Time to get health care right once and for all


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Obongo-aid only works for a few and the rest of us has to pay for them and all leftist that control it - they are ticks...
'Repeal and Replace' Obamacare -- With the Free Market
Time to get health care right once and for all.
January 5, 2017
Larry Elder

One of President-elect Donald Trump's major campaign promises is to "repeal and replace" Obamacare.

Vice President Joe Biden recently dared him to do so. Biden knows that 20 million Americans have health insurance that didn't before Obamacare, and they represent 20 million stories on CNN, MSNBC and The New York Times — in the entire "health care is a right" crowd — when and if Trump follows through.

Sure, despite President Barack Obama's promises to the contrary, some people lost their health care coverage and some people lost their doctors. And no, the average family did not save $2,500 per year as Obama insisted would be the case. And yes, health insurance premiums, copays and deductibles are going up even though Obama promised that his plan would "bend the cost curve" down.

All that matters to the anti-Trump media is that there is now an entire class of people to exert pressure against the repeal of Obamacare. Many Republicans say they want to keep "the good parts of Obamacare," specifically the prohibition against denying insurance based on a pre-existing condition and forcing insurance carriers to keep a "child" on his or her parents' policy until the child is 26. Republicans promised to not only repeal but to "replace" Obamacare. How can they do this — and replace it with what?

Republicans, despite their unanimous opposition against Obamacare, bought into at least two premises that its proponents argued. The first is that health care is a right — or, if not a right, at least something whose costs the federal government should reduce. The second is that, having made the decision to intervene in health care, the federal government possesses the knowledge, wisdom and judgment to reduce its costs to make it "affordable." The feds, promised Obamacare advocates, can even make health care affordable without reducing quality.

For Obamacare to "work," it is particularly important for young people to "buy in," because while they are forced to spend on health care insurance they are unlikely to consume health care services. Obamacare transfers money from the pockets of young people (with a net worth smaller than that of seniors, by the way) into the pockets of older, health care consuming Americans.

If the goal were truly to make health care more affordable, Obamacare would be as laughably wrongheaded as other Obama boondoggles like "cash for caulkers" or "cash for clunkers." No, the real goal is taxpayer-paid health care. Both ex-DNC chair Howard Dean and ex-Senate leader Harry Reid said so.

To reduce costs in health care, or, for that matter, in any commodity, is to unleash the free market. Health care is particularly shackled by restrictions and regulations too numerous to mention. Here is just one example.

In the biographical movie "Hacksaw Ridge," a World War II medic, Private Desmond Doss, a pacifist, refused to carry a rifle. In the midst of the carnage, during the Battle of Okinawa, Doss carried wounded soldiers and rappelled them down a cliff face to safety then treated them alongside the medics. He was awarded a Medal of Honor for saving scores of lives.


If Congressional Republicans were serious about making health care affordable, they should sell the voters on the free market. Where's the slogan for that?

'Repeal and Replace' Obamacare -- With the Free Market
Do you mean you can't buy health services for cash? Because if you can there is already a free market. Lot of good it'll do you.
Good luck! The govt has been up to its eyeballs in the involvement of our healthcare for a hundred years,

medicare, medicaid, the VA, CHIP- child health care, the tax deductions for employers buying it for employees, our tax deductions, health savings accounts, free clinics, mandatory emergency services regardless of means to pay, the FDA, making it illegal to negotiate bulk discounts with PHARMA...., paying for medical schools, grants for students becoming docs or nurses and sooooo much more, paying universities for R&D, mandatory vaccinations, developing flu vaccine shots

there is no 'free market'' in health care, and never will be
Good luck! The govt has been up to its eyeballs in the involvement of our healthcare for a hundred years,

medicare, medicaid, the VA, CHIP- child health care, the tax deductions for employers buying it for employees, our tax deductions, health savings accounts, free clinics, mandatory emergency services regardless of means to pay, the FDA, making it illegal to negotiate bulk discounts with PHARMA...., paying for medical schools, grants for students becoming docs or nurses and sooooo much more, paying universities for R&D, mandatory vaccinations, developing flu vaccine shots

there is no 'free market'' in health care, and never will be

Do you want it more free or less?
Messy legislative process ahead before a real cure to Obamacare can reach President Trump.
March 8, 2017
Joseph Klein

House Republicans have finally released their legislative blueprint for repealing and replacing Obamacare. President Trump has indicated his support of the proposed legislation, while leaving the door open for negotiations.

