Tikkun olam: To damage the world

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I've always been puzzled by this doctrine. Supposedly it's about healing and repairing the world to a perfect state that never actually was. The words themselves translate exactly to that - to repair, improve, renew. The words themselves have been meaningless though. The concept they name has been used to justify many, many harmful attempts to do so, from the creation and nurturing of Communism and the Bolshevik regime to legalizing post-birth abortion to fighting for the destruction of the nuclear family. It even played a role in quite a few of the atomic spies at Los Alamos (you know, the ones the left still refuses to admit happily gave the KGB nuclear weapons data) deciding to betray their country. Is this doctrine really even about its alleged "healing and improving" at all, or is it just one of those ideas that sound great in theory but tend to lead people to supporting the most evil shit for the imagined greater good?
I've always been puzzled by this doctrine. Supposedly it's about healing and repairing the world to a perfect state that never actually was. The words themselves translate exactly to that - to repair, improve, renew. The words themselves have been meaningless though. The concept they name has been used to justify many, many harmful attempts to do so, from the creation and nurturing of Communism and the Bolshevik regime to legalizing post-birth abortion to fighting for the destruction of the nuclear family. It even played a role in quite a few of the atomic spies at Los Alamos (you know, the ones the left still refuses to admit happily gave the KGB nuclear weapons data) deciding to betray their country. Is this doctrine really even about its alleged "healing and improving" at all, or is it just one of those ideas that sound great in theory but tend to lead people to supporting the most evil shit for the imagined greater good?

I have no idea to what you allude------I do understand the doctrine of TIKUN HAOLAM-----but never knew it was applied to activities of los Alamos or to late term abortion--------You got links? TIKUN HAOLAM is sublime concept that clearly ELUDES YOU
I've always been puzzled by this doctrine. Supposedly it's about healing and repairing the world to a perfect state that never actually was. The words themselves translate exactly to that - to repair, improve, renew. The words themselves have been meaningless though. The concept they name has been used to justify many, many harmful attempts to do so, from the creation and nurturing of Communism and the Bolshevik regime to legalizing post-birth abortion to fighting for the destruction of the nuclear family. It even played a role in quite a few of the atomic spies at Los Alamos (you know, the ones the left still refuses to admit happily gave the KGB nuclear weapons data) deciding to betray their country. Is this doctrine really even about its alleged "healing and improving" at all, or is it just one of those ideas that sound great in theory but tend to lead people to supporting the most evil shit for the imagined greater good?

The chief implication being that all of humanity's problems should be blamed on a small number of Jews? :dunno:

If so, that's not only incredibly short-sighted and racist; it's just plain wrong.

Religious/racial affiliations aside, one man's "perfect state" can be several billion others' 'living Hell'. Or so that seems to best describe the bulk of the situation created and maintained by 'the global elitists' of the NWO (and that's a diverse group of characters). Since the implementation of things like active depopulation policies (such as "soft kills" in the food and water supplies of targeted groups that don't know how to avoid or counteract the effects of those slow-acting poisons) have clearly taken priority over addressing the critical needs of the vast majority of the planet's current populace, almost as if "depopulation" were regarded by those best equipped to fill those needs as the preferred means of doing so, the struggle to expose and oppose those responsible for such policies is incumbent on any 'awakened person' outside of the loop.

