Too Good to Be True: Hillary Clinton Models 'Nasty Woman' T-Shirt to Support Planned Parenthood


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary Clinton Models 'Nasty Woman' T-Shirt to Support Planned Parenthood

"Hillary Clinton tweeted a photo of herself modeling a "Nasty Woman" T-shirt to help raise funds for Planned Parenthood.

The shirt was created by Samantha Bee, host of TBS' "Full Frontal," and the online fundraising platform Omaze. Every $25 shirt sold benefits the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Project for Los Angeles County.

“Support Samantha Bee & Planned Parenthood & buy a Nasty Woman t-shirt!” Clinton tweeted on Tuesday."

Hillary, a 3-time Presidential Candidate Hopeful, models a 'Nasty Woman' T-shirt...very 'Presidential'.

She does so to support Pro-Abortion Planned Parenthood

She does so in support of Democratic Propagandist Pig Samantha B, the radical Canadian snowflake who, on air, mocked a brain cancer patient at CPAC, ridiculing him for having 'Nazi Hair'.
-- ‘Samantha Bee’ show mocks brain cancer patient at CPAC as having ‘Nazi hair’

Way to stay 'relevant', Hillary!

In the Hildebeast's XXXL size the shirts are probably $30 at the very least.

And think of the irony of the fat blob waddling around in a t-shirt that describes her to a, well, T.
I used to wish Hillary would just go away. I've since changed my mind about that. Her self parodies are rather amusing.

She didn't actually wear it -
they couldn't find one big enough for her.

As this thread illustrates, Hillary Clinton still owns the minds of the CDS kooks. They're all Hillary's little bitches.
No, it proves Hillary is desperate to remain relevant in hopes of a 3rd Presidential run. She's even willing to model a distasteful T-shirt for a political organization that promotes killing babies while supporting a radical snowflake who openly mocks brain cancer patients.
Hillary Clinton Models 'Nasty Woman' T-Shirt to Support Planned Parenthood

"Hillary Clinton tweeted a photo of herself modeling a "Nasty Woman" T-shirt to help raise funds for Planned Parenthood.

The shirt was created by Samantha Bee, host of TBS' "Full Frontal," and the online fundraising platform Omaze. Every $25 shirt sold benefits the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Project for Los Angeles County.

“Support Samantha Bee & Planned Parenthood & buy a Nasty Woman t-shirt!” Clinton tweeted on Tuesday."

Hillary, a 3-time Presidential Candidate Hopeful, models a 'Nasty Woman' T-shirt...very 'Presidential'.

She does so to support Pro-Abortion Planned Parenthood

She does so in support of Democratic Propagandist Pig Samantha B, the radical Canadian snowflake who, on air, mocked a brain cancer patient at CPAC, ridiculing him for having 'Nazi Hair'.
-- ‘Samantha Bee’ show mocks brain cancer patient at CPAC as having ‘Nazi hair’

Way to stay 'relevant', Hillary!

View attachment 138373
Wonderful......frightens you tho.
Hillary Clinton Models 'Nasty Woman' T-Shirt to Support Planned Parenthood

"Hillary Clinton tweeted a photo of herself modeling a "Nasty Woman" T-shirt to help raise funds for Planned Parenthood.

The shirt was created by Samantha Bee, host of TBS' "Full Frontal," and the online fundraising platform Omaze. Every $25 shirt sold benefits the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Project for Los Angeles County.

“Support Samantha Bee & Planned Parenthood & buy a Nasty Woman t-shirt!” Clinton tweeted on Tuesday."

Hillary, a 3-time Presidential Candidate Hopeful, models a 'Nasty Woman' T-shirt...very 'Presidential'.

She does so to support Pro-Abortion Planned Parenthood

She does so in support of Democratic Propagandist Pig Samantha B, the radical Canadian snowflake who, on air, mocked a brain cancer patient at CPAC, ridiculing him for having 'Nazi Hair'.
-- ‘Samantha Bee’ show mocks brain cancer patient at CPAC as having ‘Nazi hair’

Way to stay 'relevant', Hillary!

View attachment 138373
Wonderful......frightens you tho.
Now that you mention it, this picture of Hillary without make-up is frightening.
Wonderful......frightens you tho.

Frightens me? A fat, old, corrupt, criminal - still under FBI investigation, 2-time loser posing with a distasteful T-Shirt that promotes killing babies and the organization that does so while supporting a Democrat who openly mocks brain cancer patients for political gain?

No, but it does make me laugh...and throw up in my mouth a little thinking about how Democrats cheated, rigged elections, and broke laws to try to help her become President.
Wonderful......frightens you tho.

Frightens me? A fat, old, corrupt, criminal - still under FBI investigation, 2-time loser posing with a distasteful T-Shirt that promotes killing babies and the organization that does so while supporting a Democrat who openly mocks brain cancer patients for political gain?

No, but it does make me laugh...and throw up in my mouth a little thinking about how Democrats cheated, rigged elections, and broke laws to try to help her become President.
Yes. She obviously intimidates you to the point you can't stop talking about her.
Yes. She obviously intimidates you to the point you can't stop talking about her.
As I said, I just marvel at the unethical, immoral, corrupt, criminal who the snowflakes wanted so badly to represent them and her pathetic attempts to remain relevant in hopes the DNC will give her a chance in 2020 to become a 3-time loser.

She is, after all, what the entire 'I hate trump' crusade is all about, how snowflakes can't get over her loss in the last election. Now THAT is being 'relevant'. :p

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