Those damn chads!


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2003
Ohio voting system sparks lawsuit

Pregnant and hanging chads caused confusion in the 2000 US election
A US civil liberty group is suing Ohio for violating voters' rights by failing to scrap punch-card ballots.
In the first case of its kind to come to tribunal, the American Civil Liberties Union is taking the state to court over the voting system.

The low-tech system - where voters make a hole in a card, removing a small square called a "chad" - caused uproar during the 2000 US presidential poll.

Confusion over the clarity of the paper voting system led to a major overhaul.

Now the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) says it wants all punch-card ballots in the state to be removed before the upcoming presidential election in November.

Low-tech chads

"Every voter in Ohio should be able to have confidence that his or her vote will be accurately counted by the election technology," Meredith Bell, a lawyer with the ACLU's Voting Rights Project, says in a statement on the group's website.

In the last presidential elections, nearly 94,000 people living in Ohio had their ballots rejected because their chads were still partly attached to the ballot paper.

Following the "hanging chads" fiasco, the US Congress approved a $3.9bn overhaul of the nation's voting system.

But, the ACLU says, few of the very latest electronic voting systems - including touch-screen voting - have arrived in Ohio, where some 69 of the state's 88 counties still use the punch-card ballot system.

Ohio says it hopes to introduce the new technology by 2005 and blames security flaws for the delay.

African-American voters are particularly affected by the current voting system, the ACLU says, but the state denies this.

"It's our position that the state has not denied the right to vote to anybody and the evidence will be able to show that," Rich Coglianese, a lawyer defending the state, told the Associated Press news agency.



Why are AFrican Americans paticularly affected by this? :confused:
(Big D... no need to reply.... I know your response)
"African-American voters are particularly affected by the current voting system, the ACLU says.....".

Now, wait a minute. Just what the hell is the ACLU trying to say?
musicman said:
"African-American voters are particularly affected by the current voting system, the ACLU says.....".

Now, wait a minute. Just what the hell is the ACLU trying to say?

it is their subtle way of saying African Americans are stoopide. If I were black, I might be mad. But then again. . . .
I hate to belabor the obvious(especially when it doesn't do any damn good), but if a conservative group had said something like this.....oh, hell - what's the use?
lilcountriegal said:
Ohio voting system sparks lawsuit

But, the ACLU says, few of the very latest electronic voting systems - including touch-screen voting - have arrived in Ohio, where some 69 of the state's 88 counties still use the punch-card ballot system.

Ohio says it hopes to introduce the new technology by 2005 and blames security flaws for the delay.

African-American voters are particularly affected by the current voting system, the ACLU says, but the state denies this.

"It's our position that the state has not denied the right to vote to anybody and the evidence will be able to show that," Rich Coglianese, a lawyer defending the state, told the Associated Press news agency.



Why are AFrican Americans paticularly affected by this? :confused:
(Big D... no need to reply.... I know your response)

Now there's a damn good question. Is it now the position of the ACLU that blacks are somehow less capable of deciphering the ballot than others?? Sounds pretty racist to me.

As for the electronic touch screen "upgrade", if it ain't on paper, I don't trust it.
What I wanna know is, how many years did people just go in an mark their ballots with a good old american #2 yellow pencil? Does anyone remember anything about hanging, dimpled or pregnant chads then?

This article does appear racist, becasue it left out any mention of Floridians.
In a perfect world:

Defense Attorney for the State of Ohio= I would like to, at this time, draw the court's attention to the text written inside the voting booklet, and indeed on the ballot itself, where it instructs the voter to punch out and completely remove any remaining paper from the ballot.

Thank you.

Judge= Case dismissed. I order the ACLU to pay any and all court expenses and attendant attorney fees. Next.
Anyone want to sue the aclu for their racist attitudes? Im sure we could get money.

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