To Believe There Are No Conspiracies Is Very Crazy...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
This is just my own observation anyway. I see many in this forum who are constantly mocking & ridiculing all Conspiracy Theories being discussed here. These people seem very closed-minded and ignorant to me. Also,ridicule is a very important tool used by the Government to shut down discussion. After all,who would listen to a "Crazy Person" right? It's a tool used to shut people up.

Obviously not all Conspiracy Theories are credible,but some are. So to close your mind completely and pretend there are no Conspiracies,just seems really crazy to me. Governments lie to their People 24/7. So i see no valid reason to just accept everything they tell us. Very little of what they tell the People is truth. So in the end i feel that those who believe there are no Conspiracies are just as crazy if not crazier than those who believe everything is a Conspiracy. What you think?
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This is just my own observation anyway. I see many in this forum who are constantly mocking & riduculing all Conspiracy Theories being discussed here. These people seem very closed-minded and ignorant to me. Also,ridicule is a very important tool used by the Government to shut down discussion. After all,who would listen to a "Crazy Person" right? It's a tool used to shut people up.

Obviously not all Conspiracy Theories are credible,but some are. So to close your mind completely and pretend there are no Conspiracies,just seems really crazy to me. Governments lie to their People 24/7. So i see no valid reason to just accept everything they tell us. Very little of what they tell the People is truth. So in the end i feel that those who believe there are no Conspiracies are just as crazy if not crazier than those who believe everything is a Conspiracy. What you think?

And sometimes ridicule and mockery of a crazy theory is just that.......ridicule and mockery of a crazy theory

What you need is some corroborating evidence, things we like to call facts. Without them crazy theories are just that
I'll agree that it's ridiculous to dismiss all conspiracies out of hand, but at the same time I think it's good to remember that the bigger a conspiracy gets, the harder it is to keep secret. I'm talking exponentially harder.

My favorite example: Watergate. The entire Nixon inner circle couldn't even carry out the burglary of one guy's office without fucking it up and someone squealing, and we're talking about a conspiracy involving a handful of people.
Not all Conspiracies are credible. That's for sure. But to simply dismiss all Conspiracy Theories,just seems crazy to me. Governments do routinely lie to their People. They've given us no valid reasons to believe everything they tell us. I think it's very important to question their word on everything. Because they are proven consistent liars. That's how i feel anyway.

So you believe there are no Conspiracies? That doesn't mean you're smarter in any way. It only means you're very closed-minded and ignorant. Believing everything Government tells you is as loony as it gets.
This is just my own observation anyway. I see many in this forum who are constantly mocking & ridiculing all Conspiracy Theories being discussed here. These people seem very closed-minded and ignorant to me. Also,ridicule is a very important tool used by the Government to shut down discussion. After all,who would listen to a "Crazy Person" right? It's a tool used to shut people up.

Obviously not all Conspiracy Theories are credible,but some are. So to close your mind completely and pretend there are no Conspiracies,just seems really crazy to me. Governments lie to their People 24/7. So i see no valid reason to just accept everything they tell us. Very little of what they tell the People is truth. So in the end i feel that those who believe there are no Conspiracies are just as crazy if not crazier than those who believe everything is a Conspiracy. What do you think?
I think you're absolutely right.

For one example, I believe the Iraq invasion was born of a conspiracy within the Bush Administration. And I'm sure if a competent and ethical prosecutor, such as Vincent Bugliosi, were to undertake an investigation and prosecution it could easily be proven.

The problem with most apparent conspiracies within government is they remain theories because they are not properly investigated by an ethically motivated prosecutor.
It occurs as an afterthought that one perfect example of a protected conspiracy is the judgment by five neo-conservative Supreme Court justices that holds corporations are persons. In forming this decision the five exalted lawyers thumbed their collective nose at ordinary citizens.
I find the nay sayers, whom usually succumb to name calling and personal attacks, rather humorous. Especially the ones that will only enter a discussion on a "conspiracy theory" over and over again just to say the same things. It's like, "are you bored? Because you come in and interject maliciously on the same topic exclusively without ever thwarting or disproving your "opponents" circumstantial evidence, or in some cases, hard evidence.

For instance, the Iraq war could easily be labeled a conspiracy. There is little doubt that a small group worked in concert, secretively, to push an end goal by lying. This one was in complete plain sight, as the conspirators were simply horribly at covering their own ass. Or just didn't care.

There are others that always come to light later as true while herd mentality ridicules those looking at a situation or lot of data objectively. Chemtrails come to mind immediately.


