Today's rant/observation


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
Looking at Romneys budget, I have some questions. Where is he going to get the money to pay for the invasions of Iran, Syria and Lybia. These wars, which every Conservative Republican talking head seems to think we should do, will cost billions. No word on how he plans to pay for it though.

I'll agree that they haven't called for war or invasion, but then again neither has Obama. Obama's foreign policy is failed in their eyes, but what is their solution if it isn't war or invasion? It would look alot like Obama's.

Haven't we learned that China loves when we ramp up our war machine. Their banks open their collective wallets we we reach deep. How does he plan to get tough on China when he'll need them to finance his wars?
Romney plans to increase the military budget by two or three trillion, creating the highest military budget in US history.

Guess who's going to get stuck paying for it? Hint: Ot-nay the ealthy-way.
yep, he did say that. I suppose going to war for him is a foregone conclusion. a war should help his unemployment numbers anyway.

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