To the Obama Fan Club: You Got What You Wished For;


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Failing Businesses, Bigger Government, More Bad Foreign*Policy

by sfcmac To the Obama Fan Club: You Got What You Wished For; Failing Businesses, Bigger Government, More Bad Foreign Policy « The Foxhole

Put hope in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up first. First, the economic abyss: America is closed for business. The post-election layoff bomb just went off. Energizer to lay off 1500 employees. Exide Technologies will cut back operations. Westinghouse reduced its workforce. Research in Motion (manufacturer of BlackBerry smartphones)* read more @ link


[ame=]Bumpy Night - YouTube[/ame]
His reelection is sure to put people back to work doncha know.

What a joke. Business is gonna lay off and with Obamacare coming down the pike I think we'll see some business go out of business.

Hell. He had four years to straighten out the economy and didn't do it. Nothing has changed in Govt. The Reps still hold the House and the Dems still hold the Senate. That fuck is still in the WH. Nothing has changed.

America deserves what it gets.
Where my Obama money at? Teabaggers only get gift-bags o'......

Where my Obama money at?

Take your Obama money and invest it in Kleenex. At the rate the right wing is crying through all that tissue, you'll double your money in no time.

At least the White-Wingers have been exposed for the....

"After the sound and the fury, the public disdain for government — particularly for Congress — the high stakes and looming fiscal disaster and $6 billion, we end up where we began — with Barack Obama in the White House, Democrats with a modest majority in the Senate, and Republicans retaining control of the House.

It appears we are back to the same ingredients that produced the least productive and most destructive Congress in memory, whose public approval plummeted to historic lows. That reality is reinforced by House Speaker John Boehner’s claim of a mandate for House Republicans even as Obama won a sweeping electoral victory for a second term.

But appearances can be deceiving. In this case, they are.

The Republican approach for Obama’s first term was simple — use every available tool of obstruction to hamper and delegitimize his presidency. They opposed anything and everything he proposed, even policies they had recently embraced. The GOP used the filibuster to defeat, obstruct or discredit his every initiative. They took the debt ceiling hostage after their 2010 election victory, which lowered America’s credit rating and slowed the economic recovery, and gave us the “fiscal cliff.” They killed every serious effort in Congress to strengthen the economy, increase jobs and pass a balanced package of deficit reduction and debt stabilization.

This reality could be one of the best-kept secrets in American politics, judging by most reporting. The mainstream media, handcuffed by harsh partisan criticism and economic pressures, has largely ignored this. Instead, journalists found refuge in a false equivalence between the parties. The most recent example was a “60 Minutes” piece on the broken Senate that blamed everyone equally — gliding past the unprecedented and deliberate misuse of the filibuster as a weapon of obstruction."
Failing Businesses, Bigger Government, More Bad Foreign*Policy

by sfcmac To the Obama Fan Club: You Got What You Wished For; Failing Businesses, Bigger Government, More Bad Foreign Policy « The Foxhole

Put hope in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up first. First, the economic abyss: America is closed for business. The post-election layoff bomb just went off. Energizer to lay off 1500 employees. Exide Technologies will cut back operations. Westinghouse reduced its workforce. Research in Motion (manufacturer of BlackBerry smartphones)* read more @ link


Why do you always post what someone else thinks? Don't you have any original thoughts?
but we did get the best wish of all, beating the massive flip-flopping plastic fantastic button down Manhatten man. And seeing all those repubs cry.
but we did get the best wish of all, beating the massive flip-flopping plastic fantastic button down Manhatten man. And seeing all those repubs cry.

How long can the country keep paying people to do nothing? Fuck Mitt man, I didn't vote for that bigot, but when you see a line of thousands of blacks ready to collect "Obama stimulus money" then 90%+ of all blacks vote Obama you can't tell me that does not look really fucking bad...
but we did get the best wish of all, beating the massive flip-flopping plastic fantastic button down Manhatten man. And seeing all those repubs cry.

How long can the country keep paying people to do nothing? Fuck Mitt man, I didn't vote for that bigot, but when you see a line of thousands of blacks ready to collect "Obama stimulus money" then 90%+ of all blacks vote Obama you can't tell me that does not look really fucking bad...

Then you'll get what you voted for, stop being a whiny pussy now and man up. You voted for a 20 trillion dollar debt.

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