This is NOT to promote a philosophy of victimhood, mind you. Let's face it; some of the concerns of the 'power elite' are legitimate. It's more an issue of taking on the responsibility of alleviating those problems (overpopulation, world hunger, Etc.) in manners more consistent with our own moral values (I.E. as members of "the 99%"). ;)
This has to be the dumbest propaganda we've seen since you know who's last post.
Demonizing the concept of repairing the world because some people don't have that nature to go the right path is validation for teaching Tikkun Olam in the first place, not the opposite nature you are describing in people that you are complaining about.
By the way you are not fooling anyone posting behind a spanish name hoping to cause tensions amongst peoples and hiding your affiliations. How low is your teachings that you'd do that? Think about it.
Hmmmmmm...let me get this straight you are calling repairing the world damaging it and evil......hmmmmmmm...another opposite twist... So any who come up with ways to improve the way people live so they enjoy this gift of life are evil.... So a old man who is at the end of his life who plants a tree that he himself will not see bear fruit and give shade is evil because he is doing it for future generations to enjoy.....hmmmmmmmm.....interesting.....
Bizzarro world we live in eh?
They think Death is paradise and life is meant for suffering.
They think Tikkun Olam us wrong but complain about people who destroy instead of repair.
They think nothing about pastors selling $20 prayer rags like that's acceptable to rip off the elderly and mentally handicaped.
They think nothing about the handicap parking spaces in front of the healing churches.
Nothing about the hospitals and graveyards that should not exist in a fully repaired world or in promises from the sorcerer idol.
They put walkers in the back of drug stores instead of near the front. What's up with that?
Pedro de San Patricio said:
...Is this doctrine really even about its alleged "healing and improving" at all, or is it just one of those ideas that sound great in theory but tend to lead people to supporting the most evil shit for the imagined greater good?

Not to speak for any specific religious group, but I suspect that most of the more religious-minded advocates of various aspects of the "NWO agenda"... are 'true believers'. In my mind, they'd have to be in order to get involved with some of the things that have transpired over the past hundred or so years in particular. Only zealots or psychopaths would hold that 'the end' will eventually justify some of those 'means'.

On a personal level, I take a great deal of solace in the conviction that, if there exists a 'divine power' that actually approves of some of those tactics, such a "God" isn't worthy of the respect or adoration due the used wad of toilet paper I flushed after this morning's regularly-scheduled constitutional. And I mean that with the utmost sincerity. :eusa_angel:
I've always been puzzled by this doctrine. Supposedly it's about healing and repairing the world to a perfect state that never actually was. The words themselves translate exactly to that - to repair, improve, renew. The words themselves have been meaningless though. The concept they name has been used to justify many, many harmful attempts to do so, from the creation and nurturing of Communism and the Bolshevik regime to legalizing post-birth abortion to fighting for the destruction of the nuclear family. It even played a role in quite a few of the atomic spies at Los Alamos (you know, the ones the left still refuses to admit happily gave the KGB nuclear weapons data) deciding to betray their country. Is this doctrine really even about its alleged "healing and improving" at all, or is it just one of those ideas that sound great in theory but tend to lead people to supporting the most evil shit for the imagined greater good?

The chief implication being that all of humanity's problems should be blamed on a small number of Jews? :dunno:
The chief implication being that a key doctrine has good intentions that have frequently been used since it was first made up to justify creating and sustaining horrific problems. This kind of thing (using doctrines that sound reasonable on paper to justify evil) is also a trend with the other main Abrahamic cults, and their practice has been thoroughly discussed elsewhere. The concept of one ummah led by one caliph was supposed to lead to world peace. Instead it's led to the Islamic world being in an technical if not active state of war with the rest of humanity for over 1,400 years. The concept of jihad was meant to defend Muslim lands and quickly bring many souls to the religion that would keep them out of Hell. It's been used as a primary means to obtain new lands, wealth, and slaves. Christianity used much the same logic to conquer and decimate the non-Christian majority of the planet only three hundred years ago, and contains numerous other cases of well meaning doctrines causing the rawest evils as well. Judaism is no different in this regard and shall not get a pass just because it's smaller or because it contains racist/tribal elements.

Since the implementation of things like active depopulation policies (such as "soft kills" in the food and water supplies of targeted groups that don't know how to avoid or counteract the effects of those slow-acting poisons) have clearly taken priority over addressing the critical needs of the vast majority of the planet's current populace, almost as if "depopulation" were regarded by those best equipped to fill those needs as the preferred means of doing so, the struggle to expose and oppose those responsible for such policies is incumbent on any 'awakened person' outside of the loop.
I'm aware that demographic decline and resultant underpopulation is a growing world problem. Do you have any proof that there is an intentional cause behind it, rather than it simply being a natural outcome of cultural and economic circumstances?

This has to be the dumbest propaganda we've seen since you know who's last post.
Demonizing the concept of repairing the world because some people don't have that nature to go the right path is validation for teaching Tikkun Olam in the first place, not the opposite nature you are describing in people that you are complaining about.
You're right. We should totally look at the mountain of corpses and the pure suffering wrecked in the name of this doctrine and say to ourselves " yeah, we definitely need more of this in the world".

