Thousands rally to pull troops from 2 war zones


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
WASHINGTON (AP) — Thousands of protesters — many directing their anger squarely at President Barack Obama — marched through the nation's capital Saturday to urge immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

At least eight people, including activist Cindy Sheehan, were arrested by U.S. Park Police at the end of the march, after laying coffins at a fence outside the White House. Friday marked the seventh anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

"Arrest that war criminal!" Sheehan shouted outside the White House before her arrest, referring to Obama.

At a rally before the march, Sheehan asked whether "the honeymoon was over with that war criminal in the White House" — an apparent reference to Obama — prompting moderate applause.

Thousands rally to pull troops from 2 war zones - Knology
Activist Ralph Nader told thousands who gathered in Lafayette Park across from the White House that Obama has essentially continued the policies of the Bush administration, and it was foolish to have thought otherwise.

"He's kept Guantanamo open, he's continued to use indefinite detention," Nader said. The only real difference, he said is that "Obama's speeches are better."
So true.
Guess all the Bush haters are busy high-fiving their health care bill.

I guess Cindy Sheehan has suddenly become a hero in the eyes of Republicans.

Wait a minute....a few months ago, it was pointed out that the anti-war protesters and Cindy Sheehan had disappeared, meaning they were all about bashing Bush and really didn't care about ending the war.
Now that Obama is President, I am 100% in support of the wars.

And I think that they should continue indefinitely.
I have been against the Iraq war since before it started.
The Afganistan war has been going on far too long.
Gitmo should have never been used for detainees.
My positions on these issues have never changed.
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