Tough decision


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
How would you like to be one of the 25,000 people who own 11,000 structures sacrificed to save Baton Rouge and New Orleans? You thought you were out of harms way and then the Army Corps of Engineers opens the dam and you are under 25 ft. of water. I'd be pretty bitter. What's Obama going to do about it? Probably nothing since 25,000 Cajin votes don't count for much.
How would you like to be one of the 25,000 people who own 11,000 structures sacrificed to save Baton Rouge and New Orleans? You thought you were out of harms way and then the Army Corps of Engineers opens the dam and you are under 25 ft. of water. I'd be pretty bitter. What's Obama going to do about it? Probably nothing since 25,000 Cajin votes don't count for much.
Actually every year owners of the subject land get a letter from the Engineer Corps reminding them that they will not be held harmless from flooding made necessary by the necessary functioning of the the dam as intended when it was built.
How would you like to be one of the 25,000 people who own 11,000 structures sacrificed to save Baton Rouge and New Orleans? You thought you were out of harms way and then the Army Corps of Engineers opens the dam and you are under 25 ft. of water. I'd be pretty bitter. What's Obama going to do about it? Probably nothing since 25,000 Cajin votes don't count for much.

To borrow from the conservatives, you have to take personal responsibility for yourself. You knew what a spillway was, and you knew they would blow it one day if the flooding got bad enough. Well that day is here so it is time for them to suck it up and drive on. If we end up bailing any of them out I'll be pissed, especially if they are businesses.

As for Obama, what do you want him to do about it? go down and fill sand bags? Oh..Oh..I know you want him to spend more money we don't have? Perhaps he should be down there, personally, helping people move out of their homes.
How would you like to be one of the 25,000 people who own 11,000 structures sacrificed to save Baton Rouge and New Orleans? You thought you were out of harms way and then the Army Corps of Engineers opens the dam and you are under 25 ft. of water. I'd be pretty bitter. What's Obama going to do about it? Probably nothing since 25,000 Cajin votes don't count for much.

To borrow from the conservatives, you have to take personal responsibility for yourself. You knew what a spillway was, and you knew they would blow it one day if the flooding got bad enough. Well that day is here so it is time for them to suck it up and drive on. If we end up bailing any of them out I'll be pissed, especially if they are businesses.

As for Obama, what do you want him to do about it? go down and fill sand bags? Oh..Oh..I know you want him to spend more money we don't have? Perhaps he should be down there, personally, helping people move out of their homes.

You libs are just like us conservatives sometimes ain't cha (when a democrat is in office)? War is good, patriotism is in and people should have more personal responsibility. That's good. Lets hear more.
How would you like to be one of the 25,000 people who own 11,000 structures sacrificed to save Baton Rouge and New Orleans? You thought you were out of harms way and then the Army Corps of Engineers opens the dam and you are under 25 ft. of water. I'd be pretty bitter. What's Obama going to do about it? Probably nothing since 25,000 Cajin votes don't count for much.

To borrow from the conservatives, you have to take personal responsibility for yourself. You knew what a spillway was, and you knew they would blow it one day if the flooding got bad enough. Well that day is here so it is time for them to suck it up and drive on. If we end up bailing any of them out I'll be pissed, especially if they are businesses.

As for Obama, what do you want him to do about it? go down and fill sand bags? Oh..Oh..I know you want him to spend more money we don't have? Perhaps he should be down there, personally, helping people move out of their homes.

You libs are just like us conservatives sometimes ain't cha (when a democrat is in office)? War is good, patriotism is in and people should have more personal responsibility. That's good. Lets hear more.

Awe come on you have been trying to get me to convert to conservatism for a long time now. Now I adopt the conservative mantra and your still upset. Perhaps Obama is right...there is just no pleasing conservatives.
To borrow from the conservatives, you have to take personal responsibility for yourself. You knew what a spillway was, and you knew they would blow it one day if the flooding got bad enough. Well that day is here so it is time for them to suck it up and drive on. If we end up bailing any of them out I'll be pissed, especially if they are businesses.

As for Obama, what do you want him to do about it? go down and fill sand bags? Oh..Oh..I know you want him to spend more money we don't have? Perhaps he should be down there, personally, helping people move out of their homes.

You libs are just like us conservatives sometimes ain't cha (when a democrat is in office)? War is good, patriotism is in and people should have more personal responsibility. That's good. Lets hear more.

Awe come on you have been trying to get me to convert to conservatism for a long time now. Now I adopt the conservative mantra and your still upset. Perhaps Obama is right...there is just no pleasing conservatives.

Calm down spec. Nobody is trying to convert you but it appears that the radicals are fine with political assassination and bombing and respect for the Military and personal responsibility as long as a democrat is in the white house. I'm on your side in this situation. The Cajins should be able to take personal responsibility for the disaster even though it was the Corps of Engineers who cranked open the floodgates.
You libs are just like us conservatives sometimes ain't cha (when a democrat is in office)? War is good, patriotism is in and people should have more personal responsibility. That's good. Lets hear more.

