Too Rich To Jail: Elite Escape Justice


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Aug 27, 2010
Like I have said, there are 2 worlds in America, one for you, and one for the Elite where anything goes, even Torture & Murder. I guess hit & run are also on that list, because they are too rich to jail.

Morgan Stanley financial adviser escapes felony charges for hit-and-run 'because it could jeopardise his job'

A financial manager for wealthy clients will not face charges for a hit-and-run because it could jeopardise his job, it has been revealed.

Martin Joel Erzinger, 52, was set to face felony charges for running over a doctor who he hit from behind in his 2010 Mercedes Benz, and then speeding off.

But now he will simply face two misdemeanour traffic charges from the July 3 incident in Eagle, Colorado.

'Felony convictions have some pretty serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger's profession, and that entered into it,' he said.

Read more: Morgan Stanley financial adviser escapes felony charges for hit-and-run 'because it could jeopardise his job' | Mail Online
Like I have said, there are 2 worlds in America, one for you, and one for the Elite where anything goes, even Torture & Murder. I guess hit & run are also on that list, because they are too rich to jail.

Morgan Stanley financial adviser escapes felony charges for hit-and-run 'because it could jeopardise his job'

A financial manager for wealthy clients will not face charges for a hit-and-run because it could jeopardise his job, it has been revealed.

Martin Joel Erzinger, 52, was set to face felony charges for running over a doctor who he hit from behind in his 2010 Mercedes Benz, and then speeding off.

But now he will simply face two misdemeanour traffic charges from the July 3 incident in Eagle, Colorado.

'Felony convictions have some pretty serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger's profession, and that entered into it,' he said.

Read more: Morgan Stanley financial adviser escapes felony charges for hit-and-run 'because it could jeopardise his job' | Mail Online
'Felony convictions have some pretty serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger's profession, and that entered into it,' he said.

That's pretty sick and something he should have thought of before he ran away like a coward.

What a miscarriage of justice.
Speaking of people running from accidents, I think the Kopechne family might want to add a name or two to the list.
District Attorney Mark Hurlbert has been prosecuting in the Fifth Judicial District for thirteen years.

As an experienced prosecutor, Mark knows it is important not to simply secure convictions, but to seek justice. He makes victims a priority and is dedicated to providing victims a strong voice in the justice system. Mark has made it a priority for the District Attorney's Office in the effective prosecution of sexual assault cases.

There are 11 attorneys and 36 staff working under Mark's leadership. They prosecute criminals, work on behalf of victims, teach public school students about the law, promote crime prevention, and many other things that all relate to the overall mission of the Fifth Judicial District, District Attorney's Office: to do justice.

EAGLE, Colorado — A financial manager for wealthy clients will not face felony charges for a hit-and-run because it could jeopardize his job, prosecutors said Thursday.

Martin Joel Erzinger, 52, faces two misdemeanor traffic charges stemming from a July 3 incident when he allegedly hit bicyclist Dr. Steven Milo from behind then sped away, according to court documents.

Milo and his attorney, Harold Haddon, are livid about the prosecution's decision to drop the felony charge.

Erzinger allegedly veered onto the side of the road and hit Milo from behind. Milo was thrown to the pavement, while Erzinger struck a culvert and kept driving, according to court documents.

Erzinger drove all the way through Avon, the town's roundabouts, under I-70 and stopped in the Pizza Hut parking lot where he called the Mercedes auto assistance service to report damage to his vehicle, and asked that his car be towed, records show. He did not ask for law enforcement assistance, according to court records.

Erzinger told police he was unaware he had hit Milo, court documents say.

Alleged hit-and-run driver may not face felony |
It is the American way of truth, equality and justice for all.
You get as much "justice" as you can afford.

Yep. And if you're rich and well known, you get the Paris Hilton/Lindsey Lohan treatment, which means shorter sentences offset with fake trips to rehab.

And it's not as much of a political issue either, it's more of a class issue. Yes, there are idiots on both sides of the aisle, and they all seem to think that what they did matters not much because they're rich and important.

I think the cyclist should sue the fuck outta this dude. And also, when did CO become so bike UNFRIENDLY? Not only has stuff like this happened, but additionally, there is a town in that state that is trying to ban bicycles from it's main street, apparently because it makes all the fat slobs gambling feel bad about themselves.

And........considering the rate of obesity in this country, we could all use a bit more bike friendly stuff.

And yes, I ride 10 or more miles per day and I'm 46.
It is the American way of truth, equality and justice for all.
You get as much "justice" as you can afford.

Yep. And if you're rich and well known, you get the Paris Hilton/Lindsey Lohan treatment, which means shorter sentences offset with fake trips to rehab.

And it's not as much of a political issue either, it's more of a class issue. Yes, there are idiots on both sides of the aisle, and they all seem to think that what they did matters not much because they're rich and important.

I think the cyclist should sue the fuck outta this dude. And also, when did CO become so bike UNFRIENDLY? Not only has stuff like this happened, but additionally, there is a town in that state that is trying to ban bicycles from it's main street, apparently because it makes all the fat slobs gambling feel bad about themselves.

And........considering the rate of obesity in this country, we could all use a bit more bike friendly stuff.

And yes, I ride 10 or more miles per day and I'm 46.

Yeah I forgot to mention the celebrity exemption. thanks
Tim Geithner....Charlie Rangel...William Jefferson....

Ms. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle.

The Tit-Tat game can go one all day. Your list doesn't excuse the Elite, only verifys what I have already said about the 2 worlds of America.
somebody just got a nice vacation home, poor black kids can't afford the kick back. What they are good for is funding prison welfare program for guards and private prison owners.
May 8, 2010

DA Mark Hurlbert Charges Two Top Women Mountain Bike Racers with Felony Criminal Impersonation for Using False Racer Number in Leadville Competition: Snowball DA Strikes Again

DA Mark Hurlbert filed felony criminal-impersonation charges against two veteran Vail, Colorado, mountain bike racers, Wendy Lyall and Katie Brazelton, after an injured Brazelton, 40, gave her registration materials and entry number to her friend, Lyall, 36, so she could race in the 2009 Leadville Mountain Trail 100 .

DA Mark Hurlbert Charges Two Top Women Mountain Bike Racers with Felony Criminal Impersonation for Using False Racer Number in Leadville Competition: Snowball DA Strikes Again – UPDATED | ExPat ExLawyer

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