JW Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
. A Defense Department document from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack, details that the attack on the compound had been carefully planned by the BOCAR terrorist group “to kill as many Americans as possible.” The document was sent to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Obama White House National Security Council. The heavily redacted Defense Department “information report” says that the attack on the Benghazi facility “was planned and executed by The Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR).”

(Excerpt) Read more at judicialwatch.org ...



CIRCA 2015 NYP-— The job of Clinton damage control through a parade of scandals has fallen to her top aide (and perennial govt parasite) Cheryl Mills. Mills’ lack of cooperation is legendary. In fact, she’s been officially accused of both perjury and obstruction of justice. Sworn affidavits, depositions and court rulings, as well as congressional reports and testimony, paint a picture of, to put it charitably, a brazenly dishonest cover-up specialist.

Among Mills shenanigans:

<><> •As White House deputy counsel, Mills ordered Commerce Department officials to “withhold” from investigators emails and other documents detailing then-President Clinton’s and First Lady Hillary Clinton’s allegedly illegal selling of seats on foreign trade junkets for campaign cash, according to sworn statements by Commerce’s former FOIA chief. “Ms. Mills, in her position as deputy counsel to the president, advised Commerce officials to withhold certain documents,” testified Sonya Stewart Gilliam in a July 2000 sworn affidavit taken by Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group in Washington. “The Commerce Department’s collaboration with White House Deputy Counsel Mills on these matters was, in my experience, highly irregular and at variance with normal procedures.

<><> •At the same time, a federal judge ruled that Mills “failed miserably” to take proper steps to search for and recover 1.8 million Executive Office of the President and Office of the First Lady emails under subpoena in the Monica Lewinsky and Filegate scandal investigations, after computer contractors discovered them mysteriously missing from the automated White House archiving system. Mills, who was in charge of finding the lost email, conveniently made “the most critical error” in recovering them.

<><> US District Judge Royce Lamberth concluded in a 63-page opinion, adding that he found Mills actions “loathsome.” In fact, Judicial Watch accused Mills of orchestrating a “cover-up” in what became known as “Email-gate.” Her court testimony in the case, during which she repeatedly answered “I don’t have a recollection,” sounds like an interview with an amnesia patient. (In the end, the emails were never recovered).

<><> •In another scandal, Mills “concealed” so many subpoenaed emails and other documents detailing allegedly illegal fundraising activity between the White House and the Democratic National Committee — specifically, Hillary’s illegal integration of White House and DNC computer databases — that staff lawyers for the House Government Oversight Committee in 1998 sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department demanding federal prosecutors charge Mills with obstruction of justice and perjury. “Ms. Mills knowingly and willfully obstructed the investigative authority of this committee by withholding documents,” the panel concluded in a 647-page investigative report. “Moreover, when this obstruction was brought to light in a hearing before the committee, Ms. Mills lied under oath about the documents and the circumstances surrounding their nonproduction.”

<><> •In October 2012, Mills sorted through key Benghazi documents and decided which ones to withhold from an independent review board. She also leaned on witnessses. Deputy ambassador to Libya Gregory Hicks testified before Congress in 2013 that Mills told him in an angry phone call to stop cooperating with investigators.

<><> •On behalf of the Clintons, Mills negotiated the weak conflict-of-interest rules for disclosing foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation with the Obama administration. She also reportedly helped broker international payments to the group. In short, Mills “is in the middle of it,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.


But... But... Trump Russia collusion is bigger than Watergate, then he obstructed justice by denying it... Or something. Besides, Obama’s old news anyway, Right?

That’s all they’ve got folks, and they’re gonna’ go with it. We’re not dealing with chess players here.
Oh My... The right wingers are still working really hard on that 2016 campaign, aren't they? Somebody should tell them that that election is over, and it's 2019 now.
The more one learns about the actions taken by our government and it’s leaders, the more one comes to realize they are all criminals.
Well, well, well.....I can't wait to see how this news gets spun. What a fascinating insight into the Obama/Clinton matrix and how criminal negligence was covered up and denied by all the forces of leftist darkness.

