Top Ten Reasons - Why Liberals Hate the Holidays


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Top Ten Reasons
Why Liberals Hate the Holidays

10 Thanksgiving is mass murder for turkeys.
9 Too many SUVs traveling to grandma's house.
8 College bowl games encourage competition.
7 Millions of Christmas trees are cut down.
6 The pilgrims were thanking God, not the Indians.
5 Christmas lights waste electricity.
4 The letters C-h-r-i-s-t are still seen in public.
3 Winter lull in global-warming hype.
2 Daycare centers are closed.
1 Christmas celebrates a birth, not an abortion.

Liberals often pit themselves against good traditions. Bible teachings present the cure for liberalism. It is good to eat animals―good for people (who get great enjoyment and nutrition) and good for animals. Animal rights activists would annihilate sixty million turkeys yearly, turkeys which would never even exist if they didn't end up on dinning room tables. (It is better to live and be eaten then never to have lived at all.) Extremist environmentalists forget that trees are a renewable resource. For every tree cut down, thousands of seeds can reproduce an unlimited number of new trees, and America has more trees today than 200 years ago. Leading liberals have prejudice against the social descendants of the Pilgrims. Liberalism tends toward racism against Europeans, sexism against males, and discrimination against Christianity. Some people put down others to elevate themselves or their friends. Liberals often denounce Christian white males in order to elevate their special interests. Leading liberals blame religion, especially Christianity, for the world's problems, advocating instead atheistic, evolutionary socialism. Liberals thus ignore the murder of tens of millions of people in the recent past by the atheistic, evolutionary socialist Soviet Union and other communist countries. Liberals prefer kids growing up institutionalized in daycare and government schools than having them raised at home by loving parents. And finally, in their long war against God, liberals suggest that the only good Christian is a bad Christian, that is, one who rejects the exclusive claims of Jesus Christ.
And number 10 on the list is number 1 for the liberal poster group peta, who now are handing out comic books to kids depicting daddy as a murderer for taking the kids fishing. The comics feature pictures of a enraged psycho with a knife slitting the belly of a fish as the bloody guts come pouring out.

Nice... hurry up and clean the fish. I'm hungry.
Hoo Rah...from one DAV to another! :clap1:
Personally I think down deep inside I fought and served to Celebrate "CHRISTMAS"
You look at that list, you know it's true, and you just shake your on earth did we ever let these idiotic people get a foothold in our country?
ScreamingEagle said:
You look at that list, you know it's true, and you just shake your on earth did we ever let these idiotic people get a foothold in our country?

Please tell me you don't seriously believe that those who are fighting against Christmas are doing so because it celebrates a birth instead of abortion. That list was humorous, and perhaps a few of them had some truth to them, but they certainly are not all true. Do you really think they are?
The ClayTaurus said:
Please tell me you don't seriously believe that those who are fighting against Christmas are doing so because it celebrates a birth instead of abortion. That list was humorous, and perhaps a few of them had some truth to them, but they certainly are not all true. Do you really think they are?

What's that saying, humor is rooted in truth or it's not funny??

Funny all, some right on target!! Liberals fighting to render Christmas unimportant really just goes to the heart of them either hating Christianity because of the morality that goes with it and Secularists prefer nothing be considered wrong, secondly they hate religion in general because they know religion enlightens people's intellect so it's harder to foster a liberal secular agenda on religious people, they are resistant to it. So not exactly :tng:
Bonnie said:
What's that saying, humor is rooted in truth or it's not funny??

Funny all, some right on target!! Liberals fighting to render Christmas unimportant really just goes to the heart of them either hating Christianity because of the morality that goes with it and Secularists prefer nothing be considered wrong, secondly they hate religion in general because they know religion enlightens people's intellect so it's harder to foster a liberal secular agenda on religious people, they are resistant to it. So not exactly :tng:

A majority of the Liberals you accuse of being anti-Christain ARE Christian.
MissileMan said:
A majority of the Liberals you accuse of being anti-Christain ARE Christian.


How can you suggest a Majority of Liberals are Christians? You really have no idea, nor would anyone else but God.

For the record? John Kerry? Likely NOT a Christian.

Most Liberal idealogy goes against the Christian lifestyle. Not saying it's impossible, just unlikely one could embrace Christ, AND Liberal values.
dmp said:

How can you suggest a Majority of Liberals are Christians? You really have no idea, nor would anyone else but God.

For the record? John Kerry? Likely NOT a Christian.

