Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
A mysterious flying object was observed in countries in the Middle East such as Israel, Syria and Iran late Thursday night, prompting a flurry of social media activity and videos uploaded to YouTube.

Middle East UFO: Mysterious Light Over Israel, Syria, Confirmed To Be Russian Missile Test (VIDEOS)

The strange light, which some observers said swirled around and looked like smoke, was also reportedly seen in Jordan, according to a journalist there who shared a picture on Twitter.


The story is reminiscent of a swirling light seen in Norway in December 2009, which ended up being a Russian missile test. At the time, The Sun quoted Russian defense analyst Pavel Felgenhauer as saying, “Such lights and clouds appear when a missile fails.”

That also may have been the case here, as Ynet reported Russia's Defense Ministry confirmed an intercontinental ballistic missile test tonight.

The Jerusalem Post's Yaakov Lappin had a similar report, tweeting, "Mysterious light explained. Russia announces it carried out successful inter-continental ballistic missile test."
It was Mohammad's space ship. He's coming back to collect all the Muslims and take them to the area that they have all of those virgins locked up for safekeeping.
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72 virgins. Now THATS a religion to die for. Viagra, don't leave this earth without it.

It was Mohammad's space ship. He's coming back to collect all the Muslims and take them to the area that they have all of those virgins locked up for safekeeping.
A mysterious flying object was observed in countries in the Middle East such as Israel, Syria and Iran late Thursday night, prompting a flurry of social media activity ...

Has rdean strapped himself to a lawn chair with Helium balloons again?
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Uncle Ferd says now would be a good time to test dat European missile shield an' knock it outta the sky...
Iran test firing long-range and other missiles
July 2nd, 2012 : Iran will test-fire missiles during "war games" this week, the semiofficial Mehr News Agency reported.
The three-day exercise, which began Monday, will target desert bases made to look like airbases of "extra-regional powers," the agency said. "During the war games, long-range, medium-range, and short-range missiles will be used and will be fired from different points across the country at 100 designated targets," Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh told reporters, according to Mehr.

The point of the exercises, he said, is to give experts the chance to assess the "precision and efficiency of warheads and missile systems," the agency reported. The announcement came the same day that an embargo of Iranian oil from the European Union takes effect. The full embargo and other sanctions are meant to pressure Iran into giving up its nuclear program. Some 80% of Iran's foreign revenues are derived from oil exports,

Iran has repeatedly insisted that its nuclear program is for peaceful, civilian energy purposes only. But it has rebuffed demands to halt its production of enriched uranium, and a November 8 report by the United Nations' nuclear watchdog found "credible" information that Tehran has carried out work toward nuclear weapons -- including tests of possible bomb components.


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