Trade deal passes the Senate


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Sessions This Proposal Will Widen Further Our Trade Deficits and Eliminate Jobs - Breitbart

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) reacts to the procedural vote that allowed a trade measure to advance in the Senate on Friday night:

Under fast-track, Congress transfers its most basic legislative powers to the Executive for six years. Any yet-unseen global pacts, no matter how sweeping, are guaranteed a “fast-track” to congressional adoption. No amendments. No ability to strike any offending provision. And no chance to apply either the 60- or 67-vote thresholds used for important legislation and treaties.

I asked the President how his fast-tracked proposals would impact jobs, wages, and trade deficits. He would not answer. The bill’s promoters also refused to answer when asked whether their proposal would reduce net manufacturing jobs in the United States. That is because they know it will. Like the South Korean trade deal—which doubled our trade deficit after promises of a trade renaissance—this proposal will widen further our trade deficits and eliminate jobs.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership opens our markets to foreign imports, but allows foreign countries to continue closing their market to ours.

Our country has not been engaged in reciprocal free trade but, as the Chairman Emeritus of Nucor Steel explained, “the enablement of foreign mercantilism” and “unilateral trade disarmament.” We have allowed state-dominated and mercantilist trading partners to maintain their varied and elaborate non-tariff barriers, exporting their unemployment to our shores.

Stubbornly, our political elites have treated trade as a matter of religion. To them, there is no such thing as a bad deal. They know American workers lose jobs when we allow trading partners to cheat. But they insist it is all for the greater good. This is why the American worker keeps ending up on the losing end.

Fast-track will also lock into passage a new global governance authority known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission. Chartered with a “Living Agreement,” this new transnational commission will be able to amend the agreement after its adoption. Among other things, this could empower the President to expand the admission of foreign workers without congressional approval. We are creating another unelectable, unaccountable, unanswerable bureaucracy that can tie down and frustrate American sovereignty.

Congress is forgetting its duty: to improve jobs and wages for Americans.”
I feel your pain Dims, for you see, I voted for "W".

What we must do is come together and admit we've both been duped. Neither party is after our best interests as we see both parties hand in hand in agreement. In fact, I will go so far as to say that both parties have become treasonous to the Republic.
I (mostly) agree with Jeff Sessions on this issue. I cannot believe I just said that.
I (mostly) agree with Jeff Sessions on this issue. I cannot believe I just said that.

The federal government is full of pure scum. All these years average Americans on both sides of the political isle beat themselves into a frenzy defending and attacking opposite sides of the same establishment.

Enough is enough.

We all want the same things, freedom, prosperity, peace. However, neither party wants to give us those things. They are both nefarious and clandestine in their dealings.

How on earth can they pass this legislation and not tell us all that is in it?
I (mostly) agree with Jeff Sessions on this issue. I cannot believe I just said that.

The federal government is full of pure scum. All these years average Americans on both sides of the political isle beat themselves into a frenzy defending and attacking opposite sides of the same establishment.

Enough is enough.

We all want the same things, freedom, prosperity, peace. However, neither party wants to give us those things. They are both nefarious and clandestine in their dealings.

How on earth can they pass this legislation and not tell us all that is in it?
Because it's to be a tool of the plutocracy, rabble such as we are not invited to the discussion. This thing is just going to be and there is nothing we can do about it.
Drudge just declared Hillary the next President.

Internet-media mogul Matt Drudge heavily skewered Republican leadership on Twitter Friday night, after the GOP-led Senate approved enhanced trade negotiating authority for President Barack Obama.

“Twisted DC: Electing Republicans is guarantee of MORE powers for Obama… of course none of them read ‘secret’ bill!” Drudge tweeted.

Image source: Twitter

The Drudge Report founder then set his sights on Speaker of the House John Boehner who expressed support for the trade bill after the Senate’s passage.

Calling it “the Night of the Republican Suicide,” Drudge said if the GOP loses in 2016 it can be “traced to tonight’s trade deception.”

Image source: Twitter

Image source: Twitter

Image source: Twitter

Image source: Twitter

Image source: Twitter

The Senate voted 62-37 Friday to endorse Obama’s request for “fast track” negotiating authority. It would let him present trade agreements that Congress can ratify or reject, but not change.

Obama says fast track would improve chances for a long-negotiated trade deal with 11 other Pacific Rim nations.

Labor unions and many liberals oppose the bill. They say free-trade deals send U.S. jobs overseas.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
The sad part is, the GOP does not give a damn if Hillary wins, nor to the Dims care if Jeb wins. Both are corporate darlings who will help maintain the status quo.

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