*Time To Pick A Vice MITT*!!!!


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Do it now, pick him.
2. No time to shop around.
3. Get er done.
4. You need to form a team *NOW*!!
5. Don't drag it on any further.

Hold yer horses, picking a VP before the convention? It just isn't done, not going to happen.
no matter who mittens picks, the left will accuse him of being part of the Bush Administration,,,,yah? so? wasnt unemployment around 5% when Bush was president and Bush never secretly conspired with the Russians.
He's not even going to announce his pick until the last minute, got a long wait. McCain didn't pick Palin until September, should go down the same this year.
its such a hard choice, how do you choose between Daniels,Portman,Ryan and Rubio?

Well, if he wants to win he should probably stay away from Ryan. There are few things less popular right now than a Congressman, and one who supports cutting entitlements could easily turn into political kryptonite. I know he's a hero to a certain stripe of fiscal conservative, but I don't think he would be a political winner.

To be fair, Intrade disagrees with me, giving Ryan a 6% chance of getting the nod, comparable to Daniels and not too far from Portman and Rubio.
Well we pretty much know Romney may have to choose depending on what state he needs to win. I actually think Mitch Daniels would seal the deal. But Romney needs to put Ron Paul in his administration to get his support,,,now that would really hurt Yobama. I just dont know what job to give Paul.
its such a hard choice, how do you choose between Daniels,Portman,Ryan and Rubio?

Really easy.

Daniels has said he wants no part of it and has been openly critical of Romney's oilyness. So he's out.

Ryan is poison with old people. He's out.

Rubio has said he doesn't want it. Not to mention he has a record of being less than honest about things. He's out.

That leaves Portman, a guy who is duller than Romney and won't upstage him.

Not that it matters. A Romney-Whoever ticket is still going to have Romney on it, and I won't vote for it.
Romney could pick Dippy the Dirty Dicked Degenerate for a VP and he'd still beat obama and his fucking moron clown biden.

You leftist commies can kiss your boi king messiah goodbye in November. He's pissed off just about every major voting block in America so far. His donors have dried up, the enthusiasm is gone, turn him over, he's done. Mmm b'bye.

There's no one left supporting obama but retards, idiots and hard core socialists.
Sorry bout that,

Romney could pick Dippy the Dirty Dicked Degenerate for a VP and he'd still beat obama and his fucking moron clown biden.

You leftist commies can kiss your boi king messiah goodbye in November. He's pissed off just about every major voting block in America so far. His donors have dried up, the enthusiasm is gone, turn him over, he's done. Mmm b'bye.

There's no one left supporting obama but retards, idiots and hard core socialists.

1. True story!

Romney could pick Dippy the Dirty Dicked Degenerate for a VP and he'd still beat obama and his fucking moron clown biden.

You leftist commies can kiss your boi king messiah goodbye in November. He's pissed off just about every major voting block in America so far. His donors have dried up, the enthusiasm is gone, turn him over, he's done. Mmm b'bye.

There's no one left supporting obama but retards, idiots and hard core socialists.

YOu know what, Guy, I voted for McCain in 2008, but I'll probably vote for Obama this time.

I think some of you guys need to stop looking at the world like it's populated by people with ODS.

On practical numbers, he's got 107 million in the bank, compared to 10 million for the Weird Mormon Robot.

Romney is scoring worse with women and Latinos than McCain did.

Even Intrade says there's a 61% chance Obama will be re-elected.
I hear Joe Biden might be lookin' for a job. Wouldn't that be a hoot? A Republican President and a Democrat VP! Guaranteed TRANSPARENCY!!
Romney could pick Dippy the Dirty Dicked Degenerate for a VP and he'd still beat obama and his fucking moron clown biden.

You leftist commies can kiss your boi king messiah goodbye in November. He's pissed off just about every major voting block in America so far. His donors have dried up, the enthusiasm is gone, turn him over, he's done. Mmm b'bye.

There's no one left supporting obama but retards, idiots and hard core socialists.

YOu know what, Guy, I voted for McCain in 2008, but I'll probably vote for Obama this time.

I think some of you guys need to stop looking at the world like it's populated by people with ODS.

On practical numbers, he's got 107 million in the bank, compared to 10 million for the Weird Mormon Robot.

Romney is scoring worse with women and Latinos than McCain did.

Even Intrade says there's a 61% chance Obama will be re-elected.

And I think you're lying to yourself just to make yourself feel better, because you know deep down obama doesn't stand a chance. People... well... MOST people aren't dumb enough to fall for the same line of crap twice. What's the old line..."fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." obama is a one trick pony. He lied his radical little face off in first presidential bid, and the people that swallowed his lies won't do it again. The magic is gone, the enthusiasm is gone, there isn't anybody fainting and wetting their pants over the little black guy with no experience from nowhere anymore. He's just another POS radical that now we know a shit load more about than we did three years ago, and what we see we don't like. He's a liar, he's a radical, and he's fucking up America in staggering leaps and bounds. For that he's out the door, and I predict on grand fashion. People are sick of his crap, arrogance, socialism and radical bastards he's surrounded himself with.

And whoever the republican candidate is, that person will have cash flow in like a FREIGHT TRAIN once we know WHO IT IS. I'm waiting to know who the nominee is, as well as everyone else before they send money. They'll put obama's piddly $107M to shame.

So stop dreaming... come back to earth... say hello to reality... no way in hell will the kenyan be reelected.
no matter who mittens picks, the left will accuse him of being part of the Bush Administration,,,,yah? so? wasnt unemployment around 5% when Bush was president and Bush never secretly conspired with the Russians.

Romney's been tapping former Bushies to come work for him. Heck..he even got Bork to help him pick judges.

UE was going up under Bush..but the housing bubble, created by the Bush administration kept the numbers low.

But that didn't help in the end..when almost on the day Bush packed up and left..there was a huge spike.

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