By the way you are not fooling anyone posting behind a spanish name hoping to cause tensions amongst peoples and hiding your affiliations. How low is your teachings that you'd do that? Think about it.
I picked my username for a reason. I've never claimed to be ethnically Spanish, though I do consider every Spaniard (and Jew) to be kinsman through common descent.

Hmmmmmm...let me get this straight you are calling repairing the world damaging it and evil......hmmmmmmm...another opposite twist... So any who come up with ways to improve the way people live so they enjoy this gift of life are evil.... So a old man who is at the end of his life who plants a tree that he himself will not see bear fruit and give shade is evil because he is doing it for future generations to enjoy.....hmmmmmmmm.....interesting.....
That tree often bears poisoned fruit. What were the motives of the early Communists? To create a utopia on earth for future generations. What were the motives of the spies betraying their adopted nation for it? To further the cause of bringing that utopia into existence. What are the motives of Israel's ruling theocratic party? To do "God's" work so we can enter the Messianic age and never fight or hate again. You know what's interesting, though? Those are basically the same goals of ISIS. World peace is exactly what they're beheading and setting people on fire to obtain.
But Pedro,
then the blame it on Rome & it's one world religion Christianity for it's Vatican took away from our central source of Temple where they could learn that Socialism seems like a good and right thing to do but is not what's best because it gives us no drive nor motivation to progress if everything is handed and evened out.
If anything that socialist teaching is a Jesuit promoted ideology that had embedded the cultures we were stuck in.

By the way thanks for clearing up the usage of your chosen handle name.
lets take this doosey instead:

quoteb "You're right. We should totally look at the
mountain of corpses and the pure suffering
wrecked in the name of this doctrine"

No there has been thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in the name of Jesus which Rome created in opposition to Tikkun Olam.
Rome built the Vatican on the mounds of the dead corpses and used the mark of death (the cross) to go on a killing spree that we can even blame today's Jihadist as being born out of Nazis propaganda which csme from church Synods. Therefore if you are Christian you are deflecting behavior andcdisplacing boame whileconce again validating The Torah and Tikkun Olam.
If you are Muslim then you owe your formation, seclusionist govts and countries, radicalism, propaganda, instability all to the Church from it's crusades to it's influence of nazism which influenced the head imam who fked to Berlin to kearn and soreadcanger hste and fear and thus influenced your most rediculous post.

You still make whatever teachingscyou had look bad which is orobably why you can't be honest to your belief.
So pedro you are equating the idea of repairing the world with the goals isis has...i find that..... Disturbing.....it is true that everything has a doubledged sword... And that some fruit is poisonous and not good but most fruit is excellent for you and is needed for a good healthy life... Planting a tree is not evil in its own way and the motive of the planter should be looked at.. There is always evil in the world and greed but it is much better to repair something without destroying it and cleansing it like isis is doing.... So no the goals are not the same as one wishes to bulldoze it and strip it bare while the other wants to take what is there and make it work better and nurture it too become more then it was before....
No there has been thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in the name of Jesus which Rome created in opposition to Tikkun Olam.
Rome built the Vatican on the mounds of the dead corpses and used the mark of death (the cross) to go on a killing spree that we can even blame today's Jihadist as being born out of Nazis propaganda which csme from church Synods. Therefore if you are Christian you are deflecting behavior andcdisplacing boame whileconce again validating The Torah and Tikkun Olam.
Christianity is directly responsible for much death and destruction throughout history as well. What faith was Christianity born out of? And what do you mean about "today's Jihadist" being "born out of Nazi propaganda which came from church Synods"? Today's Jihadist (I'm assuming you mean the Islamist factions) might identify with aspects of Nazi propaganda, but his roots are 1,400 years old. Nazism had nothing to do with any synod to my knowledge. Hitler tried to create his own version of Christianity where Jesus was a Viking and he himself was Yhwh, but those teachings were actively resisted by Germany's actual Christian church that he tried to destroy. The only connection between the Islamist and Christianity is that Islam came about from the theological stew of Jewish, heretical Christian, and pagan pre-Islamic Arab culture.

