Touch-Screen Voting Machines

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
When these machines are used, how will recounts be done in races where the vote margin is razor thin, such as Florida in 2000?

Technology Could Be Loser on Election Day
By George Will, Chicago Sun Times
October 29, 2006

On Nov. 7, 38 percent of the nation's voters will use touch-screens to record their choices, according to Election Data Services. Unlike optical scanners that read markings put on paper ballots, most touch-screen machines -- including those which the New York Times reports will be used in about half of the 45 districts with the most closely contested House races -- produce no paper that can be consulted for verification of the results, if a recount is required. Lawsuits have been filed in five states seeking to block use of touch-screen machines.

Today's political climate makes this an unpropitious moment for introducing new voting technologies that will be administered by poll workers who often are retirees for whom the task of working a DVD player is a severe challenge. So we should not be surprised if, on Nov. 7, new voting machinery does what new technologies have done through history: malfunction.

for full article:,CST-EDT-geo29.article

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