Key changes involving repeal of Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion and the Obamacare subsidies will not take full effect until 2020. However, the proposed replacement for Obamacare provides a path to real reform, while at the same time not throwing out the baby with the bath water. The proposed legislation would preserve the prohibition on denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions or charging them more for such coverage, and it would preserve the prohibition on capping lifetime coverage. It would also continue allowing young adults up to the age of 26 to remain covered under their parents’ health plans. However, the new American Health Care Act would eliminate some of the most unpopular features of Obamacare. For example, it would repeal the individual mandate to purchase health insurance and the penalties that go with it. And it would eliminate various Obamacare taxes by 2018. Previous proposals to begin taxing employees on a portion of the value of expensive employer-provided health insurance have been dropped from the released version of the proposed legislation.

The proposed legislation would eliminate Obamacare’s federal top-down standards for baseline coverage that must be provided in all policies. This means that insurance companies can offer a variety of plans, including polices covering only catastrophic expenses, which people can use tax credits to purchase. This fundamental change, along with including a provision to permit competition among insurance providers across state lines, can be expected to drive down coverage costs and increase choices for consumers.

Although the individual mandate would go away, there is a provision allowing insurance companies to add a surcharge for those with a gap of 63 days or more without health plan coverage, in order to discourage people from gaming the system.

The proposed legislation would also replace direct subsidies to lower income persons purchasing health insurance from the Obamacare exchanges with refundable tax credits to help people without employer-provided or government-provided coverage to purchase health insurance. These tax credits would rise with age, ranging from $2,000 per year for people younger than 30 to $4,000 per year for people over 60. However, there is also an income-based component. The full credits are reduced for individuals and married couples with annual incomes exceeding $75,000 and $150,000 respectively.

The proposed legislation would freeze Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid, with some protections grandfathered for current enrollees. Federal payments to states for Medicaid would be based on a fixed per-person allotment.

“Obamacare is a sinking ship,” said House Majority Leader Representative Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), “and the legislation introduced today will rescue people from the mistakes of the past.”

Not surprisingly, Democrats are vehemently opposed. The Democratic National Committee wasted no time putting a petition online, which they even sent to me, entitled “STOP THE GOP HEALTH CARE BILL.” Needless to say, I am not signing.

Relief From Obamacare Finally On The Way?
Do people who never earned more than 15k a year deserve a multi-million dollar heart transplant operation to keep alive?
Do people who never earned more than 15k a year deserve a multi-million dollar heart transplant operation to keep alive?
Back to you???
How many hundreds or thousands of dollars do you spend on someone's healthcare who never, in their life, made more than 15k a year?
And what if they never earned more than $30k a year or more than $50k a year? That certainly means nothing when you are talking about a MULTI MILLION dollar medical situation...

So what is your point?

If you are poor, you don't deserve to live?
Do people who never earned more than 15k a year deserve a multi-million dollar heart transplant operation to keep alive?
Back to you???
How many hundreds or thousands of dollars do you spend on someone's healthcare who never, in their life, made more than 15k a year?
And what if they never earned more than $30k a year or more than $50k a year? That certainly means nothing when you are talking about a MULTI MILLION dollar medical situation...

So what is your point?

If you are poor, you don't deserve to live?
We can't give everyone in the country, much less the world, top of the line medical care and not go bankrupt. So yes. If you can't afford it you don't get it.
Do people who never earned more than 15k a year deserve a multi-million dollar heart transplant operation to keep alive?
Back to you???
How many hundreds or thousands of dollars do you spend on someone's healthcare who never, in their life, made more than 15k a year?
And what if they never earned more than $30k a year or more than $50k a year? That certainly means nothing when you are talking about a MULTI MILLION dollar medical situation...

So what is your point?

If you are poor, you don't deserve to live?

I think the point is that, despite our delusions to the contrary, we have to make value decisions when it comes to health care. Just like everything else we need to carry on.
Do people who never earned more than 15k a year deserve a multi-million dollar heart transplant operation to keep alive?
Back to you???
How many hundreds or thousands of dollars do you spend on someone's healthcare who never, in their life, made more than 15k a year?
And what if they never earned more than $30k a year or more than $50k a year? That certainly means nothing when you are talking about a MULTI MILLION dollar medical situation...