If you are Muslim then you owe your formation, seclusionist govts and countries, radicalism, propaganda, instability all to the Church from it's crusades to it's influence of nazism which influenced the head imam who fked to Berlin to kearn and soreadcanger hste and fear and thus influenced your most rediculous post.
Wait, what? You're saying that Christian crusades against Muslim incursions into Anatolia and the Levant created Nazism, which itself created Islam? Am I misunderstanding you? I really, really hope so. That's... If not, and you really are meaning to say this, then... are you serious? Really? Nazism created a religion that's about a thousand years its senior?

You still make whatever teachingscyou had look bad which is orobably why you can't be honest to your belief.
I'm assuming you mean what religion you think I follow by "whatever teachings you had". I'm an atheist, though it's less of a conviction than being able to look around and see that your kind of god clearly doesn't exist. There are no great miracles or voices from the sky. Israel's enemies aren't being beaten into submission by divine plagues and curses. The historical record bears no cases of things like this ever actually happening. My "teachings" ultimately come down to humanity being a literal and highly incestuous and dysfunctional family*, that there are few religions that have not been the direct cause of human misery, and there are even fewer that would not justify it for the cause if given the opportunity.

*When I say this I'm not saying that "we are all one". It's not about hippy bullshit. I'm saying that you are literally my distant cousin and, were we both to look hard enough into our genealogy, we could find each other (and probably find each other in multiple places).

So pedro you are equating the idea of repairing the world with the goals isis has...i find that..... Disturbing.....
Yeah, basically. Talk to a terrorist. Read their literature. I highly recommend bin Ladin's writings on the subject. They are fighting for nothing less than the establishment of world peace and universal brotherhood and harmony, and they're willing to rape and murder as many people as it takes to make this dream come true. The means may seem directly counter to the end to us, but it makes total sense in their eyes. Islam is submission to the will of Allah. Allah knows what's best for us and wants us to be happy and our societies to be peaceful. Clearly if we submit to the will of Allah then we will be happy and our society will be peaceful. Those who do not submit to the will of Allah just as clearly will not be happy and will prevent society from being peaceful. The simplest course of action is to cause those people to submit, or at least remove them from society so everyone remaining will be happy and peaceful. The optimum resolution to the problem would be for them to embrace submission and the resultant happiness in this life and salvation in the next of their own free will. If this does not happen then less optimum solutions must be found. Sure, you're murdering them in this life, but you're furthering the cause of Allah, improving society, and possibly even motivating the remaining disbelievers to embrace happiness and Heaven. That really is how they think. You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet and a few people to repair humanity.

it is true that everything has a doubledged sword... And that some fruit is poisonous and not good but most fruit is excellent for you and is needed for a good healthy life... Planting a tree is not evil in its own way and the motive of the planter should be looked at.. There is always evil in the world and greed but it is much better to repair something without destroying it and cleansing it like isis is doing.... So no the goals are not the same as one wishes to bulldoze it and strip it bare while the other wants to take what is there and make it work better and nurture it too become more then it was before....
I can see a few problems here. You talk about taking what's there and making it better. For whom, though? If it remained the way it is then clearly it was doing someone good, even if that someone wasn't yourself. You talk about not judging the motive of one who planted the tree, but you don't know what kind of tree it is until the work is accomplished and blooming. Ultimately my problem with this goal - whether inspired by Islam or Judaism - is the sheer number of harmful actions taken to for the goal of improving a situation, with it just assumed that it would be great for everyone because it would be great for the real beneficiary.
Ok thanks for sharing your ideology now I can properly address your comments and correct any miss perceptions you might have.
reply1: Rome through Christianity is trying to convince the Jewish rebellion to their authority that this is a Jewish figure, thus they'd like them to think this is Jewish fulfillment and an extension born out of the Jewish religion, but it's not. Even what was swallowed up as part of Christianity was saying Rome was forming a one world religion using a false prophet in their day and age they were saying it was occuring. Rome lifted high the harlot's son. Hence called the Harlot church.
Yeshu son of Mary of 100 bc the one stoned and "hanged on a tree" on passover was the one venerated by Rome because he was half Roman (father was Roman soldier Pantheras)
and because his Hanotzrim cult already believed in sun worship and underworld teachings making it easy to converge with the mystery religions.
This is why Matthew says Joseph had a mind to divorce her quietly, (he didn't want her to be stoned.)
This is why the RCC that lifts high the harlot, is called the harlot church. Conclusion: Christianity is not born out Jewish ideology, Jesus rmtaught his kingdom in death Jews teach it in life. Huge Philosophocal differences.
But once again, if they had the commands and not the scam that Jesus fulfilled them the mess they left would not exist, so the get out of jail free card in Jesus caused what? The wars, the murders, the mostly cross tatoos & necklaces worn in prison? You inadvertantly validated Judaism and Tikkun Olam in your excuses for the Christian tyrany. Let's face it, if the God of the Hebrews and ideology were the same then why would they Kill, torture, crusade, spend millions to convert Yhwh worshipers to Jesus if they are claimed one in the
same? Rome had used Jesus (the morning star) as a mask for Baal worship who's son was the morning star.

