Tommy Robinson suspended from twitter for stating statistical fact about Muslims in grooming gangs

That's your fabricated bs information

do these look like WHITE as Milk criminals to you I mean all of them not the obviously white

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There are other paedo gangs out there who are white. You dont really care what they do though.
Actually white paedos tend not to act in gangs, but alone. That is also born out by research. The gangs are 84% ‘asian’.
Bristol paedophile gang who raped babies and toddlers jailed for 78 years | Daily Mail Online

You are so full of shit.

'Beyond evil’ paedophile gang who raped babies and toddlers and streamed their vile crimes on the internet to sex abusers around the world are jailed for 78 years
  • Paedophiles raped and abused babies, toddlers and pre-school children
  • Countrywide gang streamed attacks over internet to users around world
  • Went online to offer advice on how to drug young victims and avoid injury
  • Seven men sentenced to a total of 78 years at Bristol Crown Court
Who said there weren’t ANY? Do you have comprehension problems?
I repeat, the research shows that 90% of white paedos act alone, and 84% of grooming gangs are made up of ‘asians’.
SO why do you only highlight muslim gangs ?
I think we all know why.
Do you deny the existence of white and non muslim rapists, groomers and paedophiles? Absolutely not, and I don’t know anyone who does.

BUT you and your fellow useful idiots here have repeatedly denied the very existence of the issue with muslim paedos, rapists and grooming gangs.

YOU categorically denied the grooming gang in Rotherham et al was predominantly Pakistani. You categorically denied they were muslim, that it had anything to do with Islam.

And here you are agreeing that posting the results of a study showing just that should result in that person being BANNED on social media.
You are on a mission to hide the facts whenever abuses are perpetrated by muslims.

So clearly YOU and your fellow deniers NEED to be shown the evidence.

So, the more you lie about Islam and it’s abuses against women and children, the more people like me will rub it in your face. If you don’t like people being made aware of the facts STOP lying about them!

It’s also quite entertaining to see you so easily triggered too, Tammy :)
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Grooming Gang:


  • upload_2018-3-2_10-37-12.png
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There are other paedo gangs out there who are white. You dont really care what they do though.
Actually white paedos tend not to act in gangs, but alone. That is also born out by research. The gangs are 84% ‘asian’.
Bristol paedophile gang who raped babies and toddlers jailed for 78 years | Daily Mail Online

You are so full of shit.

'Beyond evil’ paedophile gang who raped babies and toddlers and streamed their vile crimes on the internet to sex abusers around the world are jailed for 78 years
  • Paedophiles raped and abused babies, toddlers and pre-school children
  • Countrywide gang streamed attacks over internet to users around world
  • Went online to offer advice on how to drug young victims and avoid injury
  • Seven men sentenced to a total of 78 years at Bristol Crown Court
Who said there weren’t ANY? Do you have comprehension problems?
I repeat, the research shows that 90% of white paedos act alone, and 84% of grooming gangs are made up of ‘asians’.
SO why do you only highlight muslim gangs ?
I think we all know why.
Do you deny the existence of white and non muslim rapists and paedophiles? Absolutely not, and I don’t know anyone who does.

BUT you and your fellow traveller useful idiots here have repeatedly denied the very existence of the issue with muslim paedos, rapists and grooming gangs.

YOU categorically denied the grooming gang in Rotherham et al was predominantly Pakistani. You categorically denied they were Muslim, that it had anything to do with Islam.

And here you are agreeing that posting the results of a study showing just that should result in that person being banned on social media.

So clearly YOU and your fellow deniers NEED to be shown the evidence.

So, the more you lie about Islam and it’s abuses against women and children, the more people like me will rub it in your face. If you don’t like people being made aware of the facts STOP lying about them!

It’s also quite entertaining to see you so easily triggered too, Tammy :)
Link ??

You do this all the time and when I ask for proof you scuttle back to your hole.

Unlike yourself I am happy to condemn all rapists. I can also accept that it isnt driven by religion and that there are good and bad in every culture. That doesnt fit with your twisted narrative though because in your world only Muslims are at fault.

Its like me saying that all catholics are paedos because of a few priests or that all Jews are rapists because of Weinstein. Its a bollox argument that only an idiot can make. You and Tommy Robinson/Yaxley/Lennon/Harris are bad people.
Actually white paedos tend not to act in gangs, but alone. That is also born out by research. The gangs are 84% ‘asian’.
Bristol paedophile gang who raped babies and toddlers jailed for 78 years | Daily Mail Online

You are so full of shit.

'Beyond evil’ paedophile gang who raped babies and toddlers and streamed their vile crimes on the internet to sex abusers around the world are jailed for 78 years
  • Paedophiles raped and abused babies, toddlers and pre-school children
  • Countrywide gang streamed attacks over internet to users around world
  • Went online to offer advice on how to drug young victims and avoid injury
  • Seven men sentenced to a total of 78 years at Bristol Crown Court
Who said there weren’t ANY? Do you have comprehension problems?
I repeat, the research shows that 90% of white paedos act alone, and 84% of grooming gangs are made up of ‘asians’.
SO why do you only highlight muslim gangs ?
I think we all know why.
Do you deny the existence of white and non muslim rapists and paedophiles? Absolutely not, and I don’t know anyone who does.

BUT you and your fellow traveller useful idiots here have repeatedly denied the very existence of the issue with muslim paedos, rapists and grooming gangs.

YOU categorically denied the grooming gang in Rotherham et al was predominantly Pakistani. You categorically denied they were Muslim, that it had anything to do with Islam.

And here you are agreeing that posting the results of a study showing just that should result in that person being banned on social media.

So clearly YOU and your fellow deniers NEED to be shown the evidence.

So, the more you lie about Islam and it’s abuses against women and children, the more people like me will rub it in your face. If you don’t like people being made aware of the facts STOP lying about them!

It’s also quite entertaining to see you so easily triggered too, Tammy :)
Link ??

You do this all the time and when I ask for proof you scuttle back to your hole.

Unlike yourself I am happy to condemn all rapists. I can also accept that it isnt driven by religion and that there are good and bad in every culture. That doesnt fit with your twisted narrative though because in your world only Muslims are at fault.

Its like me saying that all catholics are paedos because of a few priests or that all Jews are rapists because of Weinstein. Its a bollox argument that only an idiot can make. You and Tommy Robinson/Yaxley/Lennon/Harris are bad people.
Links? People just need to read your posts every time this issue is raised. It’s that simple.

And here you are RIGHT NOW - SUPPORTING SOMEONE BEING BANNED ON SOCIAL MEDIA for the crime of posting the results of a study - because its findings show that 84% of grooming gangs are made up of Pakistani Muslims.
See? You want it covered up as usual, AND you want free speech denied and research hidden if that’s what it takes!
So who do you think you are kidding exactly?

And where have I ever said ALL Muslims are rapists, paedos or groomers? That’s right I haven’t. Ever.

And you DO NOT condemn all rapists. You don’t even acknowledge that muslims rape and indulge in grooming and paedophilia - you immediately resort to attacking the poster as an islamophobe along with your usual drivel and deflections.

And as long as you continue to do that, I will be right here highlighting the problem and triggering you, Tammy. Enjoy :wink:
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