This is why liberals are evil

Most People 'In Bed With Absolute Evil'...
Beck: Most Americans ‘in bed with absolute evil’ and ‘worshiping Baal’
Conservative commentator Glenn Beck recently declared that most people were “in bed with absolute evil” because America was becoming a more secular society and getting away from conservative principles taught by the Bible.
In a Thursday segment of the Christian television show Life Today, Beck and a group of panelists explained that many Americans had forgotten that the country’s Founders had created a Christian nation. “One of the problems we have even as Christians is I’ll guarantee you most Christians cannot tell you the two parables Jesus taught about capital gains tax, nor can the tell you the four verses in the Bible that condemn the estate tax, nor can they tell you what Jesus said in Matthew 20 about minimum wage,” evangelical Christian minister David Martin, who is a former co-chair of the Texas Republican Party, explained. “We let the secular people tell us how economics is supposed to be run. God told us how to run economics.”

“Most people don’t know they’re being used by evil,” Beck agreed. “And some are — some do know. But most people don’t have any idea that they are in bed with absolute evil. It’s not a Republican-Democrat thing. This is evil that is happening right now. And we have to call evil by its name.” “I really think we are a society globally that is now worshiping Baal,” he added, referring to one of many ancient Semitic fertility gods, which Christians consider to be a demon. “We’re not doing it consciously, but we are doing it. We’re worshiping Baal.”

“Jeremiah was dealing with the problem of Baal,” televangelist host James Robison noted. “And they were facing the Babylonian captivity, which we might parallel that to the radical Islam coming in and forcing and imposing and if you don’t believe they kill you. And they were actually thinking about, as Jeremiah tells you, about going back to Pharaoh. And in the true sense of the word, we’re trying to get government bigger, we’re getting a bigger Pharaoh as though it’s going to protect us from the Babylonians, from this world power coming to take us over.”

What the Sandford police nothing short of criminal. All involved in the investigation, except the lead who wanted to charge him..should resign..and apologize to the family and community.

They should never ever work in law enforcement again.

It wasn't the police that let Zimmerman go.

It was the DA's office.

Zimmerman's father is a retired judge.

He pulled strings at the DA's office and got hm off.

The police have an obligation to the public. At the very least they should have gone above their heads..or done some whistleblowing.

Maybe they did. A lot of details got out on this story before the state acted.
Here is a chance to calm racial tensions and a white President would not be able to do this, but a black President has the perfect opportunity to lead by example and help heal some of the anger felt by blacks but instead he stays mum because if he says anything in opposition to the threats being made to Zimmerman, blacks will be angry with him and might hold back from voting for him.

And the racial tension right now is really dangerous. And it's not only white black but now Hispanic tension.

The new black panther leader (eyeroll) has admitted that they hate whites and will not follow "the white man's law".

And Obama says nothing, except to fuel the flame by saying Trayvon could've looked like his son.
so that makes ALL Liberals evil?....or does it just mean that Obama aint much of a leader?....

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