Time To Get Out Of Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Yesterday an Afghani police officer was given a gun as a gift by U.S. soldiers and he returned their kindness by immediately shooting two of them dead. This is the second attack of this kind this week.

There has been nearly 100 similar attacks so far this year but most aren't reported because not all result in fatalities. The people we're trying to help have been turning on us and the only response the Obama Administration has had is to put out a directive for desks to be turn towards the door and apologies for any insult we may have committed.

It's clear Obama has no intention on doing anything about these attacks. He doesn't have to. Most of the time the media ignores them. It's clear we can't trust them. We do everything we can to help them and in return they murder our kids.

I think we should tell them to go fuck themselves. We don't care anymore that the Taliban will take over and bring back their Saturday afternoon hangings. Beheadings for shaving, stoning for the slightest offense. It's not our problem anymore.

As long as Obama has no intention of dealing with this we shouldn't lose any more lives just to make it look somebody is still dealing with a full deck in the Oval Office.

Yesterday one of my 5th Group buddies said that we still have Special Forces teams in Iraq at risk. According to the media all military have been pulled out. This of course is a bold-faced lie.

We do need to get the fuck out of there, what are we losing our people for? to try to bring stability to a country and people that don't want it?

I think it was in retaliation for a Saudi man attacking America while his brother was having breakfast with Pres. Bush senior.
The Bush family's armaments companies did rather well out of the wars so you shouldn't complain about a few dead brothers, husbands and fathers.
We do need to get the fuck out of there, what are we losing our people for? to try to bring stability to a country and people that don't want it?

I think it was in retaliation for a Saudi man attacking America while his brother was having breakfast with Pres. Bush senior.
The Bush family's armaments companies did rather well out of the wars so you shouldn't complain about a few dead brothers, husbands and fathers.

We should have withdrawn long ago aside from never having been there in the first place. I heard an interesting discussion today with K.T. McFarlane. She said we couldn't just walk away because we can't even trust the Afghans that we are training. Logistically it would be difficult as well.
We do need to get the fuck out of there, what are we losing our people for? to try to bring stability to a country and people that don't want it?

I think it was in retaliation for a Saudi man attacking America while his brother was having breakfast with Pres. Bush senior.
The Bush family's armaments companies did rather well out of the wars so you shouldn't complain about a few dead brothers, husbands and fathers.


G (sans W) Bush had breakfast with Bin Liner's brother the day before the 9/11 attacks.
Osama was a Saudi.
The Bush family investments are heavily arms related.

Still confused?
We still need a solid intelligence network and some special forces there to direct drone attacks and other ops aimed at keeping the muslim extremist neanderthals violence too a minimum..........
I think it was in retaliation for a Saudi man attacking America while his brother was having breakfast with Pres. Bush senior.
The Bush family's armaments companies did rather well out of the wars so you shouldn't complain about a few dead brothers, husbands and fathers.


G (sans W) Bush had breakfast with Bin Liner's brother the day before the 9/11 attacks.
Osama was a Saudi.
The Bush family investments are heavily arms related.

Still confused?

Ok, but we should still leave Afghanistan yesterday.
The biggest threat we have in the Middle-East is an apathetic administration in the White House. They refuse to recognize the current growing threats. If you try to talk about the current radicalization of Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Turkey, Syria, and severl others they try to change the subject.

The battle is the Israeli border. It's ready to explode thanks to the Obama Administration.
These guys are just fight against oppressive regimes:


Much as I dislike that lot, they are fighting an invading force.

They are the invaders. We're attempting to stop the invasion and the people we protect are shooting us in the back.

Here's what we do, cut all ties with the locals, move every one of them out of the base-camps, then start air lifting all of the equipment out. Set charges and leave, blowing the crap out of what's left behind, preferably after the locals occupy the base. Send some of your buddies to meet their 72 virgins.
These guys are just fight against oppressive regimes:


Much as I dislike that lot, they are fighting an invading force.

They are the invaders. We're attempting to stop the invasion and the people we protect are shooting us in the back.

Here's what we do, cut all ties with the locals, move every one of them out of the base-camps, then start air lifting all of the equipment out. Set charges and leave, blowing the crap out of what's left behind, preferably after the locals occupy the base. Send some of your buddies to meet their 72 virgins.

I am in support of a huge bombing campaign after we pull out, on Taliban hot spots in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Fuck them.
Much as I dislike that lot, they are fighting an invading force.

They are the invaders. We're attempting to stop the invasion and the people we protect are shooting us in the back.

Here's what we do, cut all ties with the locals, move every one of them out of the base-camps, then start air lifting all of the equipment out. Set charges and leave, blowing the crap out of what's left behind, preferably after the locals occupy the base. Send some of your buddies to meet their 72 virgins.

I am in support of a huge bombing campaign after we pull out, on Taliban hot spots in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Fuck them.

WP clusterbombs covered with bacon grease sounds good.

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