So you believe there are no Conspiracies? That doesn't mean you're smarter in any way. It only means you're very closed-minded and ignorant. Believing everything Government tells you is as loony as it gets.

Yep kid troll Daws doesnt believe in ANY government conspiracys.He has been brainwashed so bady beyond belief that he is too far gone to be reasoned with.There is so many trolls here that you might as well save your breath trying to reason with them. I dont know much about those first two conspiracys that were posted so I dont comment on those two or say anything like the government is behind all this.

However the evidence and facts for things like the kennedy assassination and 9/11 and pearl harbour is overwhelming that it was a home grown plot by our government.same with Obama's birth certificate. Bth these brainwashed sheep have been so dumbed down by the media and the government,they cant think for themselves anymore.they have no debating skills whatsoever,anytime you ask them to watch a video or read a book and ask them to tell you whats wrong with the evidence in them,they run off with their tail between their legs and dont even try.

if they debated the same way in a debating hall like they do here,they would be so embarrassed they would run off like they do here cause they would be laughed out of that debating hall.The number one rule in a debate these trolls never learned is you got to address the points brought up by your opponent.Not just stand there and say NOTHING.:lol:

this is further evidence they have been brainwashed by the government when someone such as myself doesnt accept their lies and propaganda,they lable you as a conspiracy theorist.Im not a conspiracy theorist,Im a conspiracy REALIST.Unlike these trolls,I didnt sleep through junior high science classes thats why I know enough to know the official version of the collapse of the towers and kennedy being struck from behind is pure b.s because to believe that,you got to sat the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer applies anymore.:cuckoo::lol::lol:

what drugs are these people on here? oh thats right,i forgot,they slept through junior high school science classes. Bld 7 is the smoking gun in the 9/11 case they cant get around because of the barry jennings testimony.I guarantee you these trolls have never listened to it.they never listen to what actual witnesses say no matter HOW CREDIBLE they are so your better off talking to a wall than discussing these things with THESE trolls.

then we have other trolls like Army Retarded and Pole Rider who hurt the truth movement for the truth on Obamas birth certificate.Im convinced these two are twin brothers with the same mom.They have to be because they are the ONLY two here that have an obsession over him.these two trolls deserve it with all the name calling they get and to be called a birther because of their hypocrosy.ESPECIALLY Pole Rider.

Army at least is much more civilized in his posts.Pole Rider hurts the cause because even though he makes great posts that prove it all,he doesnt have any credibility because he goes around and says-Obama should be held accountable for his actions and crimes lying to the people and not upholding the constituion.well thats true and an excellent point however that describes practically every president we have had for the past 50 years or so yet you dont hear him calling for Bush or Clinton to be put behind bars.:cuckoo: The guy is an obvious racist who hates blacks otherwise he would be calling for their heads as well.same with Army.

Then Pale goes and uses a video about Obama that alex jones made only because the video is shitting on obama where in the past,he always called alex jones a loon for saying 9/11 was an inside job.funny how all of a sudden according to pale,Jones is NOW all of a sudden credible because he is shitting on Obama.:cuckoo: they guy wont even answer my point on that when I bring it up even when I make a thread asking him to.Pole Rider obviously never even bothered to watch that video cause if he had,he would have noticed how it is calling out how ALL presidents since kennedy have bene bought off and corrupt.He just posted the video because it says OBAMA DECEPTION on it.

this guy is far more of a disservice to americans than trolls like daws or toto are who accept ANY fairy tale the government tells them no matter how ludicrous it is.
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I find the nay sayers, whom usually succumb to name calling and personal attacks, rather humorous. Especially the ones that will only enter a discussion on a "conspiracy theory" over and over again just to say the same things. It's like, "are you bored? Because you come in and interject maliciously on the same topic exclusively without ever thwarting or disproving your "opponents" circumstantial evidence, or in some cases, hard evidence.

For instance, the Iraq war could easily be labeled a conspiracy. There is little doubt that a small group worked in concert, secretively, to push an end goal by lying. This one was in complete plain sight, as the conspirators were simply horribly at covering their own ass. Or just didn't care.

There are others that always come to light later as true while herd mentality ridicules those looking at a situation or lot of data objectively. Chemtrails come to mind immediately.



thats basically what I just got done saying.:D
This is just my own observation anyway. I see many in this forum who are constantly mocking & ridiculing all Conspiracy Theories being discussed here. These people seem very closed-minded and ignorant to me. Also,ridicule is a very important tool used by the Government to shut down discussion. After all,who would listen to a "Crazy Person" right? It's a tool used to shut people up.