Somebody should get a comment from Cheryl Mills for a start.
Oh My... The right wingers are still working really hard on that 2016 campaign, aren't they? Somebody should tell them that that election is over, and it's 2019 now.
Not a right winger, but I agree-we ALL have to look forward-not backward.
The Obama Administration was running guns to terrorists, the enemy. The Ambassador, a far left, gay man and huge Democrat supporter knew about it. The staff knew about it. They were deemed expendable due to this knowledge. Yes, it is that simple.

Then, the Administration, using Hillary, and Susan Rice then LIED about it to cover it up saying it was random attack due to a YouTube VIDEO. They even jailed the man who made the video. Talk about the Soviet Union type police and propaganda state!
When these Benghaziists begin to show as much concern for the 4,500 who were killed in a fruitless search for mythical WMDs as they do for the 4 killed at Benghazi I may begin to take them seriously. 8 Republican led investigations found no wrongdoing but they continue to make asses of themselves chasing Obama and Hillary for imaginary crimes.
An excellent job of stonewalling by the democrats and their allies in the media. No doubt about that.
Too bad these documents were not available when hearings on the matter were going on.
. A Defense Department document from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack, details that the attack on the compound had been carefully planned by the BOCAR terrorist group “to kill as many Americans as possible.” The document was sent to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Obama White House National Security Council. The heavily redacted Defense Department “information report” says that the attack on the Benghazi facility “was planned and executed by The Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR).”

(Excerpt) Read more at judicialwatch.org ...



CIRCA 2015 NYP-— The job of Clinton damage control through a parade of scandals has fallen to her top aide (and perennial govt parasite) Cheryl Mills. Mills’ lack of cooperation is legendary. In fact, she’s been officially accused of both perjury and obstruction of justice. Sworn affidavits, depositions and court rulings, as well as congressional reports and testimony, paint a picture of, to put it charitably, a brazenly dishonest cover-up specialist.

Among Mills shenanigans:

<><> •As White House deputy counsel, Mills ordered Commerce Department officials to “withhold” from investigators emails and other documents detailing then-President Clinton’s and First Lady Hillary Clinton’s allegedly illegal selling of seats on foreign trade junkets for campaign cash, according to sworn statements by Commerce’s former FOIA chief. “Ms. Mills, in her position as deputy counsel to the president, advised Commerce officials to withhold certain documents,” testified Sonya Stewart Gilliam in a July 2000 sworn affidavit taken by Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group in Washington. “The Commerce Department’s collaboration with White House Deputy Counsel Mills on these matters was, in my experience, highly irregular and at variance with normal procedures.

<><> •At the same time, a federal judge ruled that Mills “failed miserably” to take proper steps to search for and recover 1.8 million Executive Office of the President and Office of the First Lady emails under subpoena in the Monica Lewinsky and Filegate scandal investigations, after computer contractors discovered them mysteriously missing from the automated White House archiving system. Mills, who was in charge of finding the lost email, conveniently made “the most critical error” in recovering them.

<><> US District Judge Royce Lamberth concluded in a 63-page opinion, adding that he found Mills actions “loathsome.” In fact, Judicial Watch accused Mills of orchestrating a “cover-up” in what became known as “Email-gate.” Her court testimony in the case, during which she repeatedly answered “I don’t have a recollection,” sounds like an interview with an amnesia patient. (In the end, the emails were never recovered).

<><> •In another scandal, Mills “concealed” so many subpoenaed emails and other documents detailing allegedly illegal fundraising activity between the White House and the Democratic National Committee — specifically, Hillary’s illegal integration of White House and DNC computer databases — that staff lawyers for the House Government Oversight Committee in 1998 sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department demanding federal prosecutors charge Mills with obstruction of justice and perjury. “Ms. Mills knowingly and willfully obstructed the investigative authority of this committee by withholding documents,” the panel concluded in a 647-page investigative report. “Moreover, when this obstruction was brought to light in a hearing before the committee, Ms. Mills lied under oath about the documents and the circumstances surrounding their nonproduction.”

