today is the anniversary (using the Gregorian Calendar) of the Yom Kippur War

Sep 12, 2008
On October 6 1973 while the Jews were fasting for their weird holiday the Syrians and Egyptians launched an all out attack on Israel in order to regain territory lost during the six day war 6 years previously. At first, things went really well, but after several days of heavy fighting Israeli forces fought back on the Golan Hights and managed to smash a hole in the Syrian front line and were on their way to Damascus with nothing in their way.

On the Sinai front the Israeli forces managed to surround the Egyptian Third army by crossing over the Suez Canal themselves and moving to within 60 miles of Cairo.
Yom Kippur, a holiday to atone for one's sins, is weird? That would make Amarica, a Judeo Christian nation, weird.

You, too, are weird and DUMB

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