Throughout The World, Many Are Writing Of Freedoms Taken For Granted


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
If I wasn't so lazy, I'd find more examples, but here is an immediate action one:

Links at site:

May 07, 2006
Alaa Arrested

Egyptian blogger and democracy activist Alaa has been arrested by Egyptian authorities, and worse. I'll let Sandmonkey say it in his own words:

Alaa, blogger, co-founder of the egyptian blog aggregator Manalaa and democracy activist, got arrested today during a protest to support the Judiciary's branch fight for independence. He, and about 10 others, were rounded up in the street, beaten up and thrown in a police car. Amongst those who got arrested were at least 3 girls, and the police beat up at least another 2 girls as well.

The way it worked, the police made sure to press the demonstartors close to the egyptian musem, where they cordoned them and wouldn't let them leave, while continiously hurling insults at them. The demonstartors tried to get the police to let them go for half an hour, but no avail. The Police cordon then opend where a group of plainly dressed police officers and thugs rushed in and started beating up the demonstartors and dragging them on the asphalt till they threw them in the police vehicles. The Police also made sure that none of the satalite news channels would be able to get video footage of what they did by not allowing the press to come close and keeping them away the entire time.

Now, I don't know that this will be just a one night arrest thing or if they will try to make an example out of him and keep him arrested for a while. I am still waiting on that piece of news. But by all the gods in heaven, if they keep him more than another day I will start my own campaign and will not rest till we free him like we did AbdelKarim. I will be damned if we let the regime get away with this. So, readers, if things come to that, we will need your help. The Committe to protect bloggers is no more , we are on our own and the regime is getting more desperate, paranoid and brutal by the minute. We will most certainly need your support to get him out, but let's just hope it doesn't come to that.

Let's hope not. We can help by speaking out against Alaa's arrest and making every effort to have our voice heard. Send your concerns to the US Embassy in Cairo using this e-mail address.

UPDATE: Tigerhawk also notices.

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