<><> •In October 2012, Mills sorted through key Benghazi documents and decided which ones to withhold from an independent review board. She also leaned on witnessses. Deputy ambassador to Libya Gregory Hicks testified before Congress in 2013 that Mills told him in an angry phone call to stop cooperating with investigators.

<><> •On behalf of the Clintons, Mills negotiated the weak conflict-of-interest rules for disclosing foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation with the Obama administration. She also reportedly helped broker international payments to the group. In short, Mills “is in the middle of it,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.


But... But... Trump Russia collusion is bigger than Watergate, then he obstructed justice by denying it... Or something. Besides, Obama’s old news anyway, Right?

That’s all they’ve got folks, and they’re gonna’ go with it. We’re not dealing with chess players here.

Meh. Guilty as sin and free as a bird.
Oh My... The right wingers are still working really hard on that 2016 campaign, aren't they? Somebody should tell them that that election is over, and it's 2019 now.
Not a right winger, but I agree-we ALL have to look forward-not backward.

Yes, we look forward to never electing un-American shitbags like the Hussein or Hillary Clinton ever again. How can we know what the right decision is for an election without looking at the mistakes we made in the past?
Oh My... The right wingers are still working really hard on that 2016 campaign, aren't they? Somebody should tell them that that election is over, and it's 2019 now.
Not a right winger, but I agree-we ALL have to look forward-not backward.

Yes, we look forward to never electing un-American shitbags like the Hussein or Hillary Clinton ever again. How can we know what the right decision is for an election without looking at the mistakes we made in the past?

Yes, it's worked out so much better by electing an obese orange snake oil salesman with a porn star wife.
. A Defense Department document from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack, details that the attack on the compound had been carefully planned by the BOCAR terrorist group “to kill as many Americans as possible.” The document was sent to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Obama White House National Security Council. The heavily redacted Defense Department “information report” says that the attack on the Benghazi facility “was planned and executed by The Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR).”

(Excerpt) Read more at judicialwatch.org ...



CIRCA 2015 NYP-— The job of Clinton damage control through a parade of scandals has fallen to her top aide (and perennial govt parasite) Cheryl Mills. Mills’ lack of cooperation is legendary. In fact, she’s been officially accused of both perjury and obstruction of justice. Sworn affidavits, depositions and court rulings, as well as congressional reports and testimony, paint a picture of, to put it charitably, a brazenly dishonest cover-up specialist.

Among Mills shenanigans:

<><> •As White House deputy counsel, Mills ordered Commerce Department officials to “withhold” from investigators emails and other documents detailing then-President Clinton’s and First Lady Hillary Clinton’s allegedly illegal selling of seats on foreign trade junkets for campaign cash, according to sworn statements by Commerce’s former FOIA chief. “Ms. Mills, in her position as deputy counsel to the president, advised Commerce officials to withhold certain documents,” testified Sonya Stewart Gilliam in a July 2000 sworn affidavit taken by Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group in Washington. “The Commerce Department’s collaboration with White House Deputy Counsel Mills on these matters was, in my experience, highly irregular and at variance with normal procedures.

<><> •At the same time, a federal judge ruled that Mills “failed miserably” to take proper steps to search for and recover 1.8 million Executive Office of the President and Office of the First Lady emails under subpoena in the Monica Lewinsky and Filegate scandal investigations, after computer contractors discovered them mysteriously missing from the automated White House archiving system. Mills, who was in charge of finding the lost email, conveniently made “the most critical error” in recovering them.

<><> US District Judge Royce Lamberth concluded in a 63-page opinion, adding that he found Mills actions “loathsome.” In fact, Judicial Watch accused Mills of orchestrating a “cover-up” in what became known as “Email-gate.” Her court testimony in the case, during which she repeatedly answered “I don’t have a recollection,” sounds like an interview with an amnesia patient. (In the end, the emails were never recovered).

