Three Years Of Iran Building Nukes,Why Hasn't Obama Spoken To America On The Crisis ?

He speaks to America all the time. Just last night he gave a campaign speech.

And the fact that this is never brought up on the news. Has anyone ever heard an anchor complain or mention that Obama has yet to bring up a news conference regarding Iran in the process of building nuclear weapons? Has Obama ever mention it to his supporters during his rallies?
And this is our leader? This would be like the Kennedy Administration never mentioning the Cuba Missile Crisis to America.
What's Obama Afraid Of ? Losing the "Muslim Terrorist Vote"? Or maybe he's too embarrassed to tell his 40% of supporters that Iran might bomb Israel or maybe even the USA?
Have you ever seen a President who avoids speaking of a nuclear crisis on top of all the other crisis's he's created? And what happens when Iran starts testing bombs? or send one in the direction of Israel? Will he just stay silent and beat up on Mitt Romney Instead?

People like you got us into Iraq.

Go sit in the corner with Wolfowitz and color.
Three Years Of Iran Building Nukes,Why Hasn't Obama Spoken To America On The Crisis?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......'cause it's more "conservative"-style/WMD


"U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta let slip on Sunday the big open secret that Washington war hawks don’t want widely known: Iran is not developing nuclear weapons."

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