Took alittle longer than i thought, but Dems blame Reps for document forgeries...


Senior Member
Apr 10, 2004
Philadelphia, Amazing huh...
Today on Rush i heard an audio bite from a democrat (the name escapes me now) saying that he believed this to be a ploy by republicans to embarrass the Democrats and the mainstream media. As Rush clearly stated, if this was a ploy by the repbulicans, then the man who thought it up should become RNC chairman today.

How lame do you get? You cant even check a document for its authenticity because your so blinded by hate then you blame your opponents for setting you up. Officially the man claimed Karl Rove was behind it.

Anyone with Rush 24/7? Perhaps you can dig through the whole transcript to find where the audio link is and who said it.

I no longer get mad when dumb things like this are said. IT just digs the hole deeper.
insein said:
Today on Rush i heard an audio bite from a democrat (the name escapes me now) saying that he believed this to be a ploy by republicans to embarrass the Democrats and the mainstream media. As Rush clearly stated, if this was a ploy by the repbulicans, then the man who thought it up should become RNC chairman today.

How lame do you get? You cant even check a document for its authenticity because your so blinded by hate then you blame your opponents for setting you up. Officially the man claimed Karl Rove was behind it.

Anyone with Rush 24/7? Perhaps you can dig through the whole transcript to find where the audio link is and who said it.

I no longer get mad when dumb things like this are said. IT just digs the hole deeper.

I can do that for ya Governator in training.LOL give me a minute though
Here is alink that may contain what you are looking

Anyway, the story from the Spectator, and stick with me on this; we're going to tie this all together with some analysis and commentary after the facts are presented to you. This story from the Prowler at the American Spectator: "More than six weeks ago, an opposition research staffer for the Democratic National Committee received documents purportedly written by President George W. Bush's Texas Air National Guard squadron commander, the late Colonel Jerry Killian. The opposition researcher claimed the source was a 'retired military officer.' According to a DNC staffer, the documents were seen by both senior staff members at the Democrat National Committee as well as at the Kerry campaign. 'More than a couple people have heard about these papers,' says the DNC staffer. 'I've heard that they ended up at the Kerry campaign for them to decide how to proceed and presumably the Kerry campaign handed the papers over to 60 Minutes which used them on Wednesday night, but I know this much: When there was discussion here, there were doubts raised about their authenticity.'" That's a quote from a DNC staffer.

So from the outset, somebody at the DNC is already in a CYA mode. Somebody there knows what went on; they passed them on to the Kerry campaign. The Kerry campaign is so excited they finally had something. See, I have a theory about this. I was just feverishly on the phone and on the Internet and the e-mail with people last night. We're running theories by each other, and you know, some people say, "Kerry couldn't be this stupid. This would be too stupid. What if it goes wrong? They wouldn't possibly do this!" That happened to be, by the way, the take of Nightline. Nightline did a whole thing last night, Ted Koppel and Chris Leheinous, and the whole purpose of which was to protect the Kerry campaign in this, and Chris Leheinous said last night, (doing impression) "Ba-da, ba-da, ba-da, Kerry wouldn't be stupid enough to do this. The risk is too great at getting caught. What if it backfired?" Whoa! It didn't stop them blaming Nixon for Watergate, did it? Nixon was stupid he was up in the polls, he took the risk, but Kerry is too smart. Kerry wouldn't possibly. No, it has to be Rove. "Rove is an excellent forger." Rove set them up! I hope they run with that.

I hope somebody at the Kerry campaign or the DNC actually starts whining and says (crying), "Karl Rove..." (crying) Yeah, if you knew they were forgeries before you gave them to the Kerry campaign, if you knew that at the DNC, and if you suspected that Rove was behind it? I mean, I love this. They're in a bind. There's no way out of this. They've got forged documents; they passed them to 60 minutes. Their best defense is to say that Karl Rove set them up? (Laughing.) That's it? Anyway, "The concerns at the DNC about the forged documents arose from the sourcing. 'It wasn't clear,'" this is DNC spokesman again, talking to the American Spectator. "'It wasn't clear that our source for the documents would have had access to them. Our person couldn't confirm from what file, from what original source they came from.' The documents that CBS News used were not documents from any of Bush's personnel files from his time in the National Guard. That's why the military couldn't release them," and that's why the White House couldn't release them, because they were not part of the Bush's personnel files. They were personal files from Colonel Killian at his home, is the way the story goes.

