Three Reasons Paul Ryan Makes the U.S. a Better Investment


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Three Reasons Paul Ryan Makes the U.S. a Better Investment - Bloomberg
Choosing Ryan shows Republicans are serious about something the markets do care about: budgets. Romney is a numbers guy. Ryan is a numbers guy, too... In his willingness to sacrifice political diversity on the presidential ticket, Romney is saying he cares more about markets than marketing.

The budget is finally going get the prime air time it has long been denied... Romney's choice of a candidate with baggage demonstrates courage. Where other candidates avoid Social Security, Ryan says: "This is your third rail? Let me step on it." Together, Romney and Ryan will make clear they're determined to cut the budget, reducing the uncertainty investors routinely say is a deterrent.

Legislation that affects budgets is likely to come sooner if Romney and Ryan win. And markets like sooner -- the faster the law comes, the shorter the period of uncertainty.
Romney / Ryan = Less government, less spending, free market economy, less regulations, more individual responsibility, smaller government, FREEDOM.

obama / biden = massive government growth of power, massive spending, massive growth of debt, over regulation, out of touch, socialists, radical liberal social agenda, anti Christian, political correctness run amok, racist, corrupt and blatantly un American.

If you truly love America and want to see it returned to it's once world leading glory, and want to see the size, scope and tyrannical agenda of government rolled back, the choice is clear.

the Markets have been if anything underwhelmed by the business as usual Romney / Ryan ticket.

"HOW" is not a native american greeting, it's "HOW" the hell do Romney/Ryan plan to save medicare with vouchers and balance the budget with more tax cuts for the rich and cuts in entitlements programs and services and create 12 million jobs. I am hearing they will do this or that but not how they will do it.
the Markets have been if anything underwhelmed by the business as usual Romney / Ryan ticket.


As if there are any measurement markers before taking office.

Oh wait there is. It is called contributions to the campaign.

Well sorry sucked........
Three Reasons Paul Ryan Makes the U.S. a Better Investment - Bloomberg
Choosing Ryan shows Republicans are serious about something the markets do care about: budgets. Romney is a numbers guy. Ryan is a numbers guy, too... In his willingness to sacrifice political diversity on the presidential ticket, Romney is saying he cares more about markets than marketing.

The budget is finally going get the prime air time it has long been denied... Romney's choice of a candidate with baggage demonstrates courage. Where other candidates avoid Social Security, Ryan says: "This is your third rail? Let me step on it." Together, Romney and Ryan will make clear they're determined to cut the budget, reducing the uncertainty investors routinely say is a deterrent.

Legislation that affects budgets is likely to come sooner if Romney and Ryan win. And markets like sooner -- the faster the law comes, the shorter the period of uncertainty.
LIke Jesus said about speading the good news. You can plant the seed but GOD makes it grow. You can build a business but it takes consumers and the economy to make it a success. And your business will depend on many government things in place. Federal, state and local.
A actress,etc the wins an academy award, thanks lots of people for the award. NO man is an island.
1. The emphasis will be put back on the economy where it should be

2. The dominance of the race will be on the track record of the Obama administration on ethe economy.

3. It may put Wisconsin in as a swing state.

Ryan ... a great choice!
Ryan - a yay vote for stimulus and tarp.

He's a big $pending Republican, just like the D's and his party mates.
Funny that neither of these "numbers guys" have been able to come up with even ONE number.

When asked, they run away.

But that's to be expected. One is a pub, the other a pot and that's what they do.

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