TNHarleys solution to the school shooting problem

1. Actual security in schools. Armed guards and or trained and armed teachers.
2. Raise age to buy guns, enlist in military and vote to 21. Raising the age to buy guns sounds like a good idea. If we were to do that, being able to enlist our vote doesnt make much sense IMO.
3. Expand background checks to get OKd by local police. If it passes the fed check and the local police reject it, they should explain why, with evidence. There should also be a reasonable time limit on their part. Maybe 2 days?
4. This is the most important part. Sadly, its also the part that is least likely to happen. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. be a father. Be a mother. Parents need some damn responsibility and take care of and pay attention to their kids. Dont let medicine raise your kids, you straighten their ass out. Quit being a coward. Just because a child doesnt pay attention to everything, doesnt mean they need medicine. They need you. Obviously that isnt always the case but lets be real, ok?
I dont want to discuss you bedwetters wanting to take our guns. We didnt do anything wrong.
These are reasonable solutions, lets discuss these.
Do you like them? Want to tweak one? Have a REASONABLE one of your own?
Lets hear it.

To me, only number1 and 4 makes sense. 2 ? I don’t know. Would the age to buy legal weed go up to? If it’s 21 then I can get on bore with that. Back to number 4 though, I am with you that kids need parents. A single Mom can really kick ass though. Weather it’s mom and dad, dad, mom/dad and mom/dad all they have to do is be interested in their kids. Simply ask them what’s up. Be nosey. Privacy? Yeah right. Toss their rooms when they aren’t around and go through their shit. Copy all the contacts in their phone. You also have to let shit go, and pick your fights. Yeah, be a parent.

Look at Columbine. Both of those kids got guns pretty easily. And their parents largely ignored them. I had a gun in my hand by age 12. I could have it in my hand any time I wanted until I was 18. I never had the urge to shoot anyone because they made fun of my Walmart jeans. Honestly, we should figure out what it is that’s driving people to do the mass shootings. Most shooters have one thing in common, anti depressants. Maybe we should ban those?
Anti depressants for sure, but...Also single mother households. Those are an almost unanimous link. Between these events. Say what you like; personality aside... Single mothers suck. No doubt they love their kids; but love isn’t enough to properly raise a child. Especially in the early years. Every job, boyfriend, break up , and on, and on... Is a distraction from parenting, and a net loss to the child. Never fall for the bullshit lie that single mothers are “great”. If they were so great as people, and in the decisions they make; they wouldn’t be single mothers but for being widowed...

The children of broken homes create the future criminals, and mass shooters....single teenager mothers, and fatherless boys...
The school area needs to be secure from entry. Armed guards alone aren't enough. They have to react to an active shooter to be effective. Stop the shooter from getting inside to begin with.

Use electronic ID badges as the first gate, then pass into an enclosed metal detection area. This area is under guard and that guard allows final access into the school. This guard is behind bullet proof glass with gun ports.

We better get rid of recess too.

We can make schools really secure and we won’t really win. We will have more church shootings, concert shootings, club shootings... Then I guess we need to secure all these other areas. Security everywhere sure doesn’t scream freedom to me.

Or we can do the right thing and regulate guns and magazines which are for mass killing. Regulating machine guns has worked well.

Guns are already over regulated, and you know from past posts that magazines do not have any relation to the deaths in mass public have been shown the research over and over.
1. Actual security in schools. Armed guards and or trained and armed teachers.
2. Raise age to buy guns, enlist in military and vote to 21. Raising the age to buy guns sounds like a good idea. If we were to do that, being able to enlist our vote doesnt make much sense IMO.
3. Expand background checks to get OKd by local police. If it passes the fed check and the local police reject it, they should explain why, with evidence. There should also be a reasonable time limit on their part. Maybe 2 days?
4. This is the most important part. Sadly, its also the part that is least likely to happen. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. be a father. Be a mother. Parents need some damn responsibility and take care of and pay attention to their kids. Dont let medicine raise your kids, you straighten their ass out. Quit being a coward. Just because a child doesnt pay attention to everything, doesnt mean they need medicine. They need you. Obviously that isnt always the case but lets be real, ok?
I dont want to discuss you bedwetters wanting to take our guns. We didnt do anything wrong.
These are reasonable solutions, lets discuss these.
Do you like them? Want to tweak one? Have a REASONABLE one of your own?
Lets hear it.

To me, only number1 and 4 makes sense. 2 ? I don’t know. Would the age to buy legal weed go up to? If it’s 21 then I can get on bore with that. Back to number 4 though, I am with you that kids need parents. A single Mom can really kick ass though. Weather it’s mom and dad, dad, mom/dad and mom/dad all they have to do is be interested in their kids. Simply ask them what’s up. Be nosey. Privacy? Yeah right. Toss their rooms when they aren’t around and go through their shit. Copy all the contacts in their phone. You also have to let shit go, and pick your fights. Yeah, be a parent.

Look at Columbine. Both of those kids got guns pretty easily. And their parents largely ignored them. I had a gun in my hand by age 12. I could have it in my hand any time I wanted until I was 18. I never had the urge to shoot anyone because they made fun of my Walmart jeans. Honestly, we should figure out what it is that’s driving people to do the mass shootings. Most shooters have one thing in common, anti depressants. Maybe we should ban those?
Anti depressants for sure, but...Also single mother households. Those are an almost unanimous link. Between these events. Say what you like; personality aside... Single mothers suck. No doubt they love their kids; but love isn’t enough to properly raise a child. Especially in the early years. Every job, boyfriend, break up , and on, and on... Is a distraction from parenting, and a net loss to the child. Never fall for the bullshit lie that single mothers are “great”. If they were so great as people, and in the decisions they make; they wouldn’t be single mothers but for being widowed...

The children of broken homes create the future criminals, and mass shooters....single teenager mothers, and fatherless boys...
in chicago, it's called gangs. One member who recently wrote a book says so in his book. the gangs look for those kids.

"Kody Scott’s memoir of sixteen years as a gangbanger in Los Angeles was a searing best-seller and became a classic, published in ten languages, with more than 300,000 copies in print in the United States alone"

mostly like ISIS finds their members.

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