This is why liberals are evil


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
Here is a chance to calm racial tensions and a white President would not be able to do this, but a black President has the perfect opportunity to lead by example and help heal some of the anger felt by blacks but instead he stays mum because if he says anything in opposition to the threats being made to Zimmerman, blacks will be angry with him and might hold back from voting for him.

And the racial tension right now is really dangerous. And it's not only white black but now Hispanic tension.

The new black panther leader (eyeroll) has admitted that they hate whites and will not follow "the white man's law".

And Obama says nothing, except to fuel the flame by saying Trayvon could've looked like his son.
You do make an interesting point. This is a good time for him to demonstrate himself as a leader. Call for people to let the justice system take it's course. Sow kindness. Etc.

I dont know that what he said actually fueled the flame though.
Here is a chance to calm racial tensions and a white President would not be able to do this, but a black President has the perfect opportunity to lead by example and help heal some of the anger felt by blacks but instead he stays mum because if he says anything in opposition to the threats being made to Zimmerman, blacks will be angry with him and might hold back from voting for him.

And the racial tension right now is really dangerous. And it's not only white black but now Hispanic tension.

The new black panther leader (eyeroll) has admitted that they hate whites and will not follow "the white man's law".

And Obama says nothing, except to fuel the flame by saying Trayvon could've looked like his son.

This is why you are stupid.
Only Fox and the dupes care what the NBPP says about ANYTHING. They only EXIST on Fox LOL. Idiots looking for controversy and division.
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Where are the Repubs? Why are they not demanding an arrest and a fair trial of Zimmerman? Why are the rw's on this forum making excuses and mealy mouthing about how Zimmerman is the real victim even though the video shows not even a hint of the horrible injuries he says he sustained?

What is evil is that a child was killed, law enforcement knows who did it but there has been no arrest or trial. THAT is evil and against everything our country was founded on and supposedly stands for.
This is why you are stupid.

No rebuttal to the points in the OP, just you calling somebody "stupid".
I'm not impressed

It's easier to insult. Though, I can't say the original post helped that much. I don't really think this is any sort of evidence that liberals are evil, or even that Obama is evil.

Not a leader? Yes. Evil no.

Of course, we might need to establish a standard definition of evil before I could make a final determination.
Only Fox and the dupes care what the NBPP says about ANYTHING. They on;y EXIST on Fox LOL. Idiots looking for controversy and division.

They exist outside Fox. i rather care when anyone threatens others. I dont particularly like it.

Were people to cease being violent and making threats, as well as committing other crimes, I would happily find another job.
Where are the Repubs? Why are they not demanding an arrest and a fair trial of Zimmerman? Why are the rw's on this forum making excuses and mealy mouthing about how Zimmerman is the real victim even though the video shows not even a hint of the horrible injuries he says he sustained?

What is evil is that a child was killed, law enforcement knows who did it but there has been no arrest or trial. THAT is evil and against everything our country was founded on and supposedly stands for.

Because we dont usually encourage the government to arrest people who, from the evidence, appear to be innocent of any wrong doing. Especially not for political purposes.
Where are the Repubs? Why are they not demanding an arrest and a fair trial of Zimmerman? Why are the rw's on this forum making excuses and mealy mouthing about how Zimmerman is the real victim even though the video shows not even a hint of the horrible injuries he says he sustained?

What is evil is that a child was killed, law enforcement knows who did it but there has been no arrest or trial. THAT is evil and against everything our country was founded on and supposedly stands for.

It's not a political issue, and people shouldn't be arrested for political issues despite your intention to turn it into a political issue.
Evil? Really? Could we possibly lay of the hyperbole? Everyone, just for twenty four hours maybe?

Oh how I would love that day.

But it would require people choose to be humble and civil towards one another. That's not easy to do. Even for people who are trying to, like I do.

I think I need to step it up a notch and do better.
No rebuttal to the points in the OP, just you calling somebody "stupid".
I'm not impressed

stupid doesn't deserve rebuttal...

i'm not impressed with the o/p.


It is duly noted that squinch and you didn't rebut the OP with your superior intelligence.
Just saying.

What is there to rebut. Using Obama's remarks to illustrate that liberals are evil is stupid. If you can't fathom that then you must be stupid.
Just sayin'.
Here is a chance to calm racial tensions and a white President would not be able to do this, but a black President has the perfect opportunity to lead by example and help heal some of the anger felt by blacks but instead he stays mum because if he says anything in opposition to the threats being made to Zimmerman, blacks will be angry with him and might hold back from voting for him.

And the racial tension right now is really dangerous. And it's not only white black but now Hispanic tension.

The new black panther leader (eyeroll) has admitted that they hate whites and will not follow "the white man's law".

And Obama says nothing, except to fuel the flame by saying Trayvon could've looked like his son.

so he says nothing, but says something.

You are a fucking moron...Seriously grade A stupid.

You're criticizing her for using a common phrase?
stupid doesn't deserve rebuttal...

i'm not impressed with the o/p.


It is duly noted that squinch and you didn't rebut the OP with your superior intelligence.
Just saying.

What is there to rebut. Using Obama's remarks to illustrate that liberals are evil is stupid. If you can't fathom that then you must be stupid.
Just sayin'.

Quite a bit actually. She was wrong about a few things. I pointed them out. She also did make a very good point.

Not sure why you can't have a conversation without insults, yeah, she needs to work on that too. But shouldn't we be trying to raise the level of discussion regardless of what others say rather than using their behavior to justify lowering our standards?

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