To 4s or not to 4s


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2008
To iphone 4s or not to iphone 4s that is the question!! Okay folks, yes I have an iphone 4 and have been constantly bothered by my cell phone company to upgrade. I have done quite a bit of looking at the 4s and have come to the conclusion that its faster, and has this feature called Siri which, knowing my habits, I would use for a week then forget it was there, LOL. So that leave's speed and nice camera. Oh and a college age daughter looking over my shoulder wanting my iphone!!. So frankly, I'm of the opinion it might be better if I waited on the next one, as this one doesn't seem to offer me much. However on the plus side the upgrade is cheap.
Upgrade is not cheap. they want 400 for a phone with the same memory that cost me 200 two years ago.

And apple does not tell the truth about battery life.
Upgrade is not cheap. they want 400 for a phone with the same memory that cost me 200 two years ago.

And apple does not tell the truth about battery life.

Really? well I'll be darn, I was told mine would be 199.00, wasn't aware there was a problem with the battery as well.
Apple. They're one of those 'evil corporations' that isn't evil because the liberals loved Steve Jobs, right? LMAO. Personally, I won't buy their products because they outsourced thousands of jobs to China, where they employ children and have an appalling safety record. That's the conservative in me. I stand by my principles - even when it means I don't have the 'funky' phone. But I sleep better at night knowing that my cell phone was built in a decent country, with good labor laws, and the children go to school instead of work.
I'm sorta of leaning in the not going to upgrade direction too, because theres just not enough there for me to justify it. As to the made in China thing Cali, the name of the company I believe is Foxconn and they make more than just Apple, am pretty sure they are also making Dell, HP and many other's tech gadgets for them as well. It would be nice however to have some of this stuff made locally, and have tried very hard to look for that too and it's quite an adventure when you really look.
I'm sorta of leaning in the not going to upgrade direction too, because theres just not enough there for me to justify it. As to the made in China thing Cali, the name of the company I believe is Foxconn and they make more than just Apple, am pretty sure they are also making Dell, HP and many other's tech gadgets for them as well. It would be nice however to have some of this stuff made locally, and have tried very hard to look for that too and it's quite an adventure when you really look.

Yep. Which is why you won't find any of their products in my house either. :eusa_angel: I put my money where my mouth is when it comes to corporations.
I liked it better back in the old days when there were pay phones on every corner.

You know, speaking of an adventure to find something, try and find a pay phone these day's. Now I am going to age myelf here a litte, but can recall when you went to a hotel or the airport and you would see them lined up.
I'm sorta of leaning in the not going to upgrade direction too, because theres just not enough there for me to justify it. As to the made in China thing Cali, the name of the company I believe is Foxconn and they make more than just Apple, am pretty sure they are also making Dell, HP and many other's tech gadgets for them as well. It would be nice however to have some of this stuff made locally, and have tried very hard to look for that too and it's quite an adventure when you really look.

Yep. Which is why you won't find any of their products in my house either. :eusa_angel: I put my money where my mouth is when it comes to corporations.

Cali, I was talking in another thread on here about building my own computer and one of the topics that came up in that thread was looking for American made computer parts, because I'm interested not only in giving it a shot in making my own, but also in giving my business in that direction. However, it's proven much harder than it sounds. Some things, you just have to resign yourself to the fact it's not made here and just go with it.
If you have an iPhone 4... no do not upgrade. The "upgrade" of the 4s is so minimal that it is simply not worth the money Apple are demanding. On top of that the 4s has worse battery life and issues with security for now.. something with Siri allowing people to use the phone while it is locked.

If you have an iPhone 3 of some sort then yes... but personally I would recommend the Samsung Galaxy S II which is still the phone to beat.. although the new Galaxy Nexus is a beast as well. Or.....consider this. Now that the iPhone 4s is out, the price of the iPhone 4 has fallen. And since the only difference between the iPhone 4 and 4s is a dual core processor that very few apps can even use, and of course that thing called Siri which is nothing but a marketing thing, then you have to ask your self... why not an iPhone 4? You save money, get a relatively bigger upgrade from iPhone 3XX to iPhone 4, and get a very similar phone and when Apple finally does release a major upgrade to its iPhone line next year, then you will have the money you saved to blow on a real upgrade phone.

