Today's lie from MitWit

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Last edited:
If you asked Mitt the same policy question after breakfast, lunch and dinner in one day, you'd get three different answers. How does anyone believe a word that comes out of his yap?
If you asked Mitt the same policy question after breakfast, lunch and dinner in one day, you'd get three different answers. How does anyone believe a word that comes out of his yap?

As others have observed, Mr Etch a Sketch is not "pro-choice" or "anti-choice.

Nope, Mittens is multiple choice!
I remember the Kerry/ Edwards ticket. It wasn't all that long ago. They weren't the very best choice but they were what we had. The nation just HAD to overcome the nightmare of Bush/Cheney. They called Kerry a flip flopper but he won all three debates. Kerry/Edwards was going to stick it to the doubt! Gloating in November. <sigh>


Regards from Rosie

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