Obviously not all Conspiracy Theories are credible,but some are. So to close your mind completely and pretend there are no Conspiracies,just seems really crazy to me. Governments lie to their People 24/7. So i see no valid reason to just accept everything they tell us. Very little of what they tell the People is truth. So in the end i feel that those who believe there are no Conspiracies are just as crazy if not crazier than those who believe everything is a Conspiracy. What you think?

When you have theories, thats fine. I always thought it was strange that Morrison, Joplin, and Hendrix passed away when they did.

Now, do I start accusing people that I think did it? No.

Now, do I start accusing people that think I'm nuts of being "paid trolls"? No.

Conspiracy theorists are fine. Conspiracy whackjobs are just that, whackjobs.

So you believe there are no Conspiracies? That doesn't mean you're smarter in any way. It only means you're very closed-minded and ignorant. Believing everything Government tells you is as loony as it gets.

Yep kid troll Daws doesnt believe in ANY government conspiracys.He has been brainwashed so bady beyond belief that he is too far gone to be reasoned with.There is so many trolls here that you might as well save your breath trying to reason with them. I dont know much about those first two conspiracys that were posted so I dont comment on those two or say anything like the government is behind all this.

However the evidence and facts for things like the kennedy assassination and 9/11 and pearl harbour is overwhelming that it was a home grown plot by our government.same with Obama's birth certificate. Bth these brainwashed sheep have been so dumbed down by the media and the government,they cant think for themselves anymore.they have no debating skills whatsoever,anytime you ask them to watch a video or read a book and ask them to tell you whats wrong with the evidence in them,they run off with their tail between their legs and dont even try.

if they debated the same way in a debating hall like they do here,they would be so embarrassed they would run off like they do here cause they would be laughed out of that debating hall.The number one rule in a debate these trolls never learned is you got to address the points brought up by your opponent.Not just stand there and say NOTHING.:lol:

this is further evidence they have been brainwashed by the government when someone such as myself doesnt accept their lies and propaganda,they lable you as a conspiracy theorist.Im not a conspiracy theorist,Im a conspiracy REALIST.Unlike these trolls,I didnt sleep through junior high science classes thats why I know enough to know the official version of the collapse of the towers and kennedy being struck from behind is pure b.s because to believe that,you got to sat the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer applies anymore.:cuckoo::lol::lol:

what drugs are these people on here? oh thats right,i forgot,they slept through junior high school science classes. Bld 7 is the smoking gun in the 9/11 case they cant get around because of the barry jennings testimony.I guarantee you these trolls have never listened to it.they never listen to what actual witnesses say no matter HOW CREDIBLE they are so your better off talking to a wall than discussing these things with THESE trolls.

then we have other trolls like Army Retarded and Pole Rider who hurt the truth movement for the truth on Obamas birth certificate.Im convinced these two are twin brothers with the same mom.They have to be because they are the ONLY two here that have an obsession over him.these two trolls deserve it with all the name calling they get and to be called a birther because of their hypocrosy.ESPECIALLY Pole Rider.

Army at least is much more civilized in his posts.Pole Rider hurts the cause because even though he makes great posts that prove it all,he doesnt have any credibility because he goes around and says-Obama should be held accountable for his actions and crimes lying to the people and not upholding the constituion.well thats true and an excellent point however that describes practically every president we have had for the past 50 years or so yet you dont hear him calling for Bush or Clinton to be put behind bars.:cuckoo: The guy is an obvious racist who hates blacks otherwise he would be calling for their heads as well.same with Army.

Then Pale goes and uses a video about Obama that alex jones made only because the video is shitting on obama where in the past,he always called alex jones a loon for saying 9/11 was an inside job.funny how all of a sudden according to pale,Jones is NOW all of a sudden credible because he is shitting on Obama.:cuckoo: they guy wont even answer my point on that when I bring it up even when I make a thread asking him to.Pole Rider obviously never even bothered to watch that video cause if he had,he would have noticed how it is calling out how ALL presidents since kennedy have bene bought off and corrupt.He just posted the video because it says OBAMA DECEPTION on it.

this guy is far more of a disservice to americans than trolls like daws or toto are who accept ANY fairy tale the government tells them no matter how ludicrous it is.

