Time for a Serious Discussion on Moderator Actions

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Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
I like this website, as do most regulars, but there is one thing that I'm not happy with: the rule that we aren't allowed to openly question moderator actions (or their behaviour). I think that a few of the moderators abuse this culture of absolute supplicancy when it comes to questioning why moderators have done what they've done without the reason(s) being obvious. I'll even go so far as to say that there's a few mods on here who aren't fit to fill the positions they clearly cherish and use against others.

What are your thoughts?
Yeah, that's great, Moonglow, but if you wouldn't mind, those of us who aren't walking lobotomies are trying to discuss a serious topic.
Yer supposed to discuss the problem..whatever the problem is...via pm with staff. Problem is (on top of the original problem) is some of the staff don't bother to answer when you do pm them asking what you did wrong.

THAT, I have a problem with. So I don't bother any more. I go straight to the head chief. CK.
I think that a few of the moderators abuse this culture of absolute supplicancy when it comes to questioning why moderators have done what they've done without the reason(s) being obvious. I'll even go so far as to say that there's a few mods on here who aren't fit to fill the positions they clearly cherish and use against others.
Ive never been banned, so I'm riding with the monarchy.
I've been banned. It sucks. But I knew why I was banned and it was my much deserved punishment even though it sucked.
However, I have had staff call me a troll or that I am trolling threads or disrupting threads and when I asked via pm HOW I was so I could stop doing whatever was THOUGHT to be trolling, no response. I have been called names like stupid goyim, told I am stupid, yadda yadda, by staff. I have also had posts or threads removed or dumped or closed with no reason given. Two mods here should not be mods. One, especially. The rest are very easy going, fair, and DO respond.

Thats just my experience and I am speaking only for that.
U ever been banned schwaggy??

I think that julie girl musta masturbated that day if so.

But anyhoo, swagger is >>>
Anywho....meh. I know where the door is here if it ever bugged me enough to where it wasn't a place to be I wanted to be at any more. I also know where CK is, so if I get a notice I'm trolling or being a bitch or a stupid goyim I don't bother to ask HOW to the one saying it. I just ask CK :lol:
Anywho....meh. I know where the door is here if it ever bugged me enough to where it wasn't a place to be I wanted to be at any more. I also know where CK is, so if I get a notice I'm trolling or being a bitch or a stupid goyim I don't bother to ask HOW to the one saying it. I just ask CK :lol:
CK will just tell you whatever you want to hear so he can get back to his strippers and Jet Skis.
Yer supposed to discuss the problem..whatever the problem is...via pm with staff. Problem is (on top of the original problem) is some of the staff don't bother to answer when you do pm them asking what you did wrong.

THAT, I have a problem with. So I don't bother any more. I go straight to the head chief. CK.

The problem being, Gracie, is that the preferred avenue of inquiry doesn't gather the momentum needed to affect change, which is why I've taken this route. It also coincides with the unspoken notion that we should be humbly grateful for USMB's existence, when in actual fact we, "the people", are the reason this website is so popular.
Yer supposed to discuss the problem..whatever the problem is...via pm with staff. Problem is (on top of the original problem) is some of the staff don't bother to answer when you do pm them asking what you did wrong.

THAT, I have a problem with. So I don't bother any more. I go straight to the head chief. CK.

The problem being, Gracie, is that the preferred avenue of inquiry doesn't gather the momentum needed to affect change, which is why I've taken this route. It also coincides with the unspoken notion that we should be humbly grateful for USMB's existence, when in actual fact we, "the people", are the reason this website is so popular.
But you are against income equality...
Anywho....meh. I know where the door is here if it ever bugged me enough to where it wasn't a place to be I wanted to be at any more. I also know where CK is, so if I get a notice I'm trolling or being a bitch or a stupid goyim I don't bother to ask HOW to the one saying it. I just ask CK :lol:
CK will just tell you whatever you want to hear so he can get back to his strippers and Jet Skis.
Yeah, but after a reaming by a staff member calling me names, I need to get that back pat from someone over the staff members head. He knows I need to hear positive now and then and I only approach him when it comes to being worried that staff member will do to me what another one did some years ago and perma ban me thru no fault of mine. This place has been cleaned up since then and that particular schmuck has been kicked to the curb, thankfully. Which is why I am back. The ban was lifted.
we should be humbly grateful for USMB's existence, when in actual fact we, "the people", are the reason this website is so popular.
This is true. Without members, a board can become empty. Many out there ARE empty. But, I don't see the rules of not discussing moderation as bad. I see bad decisions on WHO is chosen as part of staff. THAT is where the problem is.
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