Most Liberal idealogy goes against the Christian lifestyle. Not saying it's impossible, just unlikely one could embrace Christ, AND Liberal values.

As some have alleged 85% of the U.S. population is Christian. I won't dispute the number. With Gore getting nearly 50% of the vote, and Kerry getting between 45 and 50% of the vote, there aren't enough non-Christians to account for those numbers. You may argue that they aren't "real" Christians by your definition, but whose assertion carries more weight? If someone tells me they are a Christian, why should I doubt them? Why should you?
MissileMan said:
As some have alleged 85% of the U.S. population is Christian. I won't dispute the number. With Gore getting nearly 50% of the vote, and Kerry getting between 45 and 50% of the vote, there aren't enough non-Christians to account for those numbers. You may argue that they aren't "real" Christians by your definition, but whose assertion carries more weight? If someone tells me they are a Christian, why should I doubt them? Why should you?

Words mean things. The words "I was RAISED christian, but will readily renounce my lord when jewish apostate secularists tell me too", are different than "Jesus Christ was the son of god, specifically intended to be the savior of mankind".
rtwngAvngr said:
Words mean things. The words "I was RAISED christian, but will readily renounce my lord when jewish apostate secularists tell me too", are different than "Jesus Christ was the son of god, specifically intended to be the savior of mankind".

You need to quit mixing drugs and alcohol bud!
MissileMan said:
A majority of the Liberals you accuse of being anti-Christain ARE Christian.

Id like to see those statistics. If that's the case then the liberal christians are woefully inadequately misrepresented by their elected political representatives.
Bonnie said:
Id like to see those statistics. If that's the case then the liberal christians are woefully inadequately misrepresented by their elected political representatives.

With 85% of the U.S being Christian, explain how it's possible that the majority of Liberals AREN'T Christian.
MissileMan said:
As some have alleged 85% of the U.S. population is Christian. I won't dispute the number. With Gore getting nearly 50% of the vote, and Kerry getting between 45 and 50% of the vote, there aren't enough non-Christians to account for those numbers. You may argue that they aren't "real" Christians by your definition, but whose assertion carries more weight? If someone tells me they are a Christian, why should I doubt them? Why should you?

You're assuming everyone who voted for Gore was a Liberal...'Christian' in those 'polls' is a pretty loose definition.

Christianty speaks against things a lot of liberals hold dear. Biblical Christianity dictates we will know 'other' christians by what we see in their lives. Supporting homosexuals-as-clergy-agendas, removal of parental rights, supporting abortions, etc, are things which go against what Christians learn.
MissileMan said:
With 85% of the U.S being Christian, explain how it's possible that the majority of Liberals AREN'T Christian.

Because many people say 'Oh - sure...I'm a christian'. We're not talking about those who are christians simply because their parents are - we're talking about those who live the life. No poll can capture those people. I'd suggest, as outlined above, most people who 'claim' to be christians, yet support liberal agendas are not christians by their deeds.
dmp said:
Because many people say 'Oh - sure...I'm a christian'. We're not talking about those who are christians simply because their parents are - we're talking about those who live the life. No poll can capture those people. I'd suggest, as outlined above, most people who 'claim' to be christians, yet support liberal agendas are not christians by their deeds.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

You people are too much!
MissileMan said:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

You people are too much!

Too much for you bucko.

The hard core liberal component of the political spectrum is roughly 10%-15% of the vote which corresponds very tellingly with the roughly 10%-15% who have NO religious affiliation.

The other members of the Democrat party follow the lead of the Left for an assortment of reasons. Many identify as Christian but are not truly practicing Christians other than perhaps the occasional trip to church for Christmas and Easter and whatever.
ScreamingEagle said:
Too much for you bucko.

The hard core liberal component of the political spectrum is roughly 10%-15% of the vote which corresponds very tellingly with the roughly 10%-15% who have NO religious affiliation.

The other members of the Democrat party follow the lead of the Left for an assortment of reasons. Many identify as Christian but are not truly practicing Christians other than perhaps the occasional trip to church for Christmas and Easter and whatever.

Yeah, I get it...only someone who acts and believes exactly as you can be a "real"'re pathetic.
MissileMan said:
Yeah, I get it...only someone who acts and believes exactly as you can be a "real"'re pathetic.

No, the liberal Democrats who "identify" as Christian, but follow a slack life that pretty much ignores the Ten Commandments and Biblical teachings, are really the pathetic ones.

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