Time to kick Bachmann out of the intelligence committee.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
This woman should be no where near sensitive government material.

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) barely survived a Democratic challenge in November, despite a massive cash and spending advantage. Last week, however, Bachmann was back to business as usual, mounting another effort to repeal Obamacare before proudly announcing that she'd been reappointed to a key position on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

The committee decision by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was particularly upsetting for People for the American Way, a liberal advocacy group and ardent Bachmann foe, which found the appointment an "outrage" in light of the Minnesota Republican's controversial crusade against Muslim members of President Barack Obama's administration last year.

"While Rep. Bachmann’s Islamophobic fear mongering is a hit in conspiratorial right-wing circles, it’s beneath the level of discourse Americans should expect from members of Congress," Ben Betz of PFAW said in an email to supporters on Tuesday. "And her views are nothing short of terrifying for someone sitting on the powerful Intelligence Committee."
Michele Bachmann Intelligence Committee Reappointment Draws Petition From PFAW

It's high time Republicans started acting responsibly at least where national security is concerned.

This woman is a dangerous radical with shit for brains.
She never should have gotten a position there in the first place, but you can't get her out now. She was one of two votes that pushed the Boehner back into the speaker position...after some wrangling in the hallway. Dollars to donuts that "wrangling" had to do with her getting back on the committee.
We can't go upsetting People for the American Way now can we?

She's been making some extremely serious accusations against people with absolutely nothing to back it up. She sits on a committee where there are some pretty sensitive materials that's she's able to peruse on a pretty regular basis. It's very irresponsible to have someone with that sort of behavior sitting in the position she's in at the moment.
OH. My. God. LOLberals are outraged at the appointment of a conservative.

News at 11.

No, not really. People capable of rational thought are concerned that she is wholly inappropriate for that position.

Pity you're not included in that population.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSVu1hV1pnI]Michele Bachmann Says Hillary Clinton's Staffer Part of Muslim Conspiracy - YouTube[/ame]

Gotta love it.

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