To those who advocate abortion on financial grounds


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
If a program like this existed in your area, would you still tell a woman to kill her child or would you send her there?

In 2007, Texas State Senator Dan Patrick proposed paying Texas women who were considering getting abortions to instead carry their babies to term and then give them up for adoption. Patrick’s bill never made it out of committee, and Patrick was ridiculed for his efforts.
That’s a shame, because paying women not to get abortions makes perfect sense. Doing so would reduce the number of abortions — a goal shared by the overwhelming majority of people on both sides of the abortion debate — and increase the number of babies available for adoption (there is currently a major shortage of babies available for adoption in the US, which is why Americans often adopt children from other countries).
Here’s how I envision such a program working: Interested pregnant women would sign up for the program. As part of the deal, they would have to test negative for drugs and get proper prenatal care. Once their babies are born, women would have the ability to opt out, in case they had a change of heart at some point between signing up for the program and giving birth to their children. The women who didn’t opt out would give their babies up for adoption and receive a certain amount of money, say, $3,000 — enough to give them an incentive not to get abortions, but not enough to make it possible for women to become professional baby-breeders.

Abortion | Pay women for adoptions | The Daily Caller

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