Time to end ALL rights for WOMEN in the US


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
I've seen idiot liberal Dumbocrats on this board (like Lil_Old_Lady) for several days now screaming about how we need to end freedom of speech because things that are said are "offensive" to muslims and is "causing" them to strike out like animals and slaughter people.

Well, if they are right, that it is absolutely imperative that we immediately strip women of all of their rights. The fact is, the muslim community looks at women as inferior creatures to own and control - much like a dog. They are genuinely enfuriated by women dressing a certain way, by women having an opinion, being allowed to vote, or not walking behind a man. Don't even try to tell me this is not the case, as I had the unfortunate experience of working with an African-American who had converted to muslim and he would refuse to shake a woman's hand in the work place (extremely unprofessional).

First of all, even though the idiot liberal Dumbocrat contradicts themself with each breath, it is imperative that we be consistent. If we don't want to enrage the muslims with words, we certainly don't want to enrage them with women's rights. Second, and more important, according to the idiot liberal Dumbocrats on this board, lives are being taken because of our speech "offending" them. We cannot then, and will not, "offend" them any longer. Please join me in contacting your representatives and electing officials who will work towards an offensive-free muslim agenda by eliminating women's rights. Let's make sure we get bills to congress that will include the following:

  • Women may no longer vote
  • Women may no longer have an opinion
  • Women may no longer drive
  • Women may no longer work outside of the home
  • Women who are raped will be stoned to death for their "promiscuity"

It's time to make this nation an "offensive-free" muslim friendly nation!!!
So fortunate to live in America~

I find it appalling how they treat their women. Then men are complete idiots..
Call me racist I don't give a crap.

Amen! But I find it equally appalling that American women sit here SUPPORTING bowing to these animals when it comes to freedom of speech. Their so stupid, they never stopped for a moment to realize that if we bow to them on that freedom, we have to bow to them on all freedoms (or bowing to them on freedom speech didn't help because they'll still be enraged about the other freedoms).

Only the idiot liberal Dumbocrat woman could support the muslims... :lol:

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