Torturer-in-chief: Bush


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
I can't imagine a human being so stupid as Bush is. He tarnishes America, waves his fist againt humanity & ineternational laws like a fucking mobster, and acts like raping, torturing and murdering innocent chained & detained POWs is something to brag about. Your rightys turn my stomach, every fucking one of you that supported that serial killer.

In a memoir to be released next week, former US President George W. Bush boasts of having personally given the order to the CIA to employ the torture method of waterboarding.

The book, titled Decision Points, includes Bush’s recounting that when asked by the CIA whether it could subject Khalid Sheik Mohammed, an alleged leader in the September 11, 2001, terror plot, he gave the reply, “Damn right.” The former president added that he would do the same thing again to “save lives.”

The passage constitutes an even more explicit admission than Bush’s flip statement in a speech to an audience of businessmen in Grand Rapids, Michigan, last June. The ex-president then declared: “Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I’d do it again to save lives.”

Torturer-in-chief: Bush brags about waterboarding
I can't imagine a human being so stupid as Bush is. He tarnishes America, waves his fist againt humanity & ineternational laws like a fucking mobster, and acts like raping, torturing and murdering innocent chained & detained POWs is something to brag about. Your rightys turn my stomach, every fucking one of you that supported that serial killer.

In a memoir to be released next week, former US President George W. Bush boasts of having personally given the order to the CIA to employ the torture method of waterboarding.

The book, titled Decision Points, includes Bush’s recounting that when asked by the CIA whether it could subject Khalid Sheik Mohammed, an alleged leader in the September 11, 2001, terror plot, he gave the reply, “Damn right.” The former president added that he would do the same thing again to “save lives.”

The passage constitutes an even more explicit admission than Bush’s flip statement in a speech to an audience of businessmen in Grand Rapids, Michigan, last June. The ex-president then declared: “Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I’d do it again to save lives.”

Torturer-in-chief: Bush brags about waterboarding

Looking in the mirror would be a good start.
Bush is dumb enough to think things like that makes him look tough.
Still fighting the poor little rich boy with an opressive mother issues I suppose.
I can't imagine a human being so stupid as Bush is. He tarnishes America, waves his fist againt humanity & ineternational laws like a fucking mobster, and acts like raping, torturing and murdering innocent chained & detained POWs is something to brag about. Your rightys turn my stomach, every fucking one of you that supported that serial killer.

In a memoir to be released next week, former US President George W. Bush boasts of having personally given the order to the CIA to employ the torture method of waterboarding.

The book, titled Decision Points, includes Bush’s recounting that when asked by the CIA whether it could subject Khalid Sheik Mohammed, an alleged leader in the September 11, 2001, terror plot, he gave the reply, “Damn right.” The former president added that he would do the same thing again to “save lives.”

The passage constitutes an even more explicit admission than Bush’s flip statement in a speech to an audience of businessmen in Grand Rapids, Michigan, last June. The ex-president then declared: “Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I’d do it again to save lives.”

Torturer-in-chief: Bush brags about waterboarding

More Blithering Idiocy from the World Socialist Web Site....:lol:

How sad it must be to be the most unsuccessful model of civilization, yet spend so much time and effort examining it.
I can't imagine a human being so stupid as Bush is. He tarnishes America, waves his fist againt humanity & ineternational laws like a fucking mobster, and acts like raping, torturing and murdering innocent chained & detained POWs is something to brag about. Your rightys turn my stomach, every fucking one of you that supported that serial killer.

In a memoir to be released next week, former US President George W. Bush boasts of having personally given the order to the CIA to employ the torture method of waterboarding.

The book, titled Decision Points, includes Bush’s recounting that when asked by the CIA whether it could subject Khalid Sheik Mohammed, an alleged leader in the September 11, 2001, terror plot, he gave the reply, “Damn right.” The former president added that he would do the same thing again to “save lives.”

The passage constitutes an even more explicit admission than Bush’s flip statement in a speech to an audience of businessmen in Grand Rapids, Michigan, last June. The ex-president then declared: “Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I’d do it again to save lives.”

Torturer-in-chief: Bush brags about waterboarding

More Blithering Idiocy from the World Socialist Web Site....:lol:

How sad it must be to be the most unsuccessful model of civilization, yet spend so much time and effort examining it.

No comment huh? No emboldening the enemy remarks? No biblical quotations. No patriotic mumblings. nadda.............. Apparently you can only attack the source & not the facts. Sad indeed, you live in the most unsuccessful model of civilization and don't recognize it, Loser!
I can't imagine a human being so stupid as Bush is. He tarnishes America, waves his fist againt humanity & ineternational laws like a fucking mobster, and acts like raping, torturing and murdering innocent chained & detained POWs is something to brag about. Your rightys turn my stomach, every fucking one of you that supported that serial killer.

In a memoir to be released next week, former US President George W. Bush boasts of having personally given the order to the CIA to employ the torture method of waterboarding.

The book, titled Decision Points, includes Bush’s recounting that when asked by the CIA whether it could subject Khalid Sheik Mohammed, an alleged leader in the September 11, 2001, terror plot, he gave the reply, “Damn right.” The former president added that he would do the same thing again to “save lives.”

The passage constitutes an even more explicit admission than Bush’s flip statement in a speech to an audience of businessmen in Grand Rapids, Michigan, last June. The ex-president then declared: “Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I’d do it again to save lives.”

Torturer-in-chief: Bush brags about waterboarding

Looking in the mirror would be a good start.

