Tide turns against ANTIFA as media attempts to protect domestic terrorists fails spectacularly


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Tide Turns Against Antifa As Media Attempts To Protect Domestic Terrorists, Fails Spectacularly
When President Trump criticized "both sides" after the tragic events in Charlottesville, VA, referencing the hatred and bigotry of the white supremacists and the violence of the Antifa groups, the media, in a rush to defend Antifa groups and harm the President, made the same mistake they have made during the entire "Trump era." - They elevated his message to the point where Americans heard it, rather than their spin, and now we are seeing the tide turn against Antifa and the establishment media.

If the clueless had any idea how severely MSM controls and dictates what you think you know we wouldn't have such leftist idiots like ANTIFA, and these leftist morons whose only world of information comes from CNN, FB, and the clueless cancer they all feed off of.


Fake News: Reuters Issues Retraction after Labeling Antifa ‘Peace Activists’

Left-leaning media outlet Reuters was forced to issue a retraction Wednesday after labeling violent demonstrators outside a Trump rally in Phoenix “peace activists.”

A tweet sent out from the news agency’s official Twitter account Tuesday night claimed, “Pro-Trump supporters face off with peace activists during protests outside a Trump rally in Phoenix.”
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It's so funny, because everyone knows. The internet made us all know. :lmao:

Well when we have a world wide library anybody filled with stupidity follows the wrong sources and sites.

There is plenty of denial other wise we would have so many morons who voted for Obama, wanted Clinton, have no clue about anything historical etc. ....
This Trump voter panel nails it with the interviewer from CNN.

“I didn’t see anything wrong with it. He addressed the problem.” said Bobby Viera, of Trump’s original remarks. “Let’s face the reality. There are problems on both sides.”

“Do you think that neo-Nazis and white supremacists are the same as those who are protesting them?” asked Camerota.

“I think it’s ridiculous to have me choose between Hitler and Stalin which is what I consider both groups are.”

“Why are the people who turned out to protest Nazis, why are they Stalin to you?” Camerota inquired.

“The ANTIFA group to me is totally a very ‘Stalin-ish’ kind of group. If you’re willing to set fires and burn places to the ground that doesn’t sound like a very peaceful group to me. They’re both the same evil.”

Viera was likely referring to the burning riots that ANTIFA protester instigated at Berkeley in February though Camerota correctly pointed out that, they had been more peaceful during the Virginia violence."

NOTE; Check out what the interviewer points out in the last sentence. :lol: Basically saying ANTIFA was less violent than at Berkeley for crying out loud.

The CNN Trump Voter Panel Returns — Nazis and ANTIFA Like ‘Hitler and Stalin’
Let's see. A group of crazies hold a rally filled with hate speech and a group of masked and armed thugs attacks them. How could we think both sides are at fault?
Let's see. A group of crazies hold a rally filled with hate speech and a group of masked and armed thugs attacks them. How could we think both sides are at fault?
But when we frame what happened in that way, the crazies have won.

There were a lot of good people on both sides that peacefully protested the statues removal and on the other side that protested in favor of the removal, BUT THE PRESS IGNORE THE PEACEFUL PROTESTERS to sell the most 'entertaining' part which was the fighting and cursing back and forth.

This is exactly what Soros and David Dukle would want as well as Antifa.

The Extremists win when all we do is discuss the extremists.
It's so funny, because everyone knows. The internet made us all know. :lmao:

Well when we have a world wide library anybody filled with stupidity follows the wrong sources and sites.

There is plenty of denial other wise we would have so many morons who voted for Obama, wanted Clinton, have no clue about anything historical etc. ....
no insane trumptard should be insulting anyone who voted for smarter, saner people

now go back to your infowars, snookie. reality isn't your thing.
“Pro-Trump supporters face off with peace activists during protests outside a Trump rally in Phoenix.”
no insane trumptard should be insulting anyone who voted for smarter, saner people

now go back to your infowars, snookie. reality isn't your thing.
Candidate Trump filled auditoriums and arenas while your creepy candidate Hillary Clinton couldn't fill a high school gymnasium that was sectioned off in half.

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