Tips For Gun Rights Advocates - MHO


No Party Affiliation
Dec 15, 2008
If you are looking to defend against any gun control, I would humbly suggest:

Avoid talking points like:
1) Guns don't kill people, people kill people. You can same the same thing about nuclear weapons, but that doesn't mean everyone should carry one around.
2) You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers. This is the Unted States of America. If that's the way you want to play it, we can make that happen.
3) The Second Amendment was written to give citizens the opportunity to revolt against tyrannical government. This is highly questionable legal theory, but it is public relations suicide. Saying you want to be able to wage war on the U.S. Government if they piss you off enough puts you in the same category as Al Qaida. Not smart.

Stick to talking points like:
1) Prohibition has never really worked in the U.S. Whether it's alcohol, pot, abortion, or guns, laws don't keep people from doing what they want to do. Gun bans will only insure that the criminals (who have already demonstrated that they won't be bound by law) are much better armed than those who seek to protect themselves from them.

2) If you really want to save innocent children, don't go after guns, go after abortion.

3) A kamikaze, a suicide bomber, or anyone who is hell-bent on dying and taking as many others as they can out with them is almost impossible to defend against. It would be more effective to promote mental health awareness and intervention because a twisted freak will use whatever tools they can find (and you can't outlaw ALL of them) to carry out their suicide mission.

Certainly not an all-inclusive list so in general, I'd reccommend staying away from bumper sticker slogans and be supportive of alternatives that you think stand a better chance of being effective.

just MHO
If that's the way you want to play it, we can make that happen.

Bring it... show how ballsy and brave you are by being the first to come on my property after mine

And these are the people that you need to be involved in a rational discussion about guns? Ain't gonna happen.

Irrational fears do not lead to productive conversations. And this dude is full of irrational fears. And delusional to.

Hey hey bad boy, when you take out the trash, be sure to check EVERY WHERE FOR SNIPERS. Or do you just eat the trash?

Fuking gun nuts can't figure out that they could be taken out without them ever getting to their guns, let alone have a chance to fire them. Kinda like SWAT teams couldn't figure out a way to get to you without knocking on your door and announcing why they came. LMAO.

Be ever vigilant. Don't ever leave home. Prepare a fortress. Buy all the guns and ammo you can. Plus your freeze dried food. And store water. And gasoline. and etc etc.

Gee ain't it great in fortress American. Land of the free to have any gun I want and home of the irrational fear. Just great.
Really.. I have defended the constitution.. and I will defend my rights given by the constitution.. I will defend my property, and my family...

You wanna make it happen.. like I said.. bring it.. your lefty pukes are so big and bold and brave.. kinda like the ones in a bar fight telling their friends to hold them back so they don't really get hurt....

You talk of irrational fears, yet you are the ones going gaga over an inanimate tool
If that's the way you want to play it, we can make that happen.

Bring it... show how ballsy and brave you are by being the first to come on my property after mine

Typical idiocy from the typical idiot. Another incident or two like Sandy Hook, and it could happen. And you would lose.

I agree... I don't think anything is coming real quick. But a couple of incidents in the next few months could make it more of a threat.

Personally, I could live with some regulation of high capacity magazines, but I don't see even that happening right now. And if these guys are just stuck in "look how tough I am because I own a gun" mode, they could lose it.
...anyone who is hell-bent on dying and taking as many others as they can out with them is almost impossible to defend against.

Not impossible. You just need a well armed good guy in the vicinity. Of course, that's impossible in so called 'gun free zones'. Here's a few examples you'll never see highlighted by the mainstream media:

FLASHBACK: Armed Woman in Colorado Saves Lives, Prevents Massacre - Katie Pavlich

Gun carrying man ends stabbing spree at Salt Lake grocery store - - Salt Lake City, Utah News

Appalachian School of Law shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bring it... show how ballsy and brave you are by being the first to come on my property after mine

Typical idiocy from the typical idiot. Another incident or two like Sandy Hook, and it could happen. And you would lose.

I agree... I don't think anything is coming real quick. But a couple of incidents in the next few months could make it more of a threat.

Personally, I could live with some regulation of high capacity magazines, but I don't see even that happening right now. And if these guys are just stuck in "look how tough I am because I own a gun" mode, they could lose it.

And you are so stuck in "look at how tough I am standing behind a government who is playing to my irrational fears"...

Regulations to ensure the mentally ill or those convicted of crimes do not get weapons.. yep, keep up with that.. it is a good thing and on the individual who is dangerous and has shown it... to punish the law abiding and take away their rights because of your stupid fear is outrageous...