Bottom line.. iPhone 4s is a far too expensive minimal upgrade to even consider it at this point in time..
I'm sorta of leaning in the not going to upgrade direction too, because theres just not enough there for me to justify it. As to the made in China thing Cali, the name of the company I believe is Foxconn and they make more than just Apple, am pretty sure they are also making Dell, HP and many other's tech gadgets for them as well. It would be nice however to have some of this stuff made locally, and have tried very hard to look for that too and it's quite an adventure when you really look.

Yep. Which is why you won't find any of their products in my house either. :eusa_angel: I put my money where my mouth is when it comes to corporations.

Cali, I was talking in another thread on here about building my own computer and one of the topics that came up in that thread was looking for American made computer parts, because I'm interested not only in giving it a shot in making my own, but also in giving my business in that direction. However, it's proven much harder than it sounds. Some things, you just have to resign yourself to the fact it's not made here and just go with it.

There is a huge difference between trying to buy American where possible and supporting companies that knowingly allow their products to be built in factories in countries that have appalling human rights records. So, I won't be buying Apple products - and I try very hard not to buy from any company that has its factories in China.

I have this thing about ethical behavior. It's just me.
Pretty much decided on keeping the phone I have now, all of you make good points and it just doesn't make good sense to upgrade to something that to me at least is basically the same phone with a little extra sugar added.
Yep. Which is why you won't find any of their products in my house either. :eusa_angel: I put my money where my mouth is when it comes to corporations.

Cali, I was talking in another thread on here about building my own computer and one of the topics that came up in that thread was looking for American made computer parts, because I'm interested not only in giving it a shot in making my own, but also in giving my business in that direction. However, it's proven much harder than it sounds. Some things, you just have to resign yourself to the fact it's not made here and just go with it.

There is a huge difference between trying to buy American where possible and supporting companies that knowingly allow their products to be built in factories in countries that have appalling human rights records. So, I won't be buying Apple products - and I try very hard not to buy from any company that has its factories in China.

I have this thing about ethical behavior. It's just me.

On that note Cali, here's a little info I thought you might find helpful.

Foxconn makes consumer electronics for a number of well-known companies, including:
Acer Inc. (Taiwan) (United States)[16]
Apple Inc. (United States)[17]
ASRock (Taiwan)
Intel (United States)
Cisco (United States)
Hewlett-Packard (United States)[18]
Dell (United States)
Nintendo (Japan)
Nokia (Finland)[17]
Microsoft (United States)
MSI (Taiwan)
Motorola (United States)
Sony Ericsson (Japan/Sweden)[19]
Vizio (United States)
Foxconn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cali, I was talking in another thread on here about building my own computer and one of the topics that came up in that thread was looking for American made computer parts, because I'm interested not only in giving it a shot in making my own, but also in giving my business in that direction. However, it's proven much harder than it sounds. Some things, you just have to resign yourself to the fact it's not made here and just go with it.

There is a huge difference between trying to buy American where possible and supporting companies that knowingly allow their products to be built in factories in countries that have appalling human rights records. So, I won't be buying Apple products - and I try very hard not to buy from any company that has its factories in China.

I have this thing about ethical behavior. It's just me.

On that note Cali, here's a little info I thought you might find helpful.

Foxconn makes consumer electronics for a number of well-known companies, including:
Acer Inc. (Taiwan) (United States)[16]
Apple Inc. (United States)[17]
ASRock (Taiwan)
Intel (United States)
Cisco (United States)
Hewlett-Packard (United States)[18]
Dell (United States)
Nintendo (Japan)
Nokia (Finland)[17]
Microsoft (United States)
MSI (Taiwan)
Motorola (United States)
Sony Ericsson (Japan/Sweden)[19]
Vizio (United States)
Foxconn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Foxconn makes semi-conductor bits and bobs for pretty much every tech company on the planet, either directly or indirectly. Everything from coffee machines to cars (GM, Ford) have Foxconn in them at some level. Avoiding Foxconn is pretty much impossible.. it is like trying to avoid water.
There is a huge difference between trying to buy American where possible and supporting companies that knowingly allow their products to be built in factories in countries that have appalling human rights records. So, I won't be buying Apple products - and I try very hard not to buy from any company that has its factories in China.