This would explain why the White House nor the Pentagon had never before released or even seen them because they were never in their position according to the story. Now, "According to a Kerry campaign source there was little gossip about the supposedly hot documents inside the office of the campaign on MacPherson Square. The staffer, Kerry campaign staffer said, 'Those documents were not something anybody was talking about or trying to generate buzz on. It wasn't like there were small groups of people talking about this as a bombshell. I think people here weren't sure what to make of it because provenance of these documents was uncertain.'" Now, CBS producer who initially tipped off the American Spectator about the 60 Minutes story says that "despite seeking professional assurances that the documents were legit, there was uncertainty even among the group of producers and researchers working on the story." This is a source from CBS saying that even CBS wasn't sure of this, but they still the hell ran with it. They weren't sure of it.
insein said:
Today on Rush i heard an audio bite from a democrat (the name escapes me now) saying that he believed this to be a ploy by republicans to embarrass the Democrats and the mainstream media. As Rush clearly stated, if this was a ploy by the repbulicans, then the man who thought it up should become RNC chairman today.

How lame do you get? You cant even check a document for its authenticity because your so blinded by hate then you blame your opponents for setting you up. Officially the man claimed Karl Rove was behind it.

Anyone with Rush 24/7? Perhaps you can dig through the whole transcript to find where the audio link is and who said it.

I no longer get mad when dumb things like this are said. IT just digs the hole deeper.

Little late on this man;) weve been talking about McCauliffe's(sp?) accusations of Rove being behind it all day.

Everythings Karl Rove's fault.
This is so pitiful. Seems like ever since Kerry brought in the big guns with Carville and crew, the Dems have looked like bigger fools than they already were.

I just watched Hannity and Colmes. They had a guy named Robert Reid(?), not sure about that name, but I've seen him on there before. Hannity and another guest had this guy so flustered he was literally stuttering. He kept trying to say the Republicans were campaigning on hate and blah blah blah. Hannity said, "Give me the Republican equivalent of Howard Dean eluding to the idea that President Bush was behind the 9-11 attack. Give me the Republican equivalent of Al Gore's rant saying President Bush mislead the country. Give me the Republican equivalent of Ted Kennedy saying President Bush led the country into war for political gain."

After spitting and stammering for a few seconds, he finally blurted out, "Look at the Republican convention! It started with the...that...that Democrat!"
Jimmyeatworld said:
This is so pitiful. Seems like ever since Kerry brought in the big guns with Carville and crew, the Dems have looked like bigger fools than they already were.

I just watched Hannity and Colmes. They had a guy named Robert Reid(?), not sure about that name, but I've seen him on there before. Hannity and another guest had this guy so flustered he was literally stuttering. He kept trying to say the Republicans were campaigning on hate and blah blah blah. Hannity said, "Give me the Republican equivalent of Howard Dean eluding to the idea that President Bush was behind the 9-11 attack. Give me the Republican equivalent of Al Gore's rant saying President Bush mislead the country. Give me the Republican equivalent of Ted Kennedy saying President Bush led the country into war for political gain."

After spitting and stammering for a few seconds, he finally blurted out, "Look at the Republican convention! It started with the...that...that Democrat!"

I think you mean Robert Reisch who was one of Clinton's cabinet. He gave a dismal performance. He wouldn't let Bennet get a word in.
This looks like a coordinated effort by Clinton to further throw the KErry campaign into disarray. Think about it. Clinton's guys come on, these new documents which have probably been there for a bit we're given the go ahead despite obvious skepticism by some. CBS hearing that it was from Clinton's people pays no heed to the warnings of forgeries and goes ahead with a Rather 60 minute special. Now that its publically known that they are forgeries, the Kerry camps ability to smear Bush in the coming months is severly weakened. Thus reducing Kerry's chances of victory since smearing was all he had left.

Clinton may be all "helpful" to Kerry on the surface, but this was definitely cold and calculated to eliminate Kerry for good and take Edwards out of the picture for 2008 as well.
Bonnie said:
I think you mean Robert Reisch who was one of Clinton's cabinet. He gave a dismal performance. He wouldn't let Bennet get a word in.

That's the guy. Yeah, he wasn't letting Bennett say much, but I don't think Bennett cared. He seemed to be enjoying the way Reisch was burying himself. I have to say I was laughing pretty hard myself.
Jimmyeatworld said:
That's the guy. Yeah, he wasn't letting Bennett say much, but I don't think Bennett cared. He seemed to be enjoying the way Reisch was burying himself. I have to say I was laughing pretty hard myself.

I saw that too. The guy was absolutely pathetic. He couldn't answer one question with a straight answer. Quite frankly because he couldn't. Hannity had the moron fried, died, and laid to the side.

He was just another liberal talking head that had run out of things to say. Since truth is never an option with these democracks.

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