Awe come on you have been trying to get me to convert to conservatism for a long time now. Now I adopt the conservative mantra and your still upset. Perhaps Obama is right...there is just no pleasing conservatives.

Calm down spec. Nobody is trying to convert you but it appears that the radicals are fine with political assassination and bombing and respect for the Military and personal responsibility as long as a democrat is in the white house. I'm on your side in this situation. The Cajins should be able to take personal responsibility for the disaster even though it was the Corps of Engineers who cranked open the floodgates.

I like your use of the word "radical" because liberals and conservatives both have become radicals and extremeists on every issue. I don't know if it taking responsibility is the right terminology, perhaps it is stupidity, or it might be taking personal responsibility for their stupid descision to live there.
How would you like to be one of the 25,000 people who own 11,000 structures sacrificed to save Baton Rouge and New Orleans? You thought you were out of harms way and then the Army Corps of Engineers opens the dam and you are under 25 ft. of water. I'd be pretty bitter. What's Obama going to do about it? Probably nothing since 25,000 Cajin votes don't count for much.

What exactly could Obama do about it?.. :eusa_eh:
At least this way we avoid another New Orleans riot.
I don't see this as a tough decision. Those that chose to live in a spillway know quite well the risk they take. The results of not opening the spillway could be catastrophic for the Port of New Orleans and the Port of Baton Rouge.
How would you like to be one of the 25,000 people who own 11,000 structures sacrificed to save Baton Rouge and New Orleans? You thought you were out of harms way and then the Army Corps of Engineers opens the dam and you are under 25 ft. of water. I'd be pretty bitter. What's Obama going to do about it? Probably nothing since 25,000 Cajin votes don't count for much.

What exactly could Obama do about it?.. :eusa_eh:

Here's the deal, Bush was blamed for Katrina because FEMA was FEMA. Katrina was a natural disaster and the inbred democrat dominated La. state government spent the levee money on other projects and the N.O. mayor was hiding while his constituents had no way of evacuating. Democrat dominated media blamed Bush for the typical bureaucratic problems inherent in FEMA.. Now the 25,000 poor people are flooded out as a direct cause of the federal government's decision. I'd be really pissed if the federal government decided to flood me out. How does the president plan to compensate the people? Nobody cares?
How would you like to be one of the 25,000 people who own 11,000 structures sacrificed to save Baton Rouge and New Orleans? You thought you were out of harms way and then the Army Corps of Engineers opens the dam and you are under 25 ft. of water. I'd be pretty bitter. What's Obama going to do about it? Probably nothing since 25,000 Cajin votes don't count for much.

What exactly could Obama do about it?.. :eusa_eh:

Here's the deal, Bush was blamed for Katrina because FEMA was FEMA. Katrina was a natural disaster and the inbred democrat dominated La. state government spent the levee money on other projects and the N.O. mayor was hiding while his constituents had no way of evacuating. Democrat dominated media blamed Bush for the typical bureaucratic problems inherent in FEMA.. Now the 25,000 poor people are flooded out as a direct cause of the federal government's decision. I'd be really pissed if the federal government decided to flood me out. How does the president plan to compensate the people? Nobody cares?

So you are upset because people aren't treating Obama like they did Bush, and now you are tyring to point out the hypocracy. Am I right?

If I am right the problem is that this plan of the spill way has been in effect for a long time and these people knew it and were reminded of it every year. This did not sneak up on them, and all other alternatives were looked at before settling on this course of action. The president may want to compensate these people but I doubt the Republican house will be willing to spend the money. When it comes to caring I'm sure every bleeding heart liberal like Sean Penn will be down there raising money for the victims and doing what they can to help. Yes... that's right I didn't say bleeding heart conservative because you won't see people like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, or Bill O'Riley donating their time, because they will be on air bitching about Sean Penn.
What exactly could Obama do about it?.. :eusa_eh:

Here's the deal, Bush was blamed for Katrina because FEMA was FEMA. Katrina was a natural disaster and the inbred democrat dominated La. state government spent the levee money on other projects and the N.O. mayor was hiding while his constituents had no way of evacuating. Democrat dominated media blamed Bush for the typical bureaucratic problems inherent in FEMA.. Now the 25,000 poor people are flooded out as a direct cause of the federal government's decision. I'd be really pissed if the federal government decided to flood me out. How does the president plan to compensate the people? Nobody cares?

So you are upset because people aren't treating Obama like they did Bush, and now you are tyring to point out the hypocracy. Am I right?

If I am right the problem is that this plan of the spill way has been in effect for a long time and these people knew it and were reminded of it every year. This did not sneak up on them, and all other alternatives were looked at before settling on this course of action. The president may want to compensate these people but I doubt the Republican house will be willing to spend the money. When it comes to caring I'm sure every bleeding heart liberal like Sean Penn will be down there raising money for the victims and doing what they can to help. Yes... that's right I didn't say bleeding heart conservative because you won't see people like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, or Bill O'Riley donating their time, because they will be on air bitching about Sean Penn.