Governments lie to their People far more than they tell them the truth. So i do find believing everything Government tells you to be incredibly ignorant & loony.
So you believe there are no Conspiracies? That doesn't mean you're smarter in any way. It only means you're very closed-minded and ignorant. Believing everything Government tells you is as loony as it gets.

Yep kid troll Daws doesnt believe in ANY government conspiracys.He has been brainwashed so bady beyond belief that he is too far gone to be reasoned with.There is so many trolls here that you might as well save your breath trying to reason with them. I dont know much about those first two conspiracys that were posted so I dont comment on those two or say anything like the government is behind all this.

However the evidence and facts for things like the kennedy assassination and 9/11 and pearl harbour is overwhelming that it was a home grown plot by our government.same with Obama's birth certificate. Bth these brainwashed sheep have been so dumbed down by the media and the government,they cant think for themselves anymore.they have no debating skills whatsoever,anytime you ask them to watch a video or read a book and ask them to tell you whats wrong with the evidence in them,they run off with their tail between their legs and dont even try.

if they debated the same way in a debating hall like they do here,they would be so embarrassed they would run off like they do here cause they would be laughed out of that debating hall.The number one rule in a debate these trolls never learned is you got to address the points brought up by your opponent.Not just stand there and say NOTHING.:lol:

this is further evidence they have been brainwashed by the government when someone such as myself doesnt accept their lies and propaganda,they lable you as a conspiracy theorist.Im not a conspiracy theorist,Im a conspiracy REALIST.Unlike these trolls,I didnt sleep through junior high science classes thats why I know enough to know the official version of the collapse of the towers and kennedy being struck from behind is pure b.s because to believe that,you got to sat the laws of physics scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer applies anymore.:cuckoo::lol::lol:

what drugs are these people on here? oh thats right,i forgot,they slept through junior high school science classes. Bld 7 is the smoking gun in the 9/11 case they cant get around because of the barry jennings testimony.I guarantee you these trolls have never listened to it.they never listen to what actual witnesses say no matter HOW CREDIBLE they are so your better off talking to a wall than discussing these things with THESE trolls.

then we have other trolls like Army Retarded and Pole Rider who hurt the truth movement for the truth on Obamas birth certificate.Im convinced these two are twin brothers with the same mom.They have to be because they are the ONLY two here that have an obsession over him.these two trolls deserve it with all the name calling they get and to be called a birther because of their hypocrosy.ESPECIALLY Pole Rider.

Army at least is much more civilized in his posts.Pole Rider hurts the cause because even though he makes great posts that prove it all,he doesnt have any credibility because he goes around and says-Obama should be held accountable for his actions and crimes lying to the people and not upholding the constituion.well thats true and an excellent point however that describes practically every president we have had for the past 50 years or so yet you dont hear him calling for Bush or Clinton to be put behind bars.:cuckoo: The guy is an obvious racist who hates blacks otherwise he would be calling for their heads as well.same with Army.

Then Pale goes and uses a video about Obama that alex jones made only because the video is shitting on obama where in the past,he always called alex jones a loon for saying 9/11 was an inside job.funny how all of a sudden according to pale,Jones is NOW all of a sudden credible because he is shitting on Obama.:cuckoo: they guy wont even answer my point on that when I bring it up even when I make a thread asking him to.Pole Rider obviously never even bothered to watch that video cause if he had,he would have noticed how it is calling out how ALL presidents since kennedy have bene bought off and corrupt.He just posted the video because it says OBAMA DECEPTION on it.

this guy is far more of a disservice to americans than trolls like daws or toto are who accept ANY fairy tale the government tells them no matter how ludicrous it is.

Governments lie to their People far more than they tell them the truth. So i do find believing everything Government tells you to be incredibly ignorant & loony.

Come now...
How many adult people have you met that believe EVERYTHING told to them by anyone/anything?

In my case, I can think of no one who has bought everything told to them. As a junior disaster planner (inside joke), I belive even less than most because I have seen the plans for emergency preparedness and they are not lacking, they are almost not existent in terms of doing the most good for the most people which is the supposed mantra of disaster response.

So you believe there are no Conspiracies? That doesn't mean you're smarter in any way. It only means you're very closed-minded and ignorant. Believing everything Government tells you is as loony as it gets.
never said that, that statement and all the others in your little rant are assumptions made by you, and they're incorrect.
BTW I don't "BELIEVE" ( : to have a firm religious faith b : to accept something as true, genuine, or real <ideals we believe in> <believes in ghosts>) in anything .
shit either happens or it does not.
if it does, their's always proof that it did ,if it did not their is none.
belife is not needed.

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