Tonight's debate do you really care?


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
Does anyone really care about the debate? There will be very little difference between the two on foreign policy and this election really is all about the economy so how much does this debate really matter to you?
The most public opportunity yet for Romney to clearly illustrate just how retarded he is on foreign policy? Hell yeah I'm watching it.
Not interested at all. Both Obama and Romney are owned and operated by the plutocracy, so it makes no difference what they say or claim to think, they'll do what they're told to do.
Does anyone really care about the debate? There will be very little difference between the two on foreign policy and this election really is all about the economy so how much does this debate really matter to you?

I am interested, even though I very much dislike the kind of accusatory back-an-forths that will go on.

Both the president and his challenger are primed to exploit each other’s weaknesses and will hope to be proclaimed the victor by the spinners and the media. But if the polls are any judge, the odds are not much will be altered by the debate no matter which man comes off better.

I think that first debate said it all, as far as anyone changing their minds go, and concerning who they see as a leader. They each have records now.
I, on the other hand need an explanation for our foreign policy. Benghazi was just a symptom of something much larger. Al Qaeda is strong, well trained and organized. Not what Obama has been advertising. The 9/11 riots all over the Middle East and NOrthern Africa were synchronized and well planned.

We have no allies we can depend on any longer. No allies can depend on us. That is not useful if a crisis should occur on our soil.

Our weakened foreign policy has embolden our enemies. Just look at what has happened in Egypt. We are giving them foreign aid and they are dictating the terms of our relationship!. Foreign policy is a mess.
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I'm interested, and I'm watching because it's better than washing dishes or doing laundry.

And if (please God) the O gets his ass handed to him in a spectacular manner..I want to witness it! I want to see him stutter and stammer and turn ashen.
I haven't watched ANY of the previous debates, and I don't intend to watch tonight's debate either.

Obama makes me physically ill. I truly HATE him and everything he stands for.

Monday Night Football or "Criminal Minds" reruns. Let me see...................................
I'm interested, and I'm watching because it's better than washing dishes or doing laundry.

And if (please God) the O gets his ass handed to him in a spectacular manner..I want to witness it! I want to see him stutter and stammer and turn ashen.

I use my DVR for that :D
I haven't watched ANY of the previous debates, and I don't intend to watch tonight's debate either.

Obama makes me physically ill. I truly HATE him and everything he stands for.

Monday Night Football or "Criminal Minds" reruns. Let me see...................................

The first one was classic. You really missed out :lol:
I'm interested on an academic level, but that's about it. Obama lost my vote when he pushed through Obamacare. Romney lost my vote when he spent the primaries pandering to the wing-nut base. Ever since, it's all just been the roadkill effect.
I'll read about it tomorrow and then check out the fact checks because I know there'll be plenty of exaggerations by both men.
What ever happened to honest debates? Wouldn't it be great if they had instant fact check during the debates and the moderator could call out the BS? :badgrin:
I have made up my mind who I'm voting in for prez and it's neither one of the participants in tonight's debate. Now before someone sez I'm wasting my vote, no not really. This isn't just a presidential election, there are plenty of moderate Repugs and Dems I plan on voting for, plus a couple of Independents.
There is no such thing as a wasted vote.
Yea for thinking for yourself!
This message has my approval. :D
I'll switch between the debate and MNF.

I think the powers that be ( those who remain in service for more than four years) will not hand over the keys to foreign policy to a position that can drastically change every four years and erase any progress that may have been made.

Therefore, in respect to a presidents opinion on foreign policy, it's just that. An opinion. He can package it pretty and sell whats happening to fit his opinion, but overall he ain't changing much from what the powers that be have already planned.
blackhawk said:
Does anyone really care about the debate?
No i dont care to watch that ROMPER ROOM coverage!!

Doesnt matter who wins,THEY WILL GET IN WHO THEY WANT REGARDLESS -- Voting means squat!!
I haven't watched ANY of the previous debates, and I don't intend to watch tonight's debate either.

Obama makes me physically ill. I truly HATE him and everything he stands for.

Monday Night Football or "Criminal Minds" reruns. Let me see...................................

Heck yea, Criminals Minds marathan tonight on ion. I think the first debate was the one that mattered and we all know how that went. Tonight I bet we'll see a lot of desperation as someone sees his presidency slipping away.

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