reply2: no I am saying Crusades caused the Muslims to be seclusive(closed society) in protection mode thus survival mode that us against them gang mentality and affiliation pride that leads to the problems we see today.
Before the historical first crusades were similar military crusades which is what forced the creation of the faith by Arabs and people not able to protect themselves including some Jews, Persians, Zoroastrians etc in the first place. It was formed to protect them from Christian radicalism.
The Nazis influence in Jihaadist is the Propaganda of hate and displacement learned by the head Mufti Arafat's uncle who fled towards Berlin. Nazis learned it from the Synods. To large of a post but examples:
The Synod of Clement (535) parallels the law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service (Nazi Germany -1933) by disallowing Jews from holding public office. Islamic nations even mimic this today.

The Synod of Ofen (1279) forbade Christians from selling or renting real estate to Jews. In 1939 a Nazi decree mandated the sale of Jewish real estate. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis, but also this trickled to some of Islam. List is way to long- you can find it under my name in a former forum post.

Reply3) Atheism is problematic:
you proved that your concepts,definitions,precepts are tainted and defiled by Christian bastardization of Judaic terms and values. In laymen terms not only are Christians poisoned and deceived but so too are secular society and even some Jews stuck in such influential ignorance. The Sages are trying to take that idol and mythical deity worshiping society into a more rational transhumanist ideology. Instead of idols, planets, figures and forms they were describing the power & source of life to be more finite as an Essence thus described in the holy city as Shalem=completeness & wholeness(to evolve/progress to all we could & should be).
Atheists have the same naturalist humanist view however they fail to describe that nature nor record how it operates to help us keep in line or in tune with our created purpose. Without defining this Essence we can't know without being subjective if we are in line or opposing it, in good or in evil, right or wrong. light or darkness? Without definition we can't reflect or manifest that Essence thus your complaint about the world being out of tune and not progressing to where it should be,
the Tikkun Olam in the Olam Habah.
The world to come takes longer & longer & passes your life times by because you never do the necessary things in repairing the world and making it that paradise.
You proved/validated Tikkun Olam while showing the opposing Rome created faith failed & subverted the repair by making the kingdom in death, and how Atheism failed and perhaps helped maintain this status quo, otherwise Voltaire's words on the end of the scam in his lifetime would have held true.
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I've always been puzzled by this doctrine. Supposedly it's about healing and repairing the world to a perfect state that never actually was. The words themselves translate exactly to that - to repair, improve, renew. The words themselves have been meaningless though. The concept they name has been used to justify many, many harmful attempts to do so, from the creation and nurturing of Communism and the Bolshevik regime to legalizing post-birth abortion to fighting for the destruction of the nuclear family. It even played a role in quite a few of the atomic spies at Los Alamos (you know, the ones the left still refuses to admit happily gave the KGB nuclear weapons data) deciding to betray their country. Is this doctrine really even about its alleged "healing and improving" at all, or is it just one of those ideas that sound great in theory but tend to lead people to supporting the most evil shit for the imagined greater good?

"How to fill an entire paragraph without saying anything" for dummies.

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