So what is your point?

If you are poor, you don't deserve to live?

I think the point is that, despite our delusions to the contrary, we have to make value decisions when it comes to health care. Just like everything else we need to carry on.
Good Morning Db,

How was THAT his point?
Do people who never earned more than 15k a year deserve a multi-million dollar heart transplant operation to keep alive?
Back to you???
How many hundreds or thousands of dollars do you spend on someone's healthcare who never, in their life, made more than 15k a year?
And what if they never earned more than $30k a year or more than $50k a year? That certainly means nothing when you are talking about a MULTI MILLION dollar medical situation...

So what is your point?

If you are poor, you don't deserve to live?

I think the point is that, despite our delusions to the contrary, we have to make value decisions when it comes to health care. Just like everything else we need to carry on.
Good Morning Db,

How was THAT his point?

Of course I can't, and wouldn't want to, speak for Slyhunter. But that seems to be the gist of it. This idea that money shouldn't determine the quality of health care someone can afford is kind of delusional, don't you think?
Back to you???
How many hundreds or thousands of dollars do you spend on someone's healthcare who never, in their life, made more than 15k a year?
And what if they never earned more than $30k a year or more than $50k a year? That certainly means nothing when you are talking about a MULTI MILLION dollar medical situation...

So what is your point?

If you are poor, you don't deserve to live?

I think the point is that, despite our delusions to the contrary, we have to make value decisions when it comes to health care. Just like everything else we need to carry on.
Good Morning Db,

How was THAT his point?

Of course I can't, and wouldn't want to, speak for Slyhunter. But that seems to be the gist of it. This idea that money shouldn't determine the quality of health care someone can afford is kind of delusional, don't you think?
Yes, on anything elective, but no on basic life saving measures...the life of the richer person is not worth more than the life of the 50k a year person, our income does not equal our right to live and not die.

And the person earning $250k A YEAR, still can't afford to pay for the multi million dollar surgery...he has Insurance and the other people on the same insurance plan, which could be a healthy $60k a year person, is paying for the $250k a year person's illness and his surgery.

As far as being able to have insurance that covers all the best of the best hospitals, all are in network and things that the wealthiest can afford to pay extra for with their insurance...then yes, they can have better health care coverage than those getting the minimum....but the minimum should be the protocol of what is needed to save a person's life...

That's how I view it...I can't change on that....it's inside me, in my soul...it's what I view as right and just...regardless of money.
How many hundreds or thousands of dollars do you spend on someone's healthcare who never, in their life, made more than 15k a year?
And what if they never earned more than $30k a year or more than $50k a year? That certainly means nothing when you are talking about a MULTI MILLION dollar medical situation...

So what is your point?

If you are poor, you don't deserve to live?

I think the point is that, despite our delusions to the contrary, we have to make value decisions when it comes to health care. Just like everything else we need to carry on.
Good Morning Db,

How was THAT his point?

Of course I can't, and wouldn't want to, speak for Slyhunter. But that seems to be the gist of it. This idea that money shouldn't determine the quality of health care someone can afford is kind of delusional, don't you think?
Yes, on anything elective, but no on basic life saving measures...the life of the richer person is not worth more than the life of the 50k a year person, our income does not equal our right to live and not die.

And the person earning $250k A YEAR, still can't afford to pay for the multi million dollar surgery...he has Insurance and the other people on the same insurance plan, which could be a healthy $60k a year person, is paying for the $250k a year person's illness and his surgery.

As far as being able to have insurance that covers all the best of the best hospitals, all are in network and things that the wealthiest can afford to pay extra for with their insurance...then yes, they can have better health care coverage than those getting the minimum....but the minimum should be the protocol of what is needed to save a person's life...

That's how I view it...I can't change on that....it's inside me, in my soul...it's what I view as right and just...regardless of money.

Me too, actually. I just don't feel justified forcing my idea of what is morally right on others.
Here would be my purposal:

Remove state lines when it comes to buying health insurance. Basically all plans for every state

People have the option to buy insurance options ala carte. Buy exactly what you want.

Make it easier for groups to form. Let's say 10 small to medium businesses want to come together to form a group or an entire small town wants to form a group let them

Health savings accounts.

Medicare for only poor children and a safety net for medical bills that can never be paid

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