft at the top. The south tower only deflected 12 inches at the 70th floor when the plane hit. The GREAT PHYSICISTS have never extrapolated how much the building deflected where the plane hit. It was only 15 inches.

Almost 200 tons of airliner impacts at 550 mph and it moves 15 inches.

Real weak building. :cool:


no one has said the buildings were weak
This thread does not contain the words

mass, weight or gravity

A skyscraper must support its own weight against gravity and the designers know this before the hole for the foundation is even dug. So why aren't all of the people claiming to know physics demanding to know the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE that were on every level?

The building must also withstand the wind. The wind is a sheer force like the airliner. The WTC was designed to withstand 150 mph winds and only sway 3 ft at the top. The south tower only deflected 12 inches at the 70th floor when the plane hit. The GREAT PHYSICISTS have never extrapolated how much the building deflected where the plane hit. It was only 15 inches.

Almost 200 tons of airliner impacts at 550 mph and it moves 15 inches.

Real weak building. :cool:


no one has said the buildings were weak

And not even the NIST specifies the total for the concrete in the towers after EIGHT YEARS!!!

Getting to the Moon involved lots of Newtonian physics.

So it is certainly curious that so many of the citizens of the nation that put men on the Moon can't figure out the relevant questions to ask to solve a grade school Newtonian physics problem. Everyone is supposed to believe that airliners weighing less than 200 tons supposedly destroyed buildings more than 2,000 times their mass in less than 2 hours and people don't ask something as obvious as the distribution of steel.

But then we are supposed to believe this steel could weaken in less than 1 hour for the south tower even though there was enough steel to support another 29 stories of the building. But then the experts don't tell us the tons of steel on every level of the towers.

This thread does not contain the words

mass, weight or gravity

A skyscraper must support its own weight against gravity and the designers know this before the hole for the foundation is even dug. So why aren't all of the people claiming to know physics demanding to know the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE that were on every level?

The building must also withstand the wind. The wind is a sheer force like the airliner. The WTC was designed to withstand 150 mph winds and only sway 3 ft at the top. The south tower only deflected 12 inches at the 70th floor when the plane hit. The GREAT PHYSICISTS have never extrapolated how much the building deflected where the plane hit. It was only 15 inches.

Almost 200 tons of airliner impacts at 550 mph and it moves 15 inches.

Real weak building. :cool:


no one has said the buildings were weak

And not even the NIST specifies the total for the concrete in the towers after EIGHT YEARS!!!

Getting to the Moon involved lots of Newtonian physics.

So it is certainly curious that so many of the citizens of the nation that put men on the Moon can't figure out the relevant questions to ask to solve a grade school Newtonian physics problem. Everyone is supposed to believe that airliners weighing less than 200 tons supposedly destroyed buildings more than 2,000 times their mass in less than 2 hours and people don't ask something as obvious as the distribution of steel.

But then we are supposed to believe this steel could weaken in less than 1 hour for the south tower even though there was enough steel to support another 29 stories of the building. But then the experts don't tell us the tons of steel on every level of the towers.

another strawman
no one believes that the impacts of the planes caused the towers to collapse
it was the subsequent FIRES that brought about the collapse
the weakening of the structure the impact caused did contribute, but had the fires been controlled, it is doubtful the tower would have fallen
another strawman
no one believes that the impacts of the planes caused the towers to collapse
it was the subsequent FIRES that brought about the collapse
the weakening of the structure the impact caused did contribute, but had the fires been controlled, it is doubtful the tower would have fallen

i know... its a bit like saying "how can a bullet weighing only a few ounces kill a 250 pound man?!!" :lol:

no one has said the buildings were weak

And not even the NIST specifies the total for the concrete in the towers after EIGHT YEARS!!!

Getting to the Moon involved lots of Newtonian physics.

So it is certainly curious that so many of the citizens of the nation that put men on the Moon can't figure out the relevant questions to ask to solve a grade school Newtonian physics problem. Everyone is supposed to believe that airliners weighing less than 200 tons supposedly destroyed buildings more than 2,000 times their mass in less than 2 hours and people don't ask something as obvious as the distribution of steel.

But then we are supposed to believe this steel could weaken in less than 1 hour for the south tower even though there was enough steel to support another 29 stories of the building. But then the experts don't tell us the tons of steel on every level of the towers.

another strawman
no one believes that the impacts of the planes caused the towers to collapse
it was the subsequent FIRES that brought about the collapse
the weakening of the structure the impact caused did contribute, but had the fires been controlled, it is doubtful the tower would have fallen

But isn't the QUANTITY OF STEEL going to affect the amount of TIME required for the steel to get hot enough to weaken? So how can you KNOW the fire could do it in less than one hour for the south tower and less than two hour for the north tower if you don't know the quantity of steel on every level.

Oh yeah, it's the 9/11 RELIGION.

If you just BELIEVE then you don't need to ask obvious questions.

But if you don't have accurate data then you can't do physics. :lol:

Don't the designers have to figure all of that out to make a skyscraper hold itself up and withstand 100 mph winds. It is funny as hell that the nation that put men on the Moon can't supply that information about buildings designed before the Moon Landing.

What kind of computers did they have in 1966 when they started digging the hole for the foundation of the WTC? Hewlett Packard now wants kindergarten kids to have computers more powerful than that.

Hands On with HP's Kindergarten Netbook - Yahoo! News


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