And as we learned in the military.. you're not tough because of your weapon.. we're tough because we actually have the will to stand up for the constitution, stand up for out country, stand up for our right, and stand in the face of tyranny and danger and defy the odds with nothing more than our commitment, courage, training, and ability...

You get to take our second amendment right the minute you take the rest of the constitution as well... and many will strongly stand in your way with complete defiance before that ever happens
The Second Amendment was written to give citizens the opportunity to revolt against tyrannical government.

That's not what we're saying. What we're saying is that a legally armed populace is an effective deterrent against tyranny, foreign or domestic. You would have to be supremely ignorant to history to discount the the vulnerability of a disarmed people.
...anyone who is hell-bent on dying and taking as many others as they can out with them is almost impossible to defend against.

Not impossible. You just need a well armed good guy in the vicinity. Of course, that's impossible in so called 'gun free zones'. Here's a few examples you'll never see highlighted by the mainstream media:

FLASHBACK: Armed Woman in Colorado Saves Lives, Prevents Massacre - Katie Pavlich

Gun carrying man ends stabbing spree at Salt Lake grocery store - - Salt Lake City, Utah News

Appalachian School of Law shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You need a well-armed and WELL-TRAINED good guy in the vicinity. Handing out guns to teachers won't work. NYC police officers - who are well trained - miss their intended target about two-thirds of the time when they fire their weapons. A caught-off-guard civics teacher is likely to do much worse. And probably do more harm than good.

Look, I'm telling you - steer clear of the idiotic - it only HURTS your cause.
Gun rights advocates actually have some pretty convincing arguments at their disposal. Why are they so hell-bent on defending the arguments that actually LOSE support?
...anyone who is hell-bent on dying and taking as many others as they can out with them is almost impossible to defend against.

Not impossible. You just need a well armed good guy in the vicinity. Of course, that's impossible in so called 'gun free zones'. Here's a few examples you'll never see highlighted by the mainstream media:

FLASHBACK: Armed Woman in Colorado Saves Lives, Prevents Massacre - Katie Pavlich

Gun carrying man ends stabbing spree at Salt Lake grocery store - - Salt Lake City, Utah News

Appalachian School of Law shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You need a well-armed and WELL-TRAINED good guy in the vicinity. Handing out guns to teachers won't work.

Then a state is free to require qualification for a conceal carry permit. Even in the absence of such, would you really prefer that no one be armed in the face of a killing spree over someone able to return fire that may not meet your definition of well trained? I seriously doubt that.

NYC police officers - who are well trained - miss their intended target about two-thirds of the time when they fire their weapons. A caught-off-guard civics teacher is likely to do much worse. And probably do more harm than good.

Actually, cops are NOT well trained. Typically, they have to qualify with their firearm but once per year, with typically less than 100 rounds downrange. I've had years in which I put over 25,000 rounds downrange.

Again, if you're in the corner of a gun free zone waiting to be executed by a crazy motherfucker and the guy next to you takes out his legally possessed firearm, what are you going to say? "Better not shoot back, I'm just not sure you've been properly trained."? I seriously doubt that too.

Look, I'm telling you - steer clear of the idiotic - it only HURTS your cause.

Disarming law abiding citizens so that they are unable to defend themselves against criminals that could care less about your regulations? Now THAT'S idiotic.
Gun rights advocates actually have some pretty convincing arguments at their disposal. Why are they so hell-bent on defending the arguments that actually LOSE support?

Dude, they are a one trick pony stuck on stupid. They are gun owners. They are bad muttafukers. I mean, all you have to do is read a couple of threads where the gun nuts are threatening violence right now.

You can't have a rational conversation with people full of irrational fears. A couple of people in here might have a clue. But there are several that are fuking nuts and definitley should not have guns. But they do. Hooray for us eh?
Folks who actually deal with gun crime do not support arming teachers. It's silly.

So I'm wondering, why not focus your good arguments. Why get stuck on the ones that are losers?
No, you cannot.

Yeah, that's what David Koresh said.

And look what it took to stop him, an unconstitutional deployment of the military against US citizens. You think you can do that to over 50 million households? Good luck.

And you think 50 million people want to take the chance of dying for their right to have an AR15? Really? Are you that fuking crazy? Would you be willing to die over owning an AR15 Bushmaster rifle?

You don't think much of your life, Do you?
You can't have a rational conversation...

Tell you what. You propose a gun control law that doesn't have the actual consequence of putting law abiding citizens at a disadvantage when facing armed criminals and crazy motherfuckers that don't care about your regulations and we'll have the basis for a rational conversation.

The floor is yours.

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