Time: The West Bank ready to revolt against Abbas

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
WEST BANK, (PIC)-- The American Time magazine said in a report that the West Bank appears in some respects ripe for revolution, especially since the Fatah-controlled Palestinian authority (PA) is notorious for its corruption, tyranny and antinational stands.

Time in its issue on Monday stated that the PA headed by Mahmoud Abbas is deeply concerned that the West Bankers, encouraged by what is happening in Egypt, might revolt against it, especially after Al-Jazeera satellite channel exposed confidential papers about its peace talks with Israel.

Three times in the past two weeks, the PA security forces dispersed young Palestinians demonstrating in solidarity with the crowds in Cairo and Tunis.

The last repressive act against West Bank young citizens happened Wednesday night, when a small group who assembled near the lion sculptures of Ramallah's central square, were attacked with police batons. The next day a police spokesman warned that unlicensed gatherings could bring chaos, according to the magazine.

Meanwhile, amid media blackout in the West Bank, the PA security militias continued its arrest campaign against Hamas cadres and supporters and kidnapped four of them on Monday from Assira village in Nablus district.

The PA intelligence apparatus, for its part, transferred Sheikh Hasan Manasra from his prison to the hospital in the aftermath of his exposure to torture at the hands of interrogators, according to his family.

The family added that Sheikh Manasra sustained serious injuries in his ears and eyes after he was severely beaten in his face.

Time: The West Bank ready to revolt against Abbas
Yeah thats exactly what the Palestinians need, more war and revolt, brilliant, they are on their way to becoming the next Somalia.
Yeah thats exactly what the Palestinians need, more war and revolt, brilliant, they are on their way to becoming the next Somalia.

Abbas is an unelected US dictator running the West Bank.

Of course, everyone the US supports tortures people as a policy.
Yeah thats exactly what the Palestinians need, more war and revolt, brilliant, they are on their way to becoming the next Somalia.

Abbas is an unelected US dictator running the West Bank.

Of course, everyone the US supports tortures people as a policy.

LOL the US doesn't support Hamas, Iran or the Taliban but they most definently use torture as a policy.
Yeah thats exactly what the Palestinians need, more war and revolt, brilliant, they are on their way to becoming the next Somalia.

Abbas is an unelected US dictator running the West Bank.

Of course, everyone the US supports tortures people as a policy.

LOL the US doesn't support Hamas, Iran or the Taliban but they most definently use torture as a policy.

If the West Bank is revolting, then "Quit Looking At Them".


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