<><> •In another scandal, Mills “concealed” so many subpoenaed emails and other documents detailing allegedly illegal fundraising activity between the White House and the Democratic National Committee — specifically, Hillary’s illegal integration of White House and DNC computer databases — that staff lawyers for the House Government Oversight Committee in 1998 sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department demanding federal prosecutors charge Mills with obstruction of justice and perjury. “Ms. Mills knowingly and willfully obstructed the investigative authority of this committee by withholding documents,” the panel concluded in a 647-page investigative report. “Moreover, when this obstruction was brought to light in a hearing before the committee, Ms. Mills lied under oath about the documents and the circumstances surrounding their nonproduction.”

<><> •In October 2012, Mills sorted through key Benghazi documents and decided which ones to withhold from an independent review board. She also leaned on witnessses. Deputy ambassador to Libya Gregory Hicks testified before Congress in 2013 that Mills told him in an angry phone call to stop cooperating with investigators.

<><> •On behalf of the Clintons, Mills negotiated the weak conflict-of-interest rules for disclosing foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation with the Obama administration. She also reportedly helped broker international payments to the group. In short, Mills “is in the middle of it,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.


But... But... Trump Russia collusion is bigger than Watergate, then he obstructed justice by denying it... Or something. Besides, Obama’s old news anyway, Right?

That’s all they’ve got folks, and they’re gonna’ go with it. We’re not dealing with chess players here.

Looks like you tards need to launch your 9th investigation into Benghazi.

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

https://web.archive.org/web/20180201092703if_/https://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/benghazi report.pdf
Oh My... The right wingers are still working really hard on that 2016 campaign, aren't they? Somebody should tell them that that election is over, and it's 2019 now.
Not a right winger, but I agree-we ALL have to look forward-not backward.

Yes, we look forward to never electing un-American shitbags like the Hussein or Hillary Clinton ever again. How can we know what the right decision is for an election without looking at the mistakes we made in the past?

Yes, it's worked out so much better by electing an obese orange snake oil salesman with a porn star wife.

Indeed it did. No stupid wars or Benghazi debacles.
Oh My... The right wingers are still working really hard on that 2016 campaign, aren't they? Somebody should tell them that that election is over, and it's 2019 now.
Not a right winger, but I agree-we ALL have to look forward-not backward.

Yes, we look forward to never electing un-American shitbags like the Hussein or Hillary Clinton ever again. How can we know what the right decision is for an election without looking at the mistakes we made in the past?

Yes, it's worked out so much better by electing an obese orange snake oil salesman with a porn star wife.

Indeed it did. No stupid wars or Benghazi debacles.
There were 12 Benghazis on Bush`s watch and lets not forget the mother of all Benghazis when Reagan was president. Are you a hypocrite or just plain stupid?
Worse Than Benghazi: After Reagan Ignored Warnings, 220 Marines Were Killed by a Terrorist in Beirut
Oh My... The right wingers are still working really hard on that 2016 campaign, aren't they? Somebody should tell them that that election is over, and it's 2019 now.
Not a right winger, but I agree-we ALL have to look forward-not backward.

Yes, we look forward to never electing un-American shitbags like the Hussein or Hillary Clinton ever again. How can we know what the right decision is for an election without looking at the mistakes we made in the past?

Yes, it's worked out so much better by electing an obese orange snake oil salesman with a porn star wife.

Indeed it did. No stupid wars or Benghazi debacles.
There were 12 Benghazis on Bush`s watch and lets not forget the mother of all Benghazis when Reagan was president. Are you a hypocrite or just plain stupid?
Worse Than Benghazi: After Reagan Ignored Warnings, 220 Marines Were Killed by a Terrorist in Beirut
Way to look forward guys. I want to know more about Space Force.
In December 2012, the first of 8 congressional committees started their investigation.
In December of 2016, the final report was released.
As noted in the report, the Armed Forces leadership absorbed a majority of the blame for the errors. Obama and Clinton were also criticized but only marginally.
Four years of investigation and millions of dollars. No stonewalling like what Trump is currently doing and no ignoring subpoenas.
Yet Little Trumpsters, continue to beat a dead horse, while applauding the total lack of transparency by the Trump Administration as it ignores the Constitution and the Check and Balances.
This is hyper-partisan hypocrisy which leads to lack of any credibility.

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