Oh, are you standing behind me again, you fucking imbecile............
I can't imagine a human being so stupid as Bush is. He tarnishes America, waves his fist againt humanity & ineternational laws like a fucking mobster, and acts like raping, torturing and murdering innocent chained & detained POWs is something to brag about. Your rightys turn my stomach, every fucking one of you that supported that serial killer.

In a memoir to be released next week, former US President George W. Bush boasts of having personally given the order to the CIA to employ the torture method of waterboarding.

The book, titled Decision Points, includes Bush’s recounting that when asked by the CIA whether it could subject Khalid Sheik Mohammed, an alleged leader in the September 11, 2001, terror plot, he gave the reply, “Damn right.” The former president added that he would do the same thing again to “save lives.”

The passage constitutes an even more explicit admission than Bush’s flip statement in a speech to an audience of businessmen in Grand Rapids, Michigan, last June. The ex-president then declared: “Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I’d do it again to save lives.”

Torturer-in-chief: Bush brags about waterboarding

Looking in the mirror would be a good start.

Oh, are you standing behind me again, you fucking imbecile............

no. you're not my type, Shit ho.
WSWB said:
In the United States of America of 2010, however, the former president’s bragging that he ordered his subordinates to carry out torture has been greeted within the political establishment and the corporate media with an audible yawn of indifference.

Yeah, and with good reason. Torture is now engrained policy under Obama. Bush is old news.
Looking in the mirror would be a good start.

Oh, are you standing behind me again, you fucking imbecile............

no. you're not my type, Shit ho.

Yeah, sucking my cock is clearly a sign I am not your kind, elbow ho..........

So, kiss mah ass ho............
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Bush was a torturer, and Obama is a torturer. It's a shame that we continue to elect criminals, but there you have it.
I can't imagine a human being so stupid as Bush is. He tarnishes America, waves his fist againt humanity & ineternational laws like a fucking mobster, and acts like raping, torturing and murdering innocent chained & detained POWs is something to brag about. Your rightys turn my stomach, every fucking one of you that supported that serial killer.

In a memoir to be released next week, former US President George W. Bush boasts of having personally given the order to the CIA to employ the torture method of waterboarding.

The book, titled Decision Points, includes Bush’s recounting that when asked by the CIA whether it could subject Khalid Sheik Mohammed, an alleged leader in the September 11, 2001, terror plot, he gave the reply, “Damn right.” The former president added that he would do the same thing again to “save lives.”

The passage constitutes an even more explicit admission than Bush’s flip statement in a speech to an audience of businessmen in Grand Rapids, Michigan, last June. The ex-president then declared: “Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I’d do it again to save lives.”

Torturer-in-chief: Bush brags about waterboarding

You guys that think you are patriotic Americans by putting the OP down can kiss my ass.

You are pussies. You have the moral compasses of cocaroaches. One of the most important things about our country that truely gives us exceptionalism and moral authority to go where we must to protect our country is that we are in fact better than other people. We live it and prove it in conflict in spite of the madness and butchery perperated by others. If we act no better than madmen and murderers then we are not exceptional and have no right or means to show the world we are superior. You who do not get this are stupid, weak and dangerous to the values we hold up proudly for everyone else to admire and follow. Bush is a piece of shit..a self confessed piece of shit. You who supported and still support his crimes against the USA are also shit.
So we are supposed to treat those who attack our citizens and commit mass murder in our land as if they are innocent of the crime and are only a guest in our land? I say if you do not want to be treated as a criminal don't do the crime ;). The guy deserved to be waterboarded. At least it didn't kill him like he helped to kill the Americans that died in a flaming inferno.
So we are supposed to treat those who attack our citizens and commit mass murder in our land as if they are innocent of the crime and are only a guest in our land? I say if you do not want to be treated as a criminal don't do the crime ;). The guy deserved to be waterboarded. At least it didn't kill him like he helped to kill the Americans that died in a flaming inferno.

Nobody said he should be treated as if he weren't a criminal. All we ask is that he not be tortured.
So we are supposed to treat those who attack our citizens and commit mass murder in our land as if they are innocent of the crime and are only a guest in our land? I say if you do not want to be treated as a criminal don't do the crime ;). The guy deserved to be waterboarded. At least it didn't kill him like he helped to kill the Americans that died in a flaming inferno.

Umm we kinda like to think we are a little bit better humans than they are....

Giving someone that needs killing a clean death is one thing, but torture is an entirely different thing.
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Bush was a torturer, and Obama is a torturer. It's a shame that we continue to elect criminals, but there you have it.

If Obama is a torturer, where is your proof? Has someone come forward, or are you guessing here?
So we are supposed to treat those who attack our citizens and commit mass murder in our land as if they are innocent of the crime and are only a guest in our land? I say if you do not want to be treated as a criminal don't do the crime ;). The guy deserved to be waterboarded. At least it didn't kill him like he helped to kill the Americans that died in a flaming inferno.

Nobody said he should be treated as if he weren't a criminal. All we ask is that he not be tortured.

Our soldiers were put through waterboarding themselves at the time Bush passed this. If they are to do it to others they have to go through it. Just like the police officers who have to be pepper sprayed. They also have to learn how to resist interrogation. If it was okay for our soldiers to go through it then it should be okay for them to do it to a war criminal.
So we are supposed to treat those who attack our citizens and commit mass murder in our land as if they are innocent of the crime and are only a guest in our land? I say if you do not want to be treated as a criminal don't do the crime ;). The guy deserved to be waterboarded. At least it didn't kill him like he helped to kill the Americans that died in a flaming inferno.

Umm we kinda like to think we are a little bit better humans than they are....

Giving someone that needs killing a clean death is one thing, but torture is an entirely different thing.

We were not looking to kill him at the time, only get information out of him.

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