I have this thing about ethical behavior. It's just me.

On that note Cali, here's a little info I thought you might find helpful.

Foxconn makes consumer electronics for a number of well-known companies, including:
Acer Inc. (Taiwan) (United States)[16]
Apple Inc. (United States)[17]
ASRock (Taiwan)
Intel (United States)
Cisco (United States)
Hewlett-Packard (United States)[18]
Dell (United States)
Nintendo (Japan)
Nokia (Finland)[17]
Microsoft (United States)
MSI (Taiwan)
Motorola (United States)
Sony Ericsson (Japan/Sweden)[19]
Vizio (United States)
Foxconn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Foxconn makes semi-conductor bits and bobs for pretty much every tech company on the planet, either directly or indirectly. Everything from coffee machines to cars (GM, Ford) have Foxconn in them at some level. Avoiding Foxconn is pretty much impossible.. it is like trying to avoid water.

Pretty much what I have been trying to say Pete, Foxconn is so huge, even if you think you are avoiding them or these compaines that use "slave labor" theres a really good chance you still have it.
Cali, I was talking in another thread on here about building my own computer and one of the topics that came up in that thread was looking for American made computer parts, because I'm interested not only in giving it a shot in making my own, but also in giving my business in that direction. However, it's proven much harder than it sounds. Some things, you just have to resign yourself to the fact it's not made here and just go with it.

There is a huge difference between trying to buy American where possible and supporting companies that knowingly allow their products to be built in factories in countries that have appalling human rights records. So, I won't be buying Apple products - and I try very hard not to buy from any company that has its factories in China.

I have this thing about ethical behavior. It's just me.

On that note Cali, here's a little info I thought you might find helpful.

Foxconn makes consumer electronics for a number of well-known companies, including:
Acer Inc. (Taiwan) (United States)[16]
Apple Inc. (United States)[17]
ASRock (Taiwan)
Intel (United States)
Cisco (United States)
Hewlett-Packard (United States)[18]
Dell (United States)
Nintendo (Japan)
Nokia (Finland)[17]
Microsoft (United States)
MSI (Taiwan)
Motorola (United States)
Sony Ericsson (Japan/Sweden)[19]
Vizio (United States)
Foxconn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm aware. I didn't say it was easy, nor did I say I always succeed. But I won't knowingly buy produces from companies who are unethical. Makes life a tad hard sometimes, and sometimes I have no option but to compromise... but I try not to make a habit of it. And I certainly won't fall for the 'upgrade' hype. All it does is clutter the environment.
I'm sorta of leaning in the not going to upgrade direction too, because theres just not enough there for me to justify it. As to the made in China thing Cali, the name of the company I believe is Foxconn and they make more than just Apple, am pretty sure they are also making Dell, HP and many other's tech gadgets for them as well. It would be nice however to have some of this stuff made locally, and have tried very hard to look for that too and it's quite an adventure when you really look.

Yep. Which is why you won't find any of their products in my house either. :eusa_angel: I put my money where my mouth is when it comes to corporations.

Cali, I was talking in another thread on here about building my own computer and one of the topics that came up in that thread was looking for American made computer parts, because I'm interested not only in giving it a shot in making my own, but also in giving my business in that direction. However, it's proven much harder than it sounds. Some things, you just have to resign yourself to the fact it's not made here and just go with it.
Almost all electrical components that go into computers and other electronic devices are manufactured abroad. Even the very high end components such as processors come from abroad. Your choice in processors is Intel or AMD. Intel manufactures in the Philippines and AMD in China. All motherboard are manufactured abroad.

You can build your owner computer and it's not that hard. However, it will cost you more than buying one already built. I've built about 6 of them. The advantages in building your owner is you get to pick out the components, lots of documentation available, and you can upgrade. The disadvantages are cost and time and if it doesn't work after you put it together, then it's up to you to determine the problem and fix it.

Here is a pretty good web site that tells you how to do it.
My Super PC - Build A Computer - Build A PC - How To Build Your Own Affordable, Quality, Fast Computer!! Free Online Guide To Make Computer Building Easy

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