Tomorrow is another day, time to move on, let's watch.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
It was touching to watch Hillary Clinton and her magnanimous concession speech. Trump of course reciprocated and now we can move on. Well, not exactly-tomorrow is another day.

When the pompousness of the press and the smug audacity of the pollsters was rejected by Michael Moore Democrats should have realized that their world was about to be shattered by a collision with reality. It must have been a mind numbing shock for the true believers that seventy percent of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction as they issued a massive repudiation of the successor chosen for them by a party that has been at the helm for the last eight years. There will be no place for Hillary Clinton in the White House but there could be a place for her in the big house. Bill and Hillary Clinton have been riding roughshod like Bonnie and Clyde over the American political process since their days in Arkansas but their biggest racket, the Clinton Foundation is riddled with corruption on a breathtaking scale-a global scale of pay-for-play influence peddling that has been ringing like a cash register to the tune of a quarter of a billion dollars from foreign contributors who have been buying themselves an advantage at the expense of the cultural and economic foundations of the United states.

Let’s not forget that there is an active investigation into the shady dealings of the foundation underway by the FBI that has been thwarted along the way by the Department of Justice. Loretta Lynch will be the first one gone when the swamp is drained and the main obstacle to the investigation will disappear. The new administration will convert the DOJ into an organization better aligned with the FBI partnering the agencies to engage in a real un- politicized probe into the legalities of its operations. This will take some time and it will likely extend beyond the expiration date for Obama to pardon Clinton for violations committed while she was Secretary of State. Trump will likely appoint a special prosecutor to charge her and if she is found guilty it will be his administration that decides if she gets a pardon.

After Trump’s unprecedented and unexpected victory both Bill and Hillary are now at extreme risk of facing justice and they could probably both be charged under the RICO statute. It’s a real possibility that years of litigation will ensue and the disgraceful activities of the pair will go down in history as a dark episode of the Democratic Party. Whether Trump pardons them remains to be seen and many would like to see the Clintons sent to a gated retirement community surrounded by razor wire.

As for Obama, his legacy is toast and he will forever be remembered as a liar and a fraud who said, “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor; if you like your health plan you can keep your health plan. Funny how one election can wipe out a legacy. It’s going to be interesting to watch how this plays out.

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act - Wikipedia
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There is one other uncomfortable circumstance that was avoided. Clinton said that if she won she would reach out to the other side. It would not have looked good to other countries to see Clinton reaching through the bars of a prison cell to shake hands with the opposition.

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