"The plan of the spill" (as you call it) has been in effect since 1927. Does that mean the people shouldn't build 11,000 structures because the Corps might flood them out any day? The notion that they should be resigned to disaster is just as ludicrous as blaming Bush because the N.O. levees weren't properly maintained. Whether or not there will be a bill offered to compensate the 25,000 people who are sacrificed is not the issue. How does the president plan to deal with it? My guess is that 25,000 votes aren't worth the effort unless the liberal dominated media makes an issue out of it and that ain't likely to happen.
Here's the deal, Bush was blamed for Katrina because FEMA was FEMA. Katrina was a natural disaster and the inbred democrat dominated La. state government spent the levee money on other projects and the N.O. mayor was hiding while his constituents had no way of evacuating. Democrat dominated media blamed Bush for the typical bureaucratic problems inherent in FEMA.. Now the 25,000 poor people are flooded out as a direct cause of the federal government's decision. I'd be really pissed if the federal government decided to flood me out. How does the president plan to compensate the people? Nobody cares?

So you are upset because people aren't treating Obama like they did Bush, and now you are tyring to point out the hypocracy. Am I right?

If I am right the problem is that this plan of the spill way has been in effect for a long time and these people knew it and were reminded of it every year. This did not sneak up on them, and all other alternatives were looked at before settling on this course of action. The president may want to compensate these people but I doubt the Republican house will be willing to spend the money. When it comes to caring I'm sure every bleeding heart liberal like Sean Penn will be down there raising money for the victims and doing what they can to help. Yes... that's right I didn't say bleeding heart conservative because you won't see people like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, or Bill O'Riley donating their time, because they will be on air bitching about Sean Penn.

"The plan of the spill" (as you call it) has been in effect since 1927. Does that mean the people shouldn't build 11,000 structures because the Corps might flood them out any day? The notion that they should be resigned to disaster is just as ludicrous as blaming Bush because the N.O. levees weren't properly maintained. Whether or not there will be a bill offered to compensate the 25,000 people who are sacrificed is not the issue. How does the president plan to deal with it? My guess is that 25,000 votes aren't worth the effort unless the liberal dominated media makes an issue out of it and that ain't likely to happen.

1. Does that mean the people shouldn't build 11,000 structures because the Corps might flood them out any day? No, people are free to build their homes and businesses anywhere they want, just like they are free to go blow their entire life savings at the casino.

2. Whether or not there will be a bill offered to compensate the 25,000 people who are sacrificed is not the issue. How does the president plan to deal with it? He will deal with it exactly as the Republican house and Tea Party people will let him deal with it, because they control the spending now.

3. My guess is that 25,000 votes aren't worth the effort unless the liberal dominated media makes an issue out of it and that ain't likely to happen. Last count most people watch FOX news, and they don't seem to be making a big deal about it. Been watching it all day on FOX.
How would you like to be one of the 25,000 people who own 11,000 structures sacrificed to save Baton Rouge and New Orleans? You thought you were out of harms way and then the Army Corps of Engineers opens the dam and you are under 25 ft. of water. I'd be pretty bitter. What's Obama going to do about it? Probably nothing since 25,000 Cajin votes don't count for much.

Obama should part the waters so that the homes will be saved. He could do it if he really wanted to.
How would you like to be one of the 25,000 people who own 11,000 structures sacrificed to save Baton Rouge and New Orleans? You thought you were out of harms way and then the Army Corps of Engineers opens the dam and you are under 25 ft. of water. I'd be pretty bitter. What's Obama going to do about it? Probably nothing since 25,000 Cajin votes don't count for much.

Obama should part the waters so that the homes will be saved. He could do it if he really wanted to.

How would you like to be one of the 25,000 people who own 11,000 structures sacrificed to save Baton Rouge and New Orleans? You thought you were out of harms way and then the Army Corps of Engineers opens the dam and you are under 25 ft. of water. I'd be pretty bitter. What's Obama going to do about it? Probably nothing since 25,000 Cajin votes don't count for much.

Lordy, lordy, Whitey, you are just as dumb as they come. Yes, 25,000 people who have been reminded yearly that should worst come to worst, they will be flooded. That is 25.000 people and farms, rather than several hundred people and chemical plants, refineries, and ports being flooded.

We have a one hundred year flood in progress. It is what the spillways were built for. In fact, if you were to read the history of that area, you might note that the Indians that lived there built their houses on stilts. Could that be a clue, perhaps.

What is really bothering you is that we have two huge natural disasters and there aftermath in progress. The tornados and a one hundred year Mississippi Flood. And both are being handled competantly at all levels of government. Seems our present President is capable of being 'concerned' about a number of things that affect our nation.
At least Jimmy Carter started 'Habitats For Humanity' and rebuilt destroyed homes.

It is a sad day when Jimmy Carter bests another President.
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You look outside and the sun is shining. There is no sign of flooding and your home and fields have been safe for 83 years. How do you feel when the sheriff comes around and evicts you from your own property? How do you feel when you find out that your home will be sacrificed so that others might be out of danger? According to accounts by the liberal media the people are tolerating the situation and are quietly leaving the only homes some of them evet knew and driving to an uncertain future in a downward sliding economy.

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